Why is it useful to wear a hat in cold weather?
Scalp of an adult is 10% of the entire surface of the body, so the heat escapes from the body to a great extent through the head. In cold weather, many people go without a hat, and this is extremely dangerous and can cause a variety of respiratory diseases.
Not only cool, but also could lead to a rise in temperature of cerebral vasospasm. As a result - a violation of thermodynamics and the central control for all devices, and as a result - pain in the liver, stomach and heart. To avoid this, it is necessary not only to wear a hat in the street, but also to take a warm hat indoors or underground. Any weather, you can go without a hat?
It depends on the individual, on his experiences from the time he was in the street, from the wind and humidity. There are people who wear a hat in the slightest cold wave, because without it, they feel uncomfortable, and you could catch a cold. But there are those who suffer cold easily. However, from the viewpoint of Medicine is the lowest temperature at which it is possible to go without a hat - is minus 5º C, moreover, in dry weather calm. If snow, rain, or the wind is blowing, it is necessary to wear a hat and at a temperature of zero. Second president of hypothermia dangerous?
First we need to pay attention to the fact that hypothermia leads to a general decline in immunity, resulting in the body begin to multiply actively pathogenic microbes.
As a result, increases the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of acute inflammatory processes - for example, active herpes infection. If a person is suffering from chronic diseases in the nasopharynx, the infection can enter the bloodstream and from there, crossing safety barriers - in the central nervous system. Increasingly, a decline in the body's resistance is also the risk of a life-threatening inflammation of the meninges - meningitis (as opposed to opinion, not directly related to the prevailing hypothermia, but is spread mainly through infectious).
Susceptible to hypothermia and some organs of the body. The ears are the most sensitive to cold ears. They were the first to hurt and hurt. Long hair thick for them - the lack of protection. Moreover, even the President of lush hair can not keep the icy wind that ears felt a sharp pain. It happens when a person enters the building to warm with the head frozen, and it becomes very painful - the effect of temperature contrast.
To work or study in this case is extremely difficult. Those who are after a bath or a swimming pool in a hurry in the street, and not a dry well head, ears, and not wearing a hat, and a lot of risk. Evaporation of moisture in the cold takes additional heat from the skin - as a result, may develop an ear infection or boil in the external auditory canal. Due to hypothermia and cerebral vasospasm feeding disorder of the auditory nerve, why there is noise in the ears and hearing is reduced dramatically.
If you are too lazy to go to the otolaryngologist and the start of treatment in the first day after the onset of symptoms, and develops a continuation of sensorineural hearing loss. Do not suffer the loss of the auditory nerve blood supply, and because of this the death of hair cells in the inner ear - the cochlea, and recovered, and doctors still do not know how the nasopharynx, audio clips, and congestion of the mucous membranes, tonsils, pharynx are very close to each other. If infection inflamed some one authority immediately go and the rest of the world. As a result, there may be acute otitis media, sore throat or runny nose, sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses, sinusitis). If a person has a source and more chronic infections, such as chronic inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), then it may be exacerbated Chairman cooling, accompanied by a rise in temperature. In addition, on the wings of the nose and ears are the projection of the internal organs. Head cooling can lead to a reflex spasm of vessels of internal organs and cause angina or asthma. Hair long (over 10 minutes) of exposure to the cold without a hat leads to a spasm of blood vessels that nourish the hair follicles. Because of these nutrition than twice the hair follicles, making the hair becomes thin, brittle and dull. But a lot depends on genetics:
if your hair weak and genetically from hypothermia may begin to decline sharply. If, however, from ancestors got rich Chairman of the hair, and on the quality of the frost will not have a significant impact. However, to go bareheaded and bad in the heat: promote the secretion of fat, hair and get dirty. Therefore it is advisable to wear warm hats winter and summer -. Something light and easy nerves Prime hypothermia can cause facial and trigeminal neuralgia nerve. The fact that vessels narrowed cold on the surface of the head and nerves of blood flow to hang. If you suffer facial nerve, a person can skew the side of the face.
If fueling the trigeminal nerve, the pain will be very strong, "fire." Lack of headwear in the cold can be fraught with many or enhance the appearance of migraine headaches. Walking in cold weather without a hat can cause increased intracranial pressure. While walking in the cold without a hat is less dangerous than, for example, to walk with bare back when you sit low pants and short jacket. Is it really can be particularly harmful to health.
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