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The reasons for the delay of menstruation |
The reasons for the delay of menstruation, except for pregnancy, the test is negative, what should I do?
Delayed menstruation is the absence of cyclical bleeding for more than 35 days in a woman of reproductive age who has not entered the menopause. The reasons for this menstrual dysfunction can be many, they are due to physiological, organic and functional disorders.
As for the age at which there is a delay, it can be different, starting from the period of puberty of the girl and ending with the period of premenopause. Statistics indicate that 100% of women at least once in their lives have encountered this problem.
For what reasons can there be a delay in menstruation?
The reasons for the delay in menstruation for 2-3-4-5 days
The reasons for the delay in menstruation for 10-15 days or more, the test is negative
What is the danger of constant delays in menstruation?
What to do if there is a delay in menstruation?
For what reasons can there be a delay in menstruation?
Naturally, the most common reason that the next menstrual cycle does not start on time is pregnancy. In addition, a woman's taste sensations change, morning nausea and even vomiting can be observed, painful sensations appear in the mammary glands. All these signs are associated with a change in the hormonal background in the body of a woman after conception.
However, pregnancy is an obvious reason for the delay and it is not difficult to determine it using a special test.
If the result is negative, then other reasons should be considered, among which:
Increased emotional stress, for example, severe stress, training load before exams. Do not underestimate the effect of stress on a woman's body. It is capable of causing serious malfunctions in the areas of the brain that are responsible for hormonal regulation. With severe stress, menstruation can stop even for several years.
Increased physical stress associated, for example, with enhanced sports training or difficult working conditions.
Professional occupations in heavy sports.
An early menopause that can occur even at the age of 30. This is most often associated with diseases of the endocrine system.
Radical changes in the usual way of life, for example, a change of job, place of residence, moving to another climatic zone or time zone, etc. In this case, the delay in menstruation is caused by the adaptation of the body to changing conditions.
Gynecological operations performed. In the event that a woman has a delay after surgery, she needs an urgent consultation with a doctor (if the doctor has not previously reported possible failures in the regular cycle).
Genetic diseases.
Diseases of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems.
Changes in hormonal status, which may be associated with the onset of premenopause, with the onset of puberty. Often cycle delays occur in adolescent girls, such delays in the first two years after the onset of menstruation are normal. After this time, the cycle should be established.
Excessive testosterone production in the body. With such a violation, a woman begins to grow hair over her upper lip, in the inguinal region, the skin becomes greasy. Do not hesitate to contact the doctor, as this can ultimately lead to infertility.
Refusal to take hormonal contraceptives. This delay is due to the fact that the functionality of the ovaries decreases against the background of prolonged intake of hormones from the outside. Deviation from the norm in this case is considered the absence of more than 2-3 cycles.
The use of drugs with a high content of hormones, which are used as emergency contraception methods. For example, such means as Postinora, Escapeli, etc.
Violations of the maturation of the follicle, which is expressed in its atresia or persistence.
The period after childbirth, when the delay is due to hormonal changes in connection with the onset of lactation. The body in excess begins to produce prolactin, which helps to suppress the functionality of the ovaries. A woman needs to know that if the baby does not get breasts, then menstruation should begin two months later. If the mother feeds the baby, then the menstruation should recover after the cessation of lactation.
Viral infections, such as acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.
Exacerbation of chronic diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, diabetes. In addition, impaired functionality of the thyroid gland, kidneys, etc.
Taking medication. Antidepressants, corticosteroids, chemotherapy for cancer can have an effect.
Weight gain, obesity. Especially high risk of amenorrhea in concomitant stressful situations.
Inflammation of the genitals - oophritis, adnexitis.
Benign tumor - uterine fibroids.
Polycystic ovary, causing hormonal imbalance. Concomitant symptoms are: seborrheic dermatitis, enhanced hair growth, acne.
A cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary. It is formed due to impaired hormone production in a woman's body.
Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins will lead to the fact that the immune system begins to suffer, this will lead to a slowdown in all metabolic processes, which means it will inevitably affect the hormonal background of a woman. A particular effect is exerted by a lack of vitamin E, as, by the way, and its excess.
Irregular sexual relations. It is noted that when a woman has a constant sexual partner, irregularities in the menstrual cycle are often eliminated.
Oncological diseases of the uterus, cervix.
Digestive disorders, which can be caused by strict diets, diseases, overeating, metabolic malfunctions, etc.
Abortion. In this case, either hormonal imbalance or mechanical damage lead to a delay.
Ectopic or frozen pregnancy. Both cases require immediate surgical intervention.
Miscarriage in the early stages after conception.
Severe weight loss. A disease such as anorexia can lead to a complete disconnection of the functionality of the ovaries.
Alcohol abuse, drug use. Often a delay in menstruation can occur in women who prefer beer over all liquors.
Hypothermia of the body, as well as its overheating, can provoke a delay in the next cycle.
An increase in prolactin levels in the blood, which can become a symptom of a brain tumor.
The reasons for the delay in menstruation for 2-3-4-5 days
Failure in the menstrual cycle for a short time - up to 5 days or less, is considered the norm. However, if after this time menstruation has not resumed, you should consult a doctor.
There can be several reasons for such a short delay, and most often they are explained by the natural physiological processes taking place in the body. So, in the puberty period, when the formation of the cycle is still taking place, such breaks are not any deviation from the norm. Temporary fluctuations with delays of up to 5 and even 7 days can be observed for 1.5-2 years. After that, the menstruation schedule should normalize. If this does not happen, then you should seek the advice of a doctor.
In addition, such a delay is a frequent companion of the premenopausal period, when there is a progressive slowdown in menstrual function. The rhythms of the woman’s body, as well as the timing of each cycle, change. At this time, delays in menstruation can be replaced by their complete absence.
Sometimes such temporary delays can occur in women of childbearing age. Most often, a woman herself is able to determine the cause of such a short delay - pregnancy, breastfeeding, refusal to take oral contraceptives, acclimatization and other natural physiological reasons. But if such violations become regular, then this indicates pathological processes occurring in the body and a doctor’s consultation is necessary in this case.
According to doctors, a short single delay of menstruation for up to five days is a physiological norm and most often does not require special treatment. However, no one knows her body better than a woman. Therefore, if there is reason for concern about the delay, even for a few days, then do not postpone the trip to the doctor.
The reasons for the delay in menstruation for 10-15 days or more, the test is negative
A prolonged absence of the menstrual cycle is a delay of 10-15 days or more. If the pregnancy test did not give a positive result, then it makes sense to start worrying about your own health. Most often, such a prolonged absence of menstruation indicates the presence of any disorders in the body. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose the cause of the delay and prescribe treatment.
Of course, the cycle can recover on its own, in the event that the delay was caused by stress or acclimatization.
But, if this does not happen, and the delay is 15 or more days, then this may be due to the following reasons:
Oligomenorrhea, which is characterized by a weakening of menstruation. They become not only meager, but also rare. The interval can be from 15 days to six months. This pathology occurs in approximately 3% of women.
Polycystic ovary syndrome, when multiple cystic formations begin to grow inside and outside of them. It occurs both in young girls and in women of age.
Endometriosis can delay the menstrual cycle.
Endometritis, which is expressed in inflammation of the uterine mucosa.
Hypoplasia of the uterus, that is, its underdevelopment. Pathology is found in adolescence.
Inflammation of the appendages, localized in the ovaries and tubes. Reduced immunity, viral infections, hypothermia, bacteria, etc. can lead to the pathological process.
Naturally, this is not all the reasons that can lead to a delay of 15 days or more, but they are the most common and require treatment. Injuries caused by abortions, malnutrition, oncological diseases, appendicitis, uterine fibroids, follicular maturation without ovulation, atresia of an unripe follicle and other factors can provoke the absence of another menstruation. In any case, such a long break in the cycle requires an immediate visit to the gynecologist.
What is the danger of constant delays in menstruation?
If a single delay of menstruation within physiologically permissible limits is not a threat to the health of a woman, then regular malfunctions are fraught with danger. It lies in the fact that the cause of the delay will not be diagnosed and eliminated in time.
It is important to seek medical help for often frequent cycle disorders, as:
The delay can be caused by the growth of microadenoma - a malignant tumor of the brain. Disruptions in the cycle are caused by an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood.
Inflammation of the uterus and appendages can cause not only delays, but also lead to anovular infertility, the formation of purulent process, sepsis, pelvic thrombophlebitis, and parametritis. In addition, the depletion of the follicular apparatus due to regular delays due to inflammation of the appendages often leads to an early menopause, aged 35 years and younger.
Any neglected female diseases threaten the development of complete infertility, and they can begin with the usual delays of menstruation.
Polycystic ovary, often manifested in delays of menstruation, can lead to the development of gestational diabetes, to obesity and arterial hypertension. As a result, the entire cardiovascular system suffers, up to clogging of the veins, heart attack and stroke.
Any hormonal disruptions not only disrupt the well-being of a woman, but also cause miscarriages, uterine fibroids, are fraught with the development of asthma, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and malignant cancerous tumors. In addition, in addition to delaying menstruation, hormonal imbalances significantly worsen a woman’s quality of life (pain in the joints, mammary glands, sleep disturbance, sweating increases, etc.) and lead to changes in her appearance (obesity or thinness, underdevelopment of the mammary glands, increased body hair growth, oily skin and acne rashes, etc.).
Early menopause leads to premature aging of the skin, weakening of the body's immune forces, to the development of atherosclerosis, to premature extinction of reproductive function, to an increased risk of diabetes mellitus, etc.
Due to the fact that regular menstrual irregularities can cause serious health problems, women must undergo a gynecologist's consultation and other necessary examinations to determine the cause of the failure.
What to do if there is a delay in menstruation?
Delay of menstruation
If there are regularly recurring delays of menstruation or the delay period exceeds the maximum permissible physiological limits of five days, then you need to consult a doctor. After finding out the reasons, the woman will be prescribed appropriate treatment. Most often, therapy is carried out using hormonal tablets. However, they should never be taken on their own, without medical advice. This is extremely dangerous for a woman’s health and can disrupt the entire hormonal system, and therefore lead to serious health problems.
Among the most common hormonal drugs, the following are prescribed by doctors:
Postinor. It is a drug used for emergency contraception. This remedy is used if it is necessary to cause the menstrual cycle as soon as possible. However, it is recommended only with regular periods, since its intake can provoke cycle disruptions, and with very frequent use it can lead to infertility.
Dufaston. Used if the delay in the menstrual cycle is caused by insufficient levels of progesterone in the body. Only a doctor should adjust the dose, based on studies. If there is no pregnancy, and the delay does not exceed 7 days, then the postinor is prescribed for a period of 5 days. After this time, menstruation should begin after two or three days.
Mifepristone can be used to cause menstruation in the initial stages of pregnancy, not exceeding a period of 42 days. However, it can in no case be used if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. admission should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as the erratic use of mifepristone leads to a violation of the hormonal background.
Pulsatilla Another hormonal drug that can be prescribed for delayed menstruation. This is the safest remedy that does not lead to weight gain, does not affect the nervous system. However, it should not be taken by girls who have an irregular cycle.
Non-ovlon, a drug that stimulates the onset of the menstrual cycle, can prevent acyclic bleeding. It includes estrogen and gestagen. Most often, with a delay, two tablets are prescribed after 12 hours. However, before using it, a mandatory specialist consultation, since the drug has side effects and can disrupt the functioning of the reproductive organs.
Progesterone is an injection hormone. Used to induce menstruation, dosage selection is carried out strictly individually. The increased intake of progesterone in the body can cause a lot of side effects, including excessive hair growth, weight gain, menstrual irregularities. More than 10 injections are never done. The effect is based on stimulating the work of the glands located in the uterine mucosa. The tool has a number of contraindications, among which: uterine bleeding, liver failure, breast tumors, etc.
Norkolut, causes menstruation, as it contains norethisterone, which in its action is similar to the action of gestagens. And their lack often provokes failures in the cycles and their delay. The course of treatment should not exceed five days, is not used during pregnancy, as it threatens miscarriage and bleeding. It has a large number of contraindications and side effects, so a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.
Utrozhestan. It is a means of suppressing estrogen and stimulating the production of progesterone, which is due to its therapeutic effect. In addition, there is a stimulating effect on the development of the endometrium. The drug can be administered vaginally, which is its undoubted advantage, however, this tool also has some contraindications.
Naturally, the use of hormonal drugs to induce menstruation is not a safe method. It is necessary to take them correctly, since irreparable harm to health can be caused.
It should be understood that any intervention in the hormonal background should be justified. Each medicine is selected strictly individually and in compliance with clear medical recommendations. Only in this way can you maintain your own health and avoid negative consequences. But to ignore the long delays is not worth it. Therefore, the most correct decision will be going to the doctor and undergoing a reasonable and adequate therapy.
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