
How to clean your ears at home ?

How to clean your ears at home

clean your ears at home

How to clean your ears at home ?

Ear wax is a natural substance produced by the glands in the external auditory 
canal, which has protective properties, lubrication and bacteria.
 The main function of sulfur is to protect the ears from bacteria and other 
external hazards. Why do ear wax accumulate?

 Most of the time, there is slow and orderly migration within the ear canal,
 due to the transfer of sulfur cells and skin from the eardrum to the ear canal, 
where they can be easily removed.

 However, problems can occur when blocking ear wax or accumulating it. It can 

accumulate deeply inside the ear canal, mainly due to the use of cleaning 

materials, such as cotton swabs or cotton swabs, which push the sulfur deep into 

the ear at the end.

People who use ear plugs or hearing aids are also more likely to accumulate ear 

 An excessive amount of earwax can also accumulate due to the narrowing of 

the ear canal due to a type of infection or skin, bone or connective tissue 

disease. Lack of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and magnesium can lead to increased 


How to clean the ears safely?

Signs and symptoms of accumulation of excess ear wax are ear pain, 

congestion, discomfort, noise (ringing) in the ears, temporary hearing loss and 

itching. Anyone with a blockage problem can ask for help from a family doctor or 

otologist to remove earwax.

Pharmacies can also purchase special ear drops for this procedure. At the same 

time, there are many simple folk remedies to remove stiff ear wax from the ears 

at home.

 Salt water

 Saltwater is the best solution to remove earwax that can be used at home. It can 

relieve accumulation within the ear and easily dispose of them.

 Add a teaspoon of salt to half a cup of warm water, stirring until the salt is 

completely dissolved. Dip cotton swab in salt water.
 After that, you should tilt the infected ear to the top and squeeze a few drops of 

salt water into the ear of the cotton ball and stay in the same position for three to 

five minutes.
After that, you need to tilt your head in the other direction to allow the saline to 

drain and clean the outside of the ear with a clean cloth to remove the diluted 


Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another effective treatment for excessive accumulation of 

ear wax. Because of its fluent capacity, peroxide can easily remove earwax and 

particles from the ear canal.

It is necessary to mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water by 1: 1. Fill the pipette 

with this solution, and after the head is tilted, put two or three drops in the ear.
 After a while, you need to tilt your head in the other direction and drain the 


 Using a clean cloth, remove the sulfur near the outer ear.

Baby oil

Three or four drops of baby oil help soften the earwax and make it easier to 

remove. Vinegar and alcohol alcohol acetica blend (1: 1) helps to dissolve ear 


 In addition, alcohol acts as a drying agent and evaporates at low temperature, 

fights vinegar, bacteria and fungus, thus preventing any ear infections.

Warm water

Washing your ears with warm water will also help eliminate excess 

accumulations. Use only clean and filtered water. You should inject a rubber-tip 

syringe with a small amount of water in the ear canal, leave for a minute, and 

then drain by tilting your head.
 Clean the liquid and sulfur residues with a clean cloth.

 olive oil

A few drops of warm olive oil relieves sulfur deposits, and their antiseptic 

properties reduce the risk of ear injury.
Mustard oils and almonds can also be used for this purpose.

 Baking soda

Baking soda is also an effective way to get rid of sulfur stoppers at home. Use 

the soda solution to clean my ears - 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 2 teaspoons 

of water.
 Omega 3 fatty acids One of the most common causes of excessive overeating in 

earwax is the omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. Accordingly, increasing the 

consumption of these biologically active substances can help solve the problem 

of excessive accumulations within the ear.

 In the diet, you must include source products of these acids: walnuts, cod liver 

oil, avocados, salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring. Additional tips: It may be 

necessary to repeat any of these methods several times depending on the 

degree of accumulation of the earwax. In addition,

 there are still some tips on cleaning the ear at home.

- It is prohibited to use pointed objects, as this may lead to injury to the ear drum 

and damage;

- It is not recommended to use cotton swabs and ear sticks, as they contribute to 

the progress of sulfur in the depth of the ear canal;

- Do not use cold water for cleaning, as this may cause dizziness;

- Do not spray water or any liquid in the ear under pressure, which may damage 

the inner ear and the eardrum;

 - It is not allowed to use hot vegetable oil, because it may burn the skin inside 

the ear or eardrum, resulting in injury to the ear;

 - Do not clean your ears too much. If you can not get rid of earwax at home or 

after cleaning, symptoms such as discharge from the ear, acute pain, fever and 

hearing loss, you should consult a specialist

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