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How to get rid of worms at home |
In childhood, our grandparents told us about simple hygiene rules: washing hands before eating, washing fruits and vegetables before consuming them, in no case should you drink raw water, especially from a tap. Why all this? Then, so as not to catch the worms! But not every one of us knows what worms are, and what kind of problem they entail. Less often, we think about how to get rid of these harmful parasites. In fact, worms in humans are much more common than we think. To get rid of these parasites once and for all, you need to know some rules.
- How to get rid of worms in an adult at home
- Pills to help get rid of worms
- How to get rid of worms in children
- How to get rid of worms folk remedies
- How to get rid of worms during pregnancy
How to get rid of worms in an adult at home
Worms are parasites that live in the human body, getting there through the environment. The statistics are stunning, almost every third inhabitant of our planet is the owner of these parasites.
To date, there are many means to combat worms. You can choose either a medicinal method, or turn to traditional medicine. The choice is entirely yours.
Medicines help quickly get rid of parasites. Traditional remedies can be used for prevention. Most carriers of worms are children. It is traditional methods that win this fight.
Folk remedies contain two active funds. The first suggests applying wormwood grass. Pour one tablespoon of wormwood with boiling water. Wormwood must be carefully brewed. After the grass is infused and settles to the bottom, you need to strain it through cheesecloth. Drink broth at least three times a day for half a glass before a meal. This type of treatment usually lasts up to three days.
The second recipe offers us the use of onions. Find a medium-sized onion and it is desirable that the onion is “evil”. Finely chop the onion, put it in a liter jar and fill it with cold water. Place a jar of onions in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Then, strain the solution through cheesecloth. This solution should be drunk half a cup 2 times a day.
Nowadays, there are quite a few drugs. You can see a doctor to choose the right one. Almost all drugs for these parasites help to quickly and thoroughly get rid of them.
You need to know that if at least one of the family members is a carrier of worms, then the whole family needs prevention. Worms, the thing is very contagious and you should not take risks. If prevention is not carried out, then after 3-4 days all family members will become carriers of this parasite. Follow our tips and you will be healthy.
Pills to help get rid of worms
What worm tablets are considered the most effective?
Albendazole (nemozole) is a drug against helminths (parasitic worms). Chewable tablets against worms help a lot and are intended for internal use.
The device of exposure to albendazole is contained in the fact that the substance of the drug leads to the death of the parasite. These tablets are very effective in mono and poly infestations.
Medamine, a synonym for Carbendacim (Carbendacim)
Medamine seeps through the shell of the worm and affects its muscles. The parasite is completely paralyzed. The drug is available in tablets, effective against diseases such as ascariasis, trichocephalosis, enterobiasis, hookworm infection and necatorosis.
Pyrantel, a rather effective agent, is omitted in the form of a suspension, tablets and tablets with a uniform shell. The drug blocks the nervous and muscle systems of the worms, and the parasites have no choice but to go outside. It copes with pinworms, roundworms, hookworms.
How to get rid of worms in children
If the child has worms, then definitely the whole family needs to be prevented. What is the best way to gobble a baby up? Only a doctor knows which drugs a child needs to prescribe. As a rule, the doctor prescribes such drugs: metovit, arthromax, pyrantel, decaris and vermox. The course of treatment for worms is quite long, so you need to strictly adhere to the instructions for the drug. If there are pets in the house, then they must also be prevented, since most often they are the main source of infection.
So that the child no longer picks up these parasites, he needs to talk about some rules of hygiene and make sure that he follows them. The child needs to wash his hands as much as possible. The child needs to be explained that vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed, without leaving an unwashed area on them, before eating them. They must also be rinsed with boiling water so that all harmful microorganisms die. It is advisable to wash toys every day with a disinfectant, which will more thoroughly clean the toys from germs.
The use of folk remedies will also help get rid of worms in a child. Pinworms categorically do not like the smell of garlic, onions, pumpkin seeds, wormwood and tansy. There are many recipes that will help you get rid of worms. Here are some of them:
1. 5-7 cloves of garlic should be put in a small saucepan and pour water. Then bring the water to a boil. Then you need to strain the garlic broth through cheesecloth and give the child enema procedures every day before he goes to bed at bedtime. After a week, the worms were gone.
2. Chop three heads of garlic and one head of onion. Pour them with warm boiled water and let it brew for about 15 minutes. Then filter through cheesecloth and dilute with boiled water to 2 liters. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to the resulting solution. After bowel movement, an enema is made with the resulting solution. After this, the worms quickly exit the intestines. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
3. To get the next solution, you need to pour a tablespoon of tansy with a half liter of boiling water. Then the solution should be cooled and filtered through cheesecloth. In a warm form, you can do an enema for a child. Repeat the procedure no more than once a day.
4. Wet pumpkin seeds, previously peeled, must be eaten with a thin green peel every day and after two weeks the worms will disappear.
Modern medicine does not recommend an enema, as it spoils the intestinal microflora. But, a child infected with parasites does not have normal microflora, and drugs only destroy beneficial microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract.
How to get rid of worms folk remedies
Some effective folk remedies for getting rid of parasites:
Take one tablespoon of buckthorn and pour 1 cup of boiling water and let the broth brew. To make the broth better insist, you need to roll it for 2-3 hours in a warm material. After filtering the broth, take it at 1 tablespoon at least 4 times a day. Pour 1 cup of boiling water with 14 g of a mixture of centaury of caraway seeds and tansy, which are in equal quantities. Infuse the broth for 1 hour. Try to drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
With pinworms, an enema of garlic is useful (knead 5-7 cloves in room temperature water, strain).
Combine in equal proportions centaury ordinary (grass) and wormwood (grass). Boil a spoonful of the mixture in a glass of water for about 20 minutes. It is advisable to drink 1 glass of broth on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.
To achieve the result, the broth should be consumed within 8 days. After that, finely chop and mix until smooth, to get a powder, taken in equal proportions, dry fruits of common blueberries, root of elecampane and inflorescences of tansy. Try to make a decoction at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Consume 5 tablespoons with water.
Cook garlic in one glass of milk. Then the milk should be filtered, cooled and made into an enema. Leave it all night: for an adult - from a glass, for a child - 70-100 ml. Repeat the procedure for a week.
For this broth, pour water and boil the crushed pomegranate crust. It is advisable to drink the broth within 1 hour in 3-4 doses, without eating food at this time. After 3 hours, take a laxative.
Finely chop the onion and fill it with half the bottle. Then pour it all with alcohol. Let it brew for about 10 days. Adults take 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day every day before meals. The following recipe corresponds to children: chop an onion of medium size. Then pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours, strain. The broth should be drunk 80-100 ml. The broth is effective against pinworms and roundworms.
Pour 1 teaspoon of wormwood with two glasses of boiling water. Use the infusion of 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before a meal. Infusion will remove pinworms and roundworms from the body.
4 tbsp. tablespoons of green walnuts pour boiling water. Insist for about half an hour. The solution should be drunk throughout the day, while alternating with a laxative.
Pour a kilogram of fresh sorrel with 1 liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for exactly 2 hours. The resulting broth is filtered. Then add 50 g of sugar (not more) to the broth and cook on fire until a solution is placed in one glass. Drink the broth throughout the day for 2 sips before a meal.
Adults should eat more red hot pepper, since its composition kills all parasites. Children should eat more carrots. Pour 3 tbsp. tablespoons tansy plant boiling water. Consume 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
How to get rid of worms during pregnancy
Plants with anthelmintic action can also be used. These include: watermelon, carrots, birch, lingonberries, valerian, onions, wild strawberries, juniper, white cabbage, chamomile, black cabbage, lavender, pomegranate, garlic, willow, dandelion, walnut, papaya, coriander, radish, thyme, mountain ash , nettle, wild leek, pumpkin. During the development of the fetus in your body, some of the plants are harmful. Therefore, before using the above plants, consult a gynecologist who will examine you and tell you which plants can be consumed.
During pregnancy, the use of pumpkin seeds is an ideal option for getting rid of worms. Medicine has brought a number of treatments with such seeds:
In the morning, eat 2-3 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach. At the same time, do not forget to chew them well. Literally two hours later, swallow two tablespoons of olive oil. After these procedures, the worms should come out;
Gnaw about half a glass of seeds in the morning and in the evening 35–45 minutes before starting a meal throughout the week;
take 110 g of peeled pumpkin seeds and grind with 40-45 g of water. Stir well, take 25 grams four times a day.
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