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Our ideas about this are complete nonsense. Even doctors and nutritionists have little sense in this.
Medical errors
This was shown by a survey of the British Medical Journal ("British Medical Journal") among doctors, nutritionists and fitness trainers. This is one of the most popular medical science journals in the world. Here are the most common answers:
1) fat is converted into energy,
2) fat is excreted in feces,
3) fat turns into muscles,
4) fat is excreted in sweat and urine.
And where does he really go?
Converting to energy is like the truth, because heat is released during the burning of fat. But where does the carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen go - the bricks of which fat is made?
The feces version doesn't just smell bad. Her supporters do not know the basics of physiology, practically nothing is released from the blood back into the intestines. And if fats again entered the intestinal lumen, this would lead to embarrassment - stool incontinence. This happens when taking medications that block the absorption of fats.
If fat turned into muscle, it would be the dream of bodybuilders. But muscle is a protein in which there must be nitrogen, and in some amino acids there is still sulfur. In fats, these elements are not. Unfortunately, burning fat and building muscle are two different processes.
The version that fat is excreted with sweat seems likely and clear. After all, driving away the extra pounds, we sweat a lot, but mainly water and salts come out through the sweat glands - and never fats.
Secret knowledge
So what really happens with fat when we lose weight? This is described by the psychoendocrinologist and president of the Russian Diabetes Association Mikhail Bogomolov: “The mechanism for the destruction of fats is universal. At the first stage, each molecule of fat under the action of enzymes breaks down into two components - into 3 molecules of fatty acids and 1 molecule of glycerol. They leave fat cells in the blood and are carried throughout the body, entering different cells. But fatty acids cannot just burn, they must get into the mitochondria - these are TPPs of cells in which energy is generated. In them, the combustion of fatty acids occurs. The word "combustion" is appropriate, because, as with any combustion process, fuel is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Fatty acids, as well as glycerin, acting as fuel, must also decompose to these substances under the influence of oxygen. But there are differences. Burning is very fast, and the oxidation of fatty acids is slow - without fire and in stages, with the release of small amounts of energy.
It is important to emphasize that this oxidation requires a very, very large amount of oxygen (see infographic). Therefore, when a person is losing weight, it is important not only to eat little, but also to move a lot. Exercise alone can provide an oxygen supply sufficient for a normal fat burning process.
Unfortunately, this happens infrequently, so a significant part of fatty acids does not completely burn out. Of these, the so-called ketone bodies are formed. This is a whole group of different substances that cause acidification in the body (acidosis). When there are a lot of them, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting appear. Doctors know that with rapid weight loss this happens, so they recommend alkaline mineral waters, vitamins of groups B and E. In such situations, the need for the latter increases greatly, and it can be taken up to 800 mg per day, it is necessary to protect against free radicals in excess formed during oxidation. Therefore, the process of losing extra pounds is always accompanied by strong oxidative stress, and to weaken its destructive effect on mitochondria, you need a lot of vitamin E.
What happens to ketone bodies? They enter the bloodstream and are excreted through the kidneys or skin, giving urine and sweat the smell of acetone, or through the lungs, introducing the smells of rotten apples into the exhaled air. That is, some of the fat residue is excreted in these ways. And the fate of the rest of the final products of fat breakdown, I think, is understandable to many. After all, it is water and carbon dioxide. Who does not know that this gas is released through the lungs when breathing, exchanging for oxygen. Water resulting from the breakdown of fats is mixed with body water and is involved in a host of biochemical reactions. All of them occur in the presence of water, and its excess is excreted in the urine, therefore, and through the lungs in the form of water vapor.
In such ways, fat when losing weight leaves the body, and the intestines have nothing to do with it. Fat also does not turn into muscle, but muscles play a large role in its combustion. Indeed, muscle cells have the most mitochondria, and most of the fatty acids break down in them. ”
By the way
Fat cells (adipocytes) are the main keepers of fat in the body and one of the most unusual cells. Their number throughout life is unchanged - all of them are laid at birth. Only the fat content in them changes. With a large excess of weight, they turn into huge balls, pumped with fat. And the nucleus and other organelles are pressed from the inside to the cell membrane. When a person is losing weight, they seem to be blown away. And for those who periodically sit on diets, and then allow themselves too much, these cycles are repeated many times.
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