
Egyptian Salt Caves... A complementary, fun and relaxing treatment
Egyptian Salt Caves .. A complementary, fun and relaxing treatment Many people seek to turn back, where nature and get rid of the burdens and bustle of modern life and modern …
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Exit the stool in the form of small spherical pieces
Exit the stool in the form of small spherical pieces Sometimes, some people notice a change in the shape of the exit of the stool from the usual shape to the shape of small circu…
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Important signs of the presence of worms in the body
the presence of worms in the body Important signs of the presence of worms in the body Advertising reports that all people are infected with parasites and in need of treatment. …
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How to survive the heat in the apartment
the heat in the apartment How to survive the heat in the apartment When the street temperature rises to 30 ° C, or even higher, our homes begin to call hot furnaces. On warm days, it is very difficult to stay in these rooms. Fort…
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The grief lasts 240 times longer than other emotions.
The grief The grief lasts 240 times longer than other emotions. Human beings undergo many sad and happy feelings and are influenced by each but there are feelings that are more …
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How to clean your ears at home ?
clean your ears at home How to clean your ears at home ? Ear wax is a natural substance produced by the glands in the external auditory canal, which has protective properties, lubrication and bacteria. The main fu…
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Buying vitamins is a waste of money
vitamins Buying vitamins is a waste of money Eat vegetables, exercises, and of course, take vitamins to be healthy - sounds like a simple advice and fairly clear. But not everything is rosy - some dietary supplements with…
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Iodine test to identify iodine deficiency to avoid hypothyroidism
the thyroid gland Iodine test to identify iodine deficiency to avoid hypothyroidism The normal functioning of the thyroid gland affects the functioning of the whole orga…
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Inflammation of painful hand tendons .. but can be treated
Pain of hand tendons Inflammation of painful hand tendons .. but can be treated Hands are the source of human vitality, as we work and communicate with others. The d…
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