
How to remove a tomato stain with clothes, carpet or upholstered furniture
remove a tomato stain remove a tomato stain with clothes, carpet or upholstered furnuitre Tomato is an insidious fruit (and not only because it pretends to be a vegetable). The…
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27 home ideas to make your life easier
home ideas to make your life easier Useful ideas for an easier life If you cut your finger and you don’t have hydrogen peroxide or other means at hand to stop the blood, sprinkle the wound with sugar, the blood will stop immediate…
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33 simple beauty recipes
simple beauty recipes 33 simple beauty recipes To combat wrinkles, lubricate your face with honey. It is useful to apply castor oil around the eyes before going to bed. When hair loss, rub burdock infusion into the scalp.…
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Medical experts: electronic cigarettes - a Trojan horse of tobacco companies
electronic cigarettes - a Trojan horse of tobacco companies electronic cigarettes Researchers have proven that they do not help quit smoking and seriously harm health. The…
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From the sea you can bring an amoeba eating a brain
amoeba Deadly microorganisms have multiplied due to global warming in warmed water Salt seawater is by default considered safer than fresh stagnant water - in the latter, the…
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Myths and truth about the dangers of deodorants
dangers of deodorants dangers of deodorants We try to protect ourselves from sweat with their help, believing that we maintain hygiene. But in fact, every day we expose ourselv…
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Horseradish - the only plant capable of drawing salt through the skin pores
the only plant capable of drawing salt through the skin pores Horseradish is the only plant that can draw salt through the pores of the skin. Horseradish leaves will help to …
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THINGS THAT THE INTERNET KILLED 50 THINGS THAT THE INTERNET KILLED "50 things that the Internet killed" - the article in the newspaper The Daily Telegraph was called, which hit the British audience - several hund…
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Autism in children: symptoms, signs and treatment
The causes and treatment of autism Autism in children: symptoms, signs and treatment Autism is a disease associated with a violation of a person’s social adaptation, spe…
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