
Foot care at home. How to make our legs beautiful and healthy?

Foot care at home. How to make our legs beautiful and healthy?
Foot care at home. How to make our legs beautiful and healthy?

Foot care at home. How to make our legs beautiful and healthy?

The beauty of a woman has been praised by poets for thousands of years, inspired artists, and simply drove men crazy.

But if you want your legs not only to please the eye, but also withstand all the stresses that fall on them, then you should not only actively admire them, but also carefully take care of your legs at home.

In my opinion, we do not care about our legs as well as about other parts of the body. This is a completely wrong approach. Indeed, not only our mood depends on the state of our legs, but to some extent the general state of health, therefore, it is not worth neglecting foot care.

I want to offer some simple tips on how to care for your feet at home, and how to make your legs beautiful and healthy.

For normal foot care, it is quite enough during the daily shower to walk in the footsteps with a special stiff washcloth, brush or cream - scrub to remove dead skin particles. After that, wipe your feet, do not forget to walk a towel between your fingers, dry them and massage with a nourishing foot cream. Then it’s good to sit at least a quarter of an hour, lie down with raised legs, put a pillow under the ankles - this will help to unload the legs and remove swelling.

Home foot care includes cleansing procedures. At least once a week, you should carry out thorough cleansing of the feet: after steaming your feet in hot or warm water, remove the softened stratum corneum with a pumice, a stiff brush or a special foot grater. Just not a razor! After drying, massage with cream. It is very good to rub the oily cream into the heels and put on cotton socks after cleaning the feet. If you do these procedures every week, the skin on your feet and heels will be soft and soft, like a child’s.

Taking care of your feet in summer is especially pleasant for doing foot baths. After all, in summer, legs get tired no less than in winter, and dust, heat, insect bites and straps of sandals make them especially vulnerable. Sometimes from dry legs, small cracks and itching, just frequent washing of the feet, accompanied by a light massage, saves. Baths can be varied by adding decoctions of herbs or essential oils to them - this is fun and useful. In addition, entering the taste of foot care at home, you can “mix cocktails” from decoctions of herbs and aromatic oils.

If time is catastrophically short, and my legs “buzz” after a hard day, I personally do this - pour warm water into the bath, pour more salt, and keep tired legs for 10-15 minutes. Fatigue and pain go away instantly. Salt and water cleanse and tone the skin of the legs. It is very good to make foot baths with coarse sea salt, and it is good for the legs, and the body will make up for the lack of iodine.

Here are the herbs with which you can also do foot baths:

  • - mint, St. John's wort and nettle refresh;

  • - coniferous extracts and oils, thyme and oak bark reduce sweating;

  • - Calendula and chamomile are disinfected;

  • - chamomile, lime blossom and honey help against swelling;

  • - a decoction of potatoes softens the skin;

  • - A bath with a couple of tablespoons of mustard helps in the onset of a cold.

Feet care at home can also quickly relieve fatigue from the legs. The contrast baths will do just fine with fatigue: stock up with two basins, one draw hot water (which you can only endure), the other cold water, and step from one basin to another until you get bored.

In cosmetic stores you can buy various additives for foot baths, herbal mixtures, special milk or salt with additives.

Usually a foot bath is taken for five minutes, with cracks - ten, with excessive sweating of the legs - up to three minutes. Water should not be too hot. In some diseases, for example, varicose veins, inflammatory processes, swelling, as well as sweating feet, it is better to take cooling baths. Cold foot baths narrow blood vessels, reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

The next stage of foot care at home after taking baths are foot masks. After taking a bath, a foot mask is required. Cosmetic shops offer us a wide variety of creams and foot masks. At the same time, effective masks are quite possible to do without leaving the kitchen. If you apply a “home” mask for a long time (from 15 minutes) then put plastic bags on your feet over the mask and wrap them with a towel.

Here are some home-use foot mask tips that I myself used:

- the celandine collected in the garden is crushed by a blender or a meat grinder, I put gruel on my feet, I hold it for half an hour or an hour (all night long) - after that the skin softens, and the horn layers are removed simply with a hard washcloth;

- Lemon juice whitens and helps exfoliate horn cells - I rub my feet with a piece of lemon, leave for 10-15 minutes;

- extremely softens the skin of mayonnaise, which can be applied to the feet for an hour or more;

- sour cream and t road masks soften the skin of the feet and whiten it, I apply for an hour or more;

- from the cracks in the feet helps the slurry of cabbage leaves, crushed on a blender or meat grinder, applied for half an hour or an hour;

- a mask of warm mashed potatoes (it is even better to prepare mashed potatoes from peeling potatoes) helps with corns and corns, applied for half an hour or an hour.

Do not forget also that for the full effect of the bath and foot masks at home, you need to do them in courses of 2-3 months. Only in this case, foot care at home will give the desired result.

Home foot care also includes nail care. The nails need the same thorough care as the nails. When cutting your toenails, do not cut off the corners - otherwise the nail will begin to grow into the finger. Also, the cause of nail ingrowth into the finger may be a defect in the foot or poorly selected shoes.

With ingrown nails (in the initial stage), it is recommended to use daily baths of chamomile pharmacy: 6 tablespoons of flowers pour 2 liters of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and insist 1 hour. The strained infusion is again heated and feet are kept in it until the water cools down. For the bath, it is recommended to use a decoction (boil for 10 minutes). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After drying, part of the nail is carefully separated from the tissues and a small cotton swab moistened with iodine tincture is placed. For pain, baths with potassium permanganate are also recommended.

Foot care includes pedicures. How to do a pedicure?

Pedicure should be done in summer and winter, at least once a month. You should start the pedicure by immersing your feet for 10-20 minutes in a hot bath with a small amount of soap, 1 teaspoon of ammonia solution and 1 teaspoon of soda. After the bath, you need to dry your feet with a towel, then grease them with a nourishing cream. After that, carefully remove the keratinized layers on the heels, foot and fingers with a pumice or pedicure nail file. Carefully remove corns and corns with tweezers. To trim or file nails need to the left or right edge, and not across.

The nail on the long toe should be slightly longer than on the other toes. Nails should be cut in a straight line, not a semicircle. Then you need to remove the cuticle of the nail roller, grease the feet with cream and massage. To soften the skin, massaging the legs, you can rub a mixture of orange or lemon juice in half with any vegetable oil.

Finish the pedicure by applying a colorless or colored varnish. The color of the varnish on the legs should either match the color of the varnish on the hands, or be selected in the same color scheme. You only need to know that if you have ugly fingers or toes, it is better to choose a colorless varnish.

We must not forget that not only foot care at home, but also shoes are important. After all, the health of our feet largely depends on the right shoes. When buying shoes, you should go around the store a bit to make sure that the shoes do not press, do not hang out on the foot. It must be remembered that a high heel or flat sole very negatively affects the foot. The optimal height of the heel, according to orthopedists, is 6.25 cm.

Women wearing tight shoes constantly feel discomfort, since the skin of the legs is subject to friction and pressure, so corns appear. To prevent the appearance of corns, you should wear comfortable shoes, lubricate your feet with softening cream as often as possible, and periodically do pedicures.

If you follow these foot care recommendations, you can remain irresistible in any situation. One of our main opponents in the struggle for beauty is laziness. When the mirror ceases to please us, and the clothes that went on yesterday and made you beautiful today only mercilessly demonstrate everything that you would like to hide, you should blame it only yourself.

As the French say, only with a lazy woman can the heels be rough and the legs groomed.

Many women begin to engage in themselves, believing in the healing value and immediate impact of the proposed measures. But most of them quit classes, if soon they do not see the expected results. Do not forget that the visible results are not achieved instantly, take care of your feet at home regularly, do baths and masks for 2-3 months, choose the right shoes and your legs will be beautiful, healthy and attract admiring male looks.
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