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How to get rid of freckles |
How to get rid of freckles?
Representatives of the weak half of humanity are not easy: they certainly want to cut long hair, then to grow it, curly straighten, and smooth, on the contrary, curl .... And so with women in everything, including in relation to freckles. For those who do not have them, these kisses of the sun cause sympathy, and whoever has a desire to get rid of them. Freckles adorn the face of my close friend. But she regularly grumbles that the verb "decorate" is not appropriate here, and is trying all new ways to combat them. There are many methods to get rid of freckles. Prevention of their appearance should begin long before the arrival of warm days. As a result of solar activity, the number of freckles becomes larger. Therefore, measures must be taken in advance. This will avoid new freckles and make the existing ones less noticeable. And at the same time read
Perhaps the advice of Anastasia will force you to reconsider your freckles, and then advice on how to get rid of them will not be necessary!
Freckles in the spring count
Both much (health, external data, character traits) and freckles are inherited from our parents. Their occurrence is due to the genetically incorporated feature of skin pigmentation. As a rule, the first freckles appear at the age of three to five years. Red-haired and blond women are especially prone to them. It is noticed that the older a person becomes, the less freckles he has. By old age, they disappear completely.
Freckles are also called "sun kisses." With the onset of spring and summer, when solar activity increases, there are more of them. Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in winter freckles completely disappear. For example, this happens with my girlfriend. Therefore, she loves this time of year more than others
Freckles most often appear on the face, but can also in other parts of the body. Moreover, I have repeatedly noticed that the "solar scattering" on the shoulders, arms, usually does not cause feelings, it is perceived by the owners of freckles as a feature of the appearance with which it is quite possible to get along, which can not be said about the skin of the face. In this case, the experience of each girl how to get rid of freckles would be enough for a whole book.
So, if you intend to declare war on freckles, remember some rules. Firstly, freckles, as I noted above, love the sun. Therefore, you need to be careful with tanning. When basking on the beach, cover your face with a scarf, and also use a cream with a high level of sun protection and regularly update it on the skin. You can sunbathe before 11 o’clock and after 16. About how to take sunbaths without harm to health, says Tatyana Raduga, the author of the site “Sunny Hands”
Do not forget about hats when walking around the summer city, especially during the holidays in hot countries. A wide-brimmed hat will not only protect your face from freckles, but also prevent dehydration of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
Secondly, choose care products also taking into account the tendency of your skin to form freckles, UV filters must be included.
Thirdly, we all know that beauty largely depends on what we eat. This also applies to freckles. The menu should contain daily products containing vitamin C. It is a bleaching agent for freckles and acts as a filter, preventing pigmentation processes. Therefore, lean on citrus fruits, sauerkraut, greens, currants, apples. You can drink a course of this vitamin. It is enough to use it 1 g per day for a month. My girlfriend does this in February.
Fifth, pay attention to cosmetics with a whitening effect - creams, serums, lotions. Use them regularly. Similar products are produced by many cosmetic companies. Together with home masks, they will be even more effective. But do not use whitening cosmetics immediately before going out. This can trigger even more pigmentation. To absorb such funds, they need an hour. On your dressing table should not be alcohol-containing drugs, as they increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight.
And finally, fourthly, do not focus your and others' attention on freckles. People perceive you as a whole and, as I have already noted, many of these companions of the sun cause sincere sympathy. Learn to accept yourself for who you are. This is the secret of attractiveness and warm relations with relatives, friends, and colleagues, says Anastasia Gai, editor-in-chief of the Solar Hands portal
I completely agree with her.
Masks against freckles
Probably, even those on the skin who do not have freckles know about the whitening properties of lemon and cucumber. These products are affordable and effective in combating them. Cucumber juice can not be diluted with water before use, but lemon is necessary (two teaspoons of juice in half a glass of boiled water). Treat your skin twice a day for a month.
Sour-milk products also have whitening qualities. Every day for two weeks, apply a mask of cottage cheese and kefir, taken in equal amounts. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and hold on the skin for 15 minutes.
Other masks will also help get rid of freckles, but you can only do them in the evening, because after them it is undesirable for the sun to fall on the skin.
- buy dandelion flowers at the pharmacy. Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and wipe your face as many times a day as you can until the effect appears. I’ll share a secret: when I need to cook a small amount of herbal infusion, I do it in a mug for brewing tea with a strainer. It is very convenient - poured boiling water over the grass and covered it with a lid (it is included in the set of the mug), let it stand, took out a strainer, and the infusion was ready;
- combine a tablespoon of 6% vinegar and lemon juice, add two teaspoons of boiled water at room temperature. For dry skin, a small amount of glycerin is recommended. Wipe your face with this mixture in the morning and evening;
- grate horseradish and apple. Use as a mask once a day. Hold for 15 minutes. Try to make a mask of horseradish only. Rub it and apply on face for three to five minutes. In order not to cause irritation on the skin, wipe the face before applying this mask with any vegetable oil;
- treat the skin with a small amount of vegetable oil (olive, mustard). The next step is a compress. Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of hot water, soak a towel in the resulting solution, squeeze and cover your face. Lie down until the towel has cooled. Then apply a mask of fresh cabbage, after chopping it with small cubes;
- wipe the skin with a lotion based on vinegar (20 ml), lemon juice (15 ml) and water (10 ml);
- parsley mask is another way to get rid of freckles. Please note that in the spring-summer period it is made from stems, and in the autumn-winter period it is made of the root. Pass a bunch of parsley through a meat grinder, you should get two tablespoons. Apply gruel on the face for half an hour;
- strawberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries, cranberries have wonderful whitening properties. Mash a handful of berries with a spoon. Keep on face for 20 minutes;
- A mask of almonds will also help get rid of freckles. Pour half a cup of peeled almonds with 250 ml of boiling water. Let it stand for five minutes. Then pour the water into a separate bowl, it can be used to wash off the mask, and pass the almonds through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of boiled water. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply on face. Wash off after half an hour;
- try a lemon-honey mask. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of liquid honey. Prepare two gauze. Soak lemon-honey mixture first one, hold it on your face for ten minutes, then take another (also hold ten minutes). Wash with warm water. A course of 15 such masks is required (two per week). In order not to waste time each time to prepare the mixture, keep in mind - the finished one can be stored in the refrigerator for a week;
- Grate two or three carrots, squeeze the juice. Wipe their face twice a day;
- mask from quince. Actions, as in the previous recipe;
- prepare a saturated solution of sodium chloride. Wet a cotton pad in it and wipe your face several times. Let it dry and then rinse your face. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening;
- Mash two tablespoons of canned green peas, add the same amount of whey. Mix, apply on face;
- bread kvass. Treat your face with a swab soaked in it every morning before washing. Wait five minutes, and then do your regular routines;
- you will need lemon juice, horseradish juice and sour cream. Take everything in equal proportions, mix. Hold for five minutes;
- will help in the fight against freckles and onion juice. Wipe their face in the morning and evening;
- watermelon mask. Rub the flesh of the watermelon and hold on the face for ten minutes. If the skin is dry, wipe it with olive oil before applying this mask;
very easy to prepare potato mask. The only negative is that in order for it to give a result, it must be kept on the skin for an hour. If you have the time or anyone to spend on the fight against freckles is not a pity, peel the potatoes and finely grate. Squeeze the juice a little and put the pulp on the face.
For masks to be effective, you need to do them for a half to two months. Be patient. Select one or two masks and alternate them. Watch the reaction of your skin. If you notice irritation, spots on it, discard the mask and do not do other procedures until they pass, so that later you do not have to solve more serious skin problems with freckles. And even better - love your gold placers, because the sun has marked you with them!
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