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How to learn to get up early in the morning |
How to learn to get up early in the morning?
Learning to wake up early in the morning is not an easy task, but it's worth it. Firstly, in the early hours a person can concentrate very quickly, this is facilitated by maximum brain activity, as well as loneliness - during these hours we are surrounded by a minimum of people who can distract. Secondly, regardless of whether you are an early bird or an owl, in any case in the morning there will be a lot of willpower for complex and painstaking tasks. Thirdly, an early rise improves mood, thereby setting the tone for the whole day.
16 secrets to getting yourself up early
Formulate the goal of an early rise. You are unlikely to want to wake up early if you don’t know exactly what it needs to be done for. Think about what you will do in these extra 2-3 hours: work, sports, intellectual development, homework, etc. Try to include at this time those things that you constantly forget about or which simply do not have enough time, although in fact they are very important. The easiest way to formulate the goal of the rise is for individual entrepreneurs or people working exclusively for themselves, since they have the opportunity to work even more and at the same time spend much less energy, which accordingly promises a big income and a prospect in development. Try to choose a goal, not only that which is useful, but which is also desired, in which case the climb will take place more vigorously.
Learn where you spend most of your day. Often we spend all our time in a very irrational way: we watch TV, movies or TV shows for a long time (which they already bother), we communicate with friends (despite the time), we perform those types of work (at home or at the enterprise) that are simpler than those that are more important. The time magazine will help to change the situation. It can be a regular notebook or notebook in which we will write down all the tasks that we perform during the day. And you need to fix it not at the end of the day (you can forget a lot), but directly in the process. At the end of the week, you will most likely be shocked by the results - you will learn that you spend most of the day on stupid and unnecessary things. And already on the first morning of the next week, when brain activity is at its maximum, you will not do unnecessary things, as a pure consciousness will simply not allow you to waste time.
Be consistent and patient. It is worth resigning to the fact that you can quickly get used to getting up early - it is unlikely to work, especially if you are used to sleeping before dinner. The new regimen should be poured gradually. For example, if you are used to getting up at 10:00, then setting an alarm clock at 5:00, you are unlikely to wake up, and if you do this, you will walk all day broken, tired and completely awake. Instead, we recommend starting to wake up every day 5-10 minutes earlier than usual. Yes, maybe in this case you will not be able to quickly learn how to get up early, but the acquired habit will be useful, and you really can wake up early without an alarm clock. Such patience is necessary not only for getting used to, but also for the body to accept new living conditions.
Create ideal conditions for lifting. Sometimes a lot of things interfere with us (or better, do not contribute to early wakefulness). Firstly, this is the temperature in the apartment, it should not be too high (the heat will be annoying), but not too low, otherwise you simply won’t want to get out from under the warm blanket. In winter, try to have warm clothes next to the bed so that you can quickly wrap them up after waking up. Secondly, the kitchen should always have your favorite tea or coffee, along with a delicious (prepared in advance) breakfast. Thirdly, prepare everything you need for work or for those activities that you will do. That is, make a plan of tasks for the morning and the day as a whole (in advance in the evening), prepare the necessary documents on the table, as well as the clothes that you will wear. If you play sports, then for this you will need to prepare the necessary equipment, clothes and a plan of physical exercises.
Go to bed earlier and spend the day actively. Everything is simple in order to wake up earlier - you need to fall asleep earlier, but getting yourself to go to bed early is also very difficult, because, as a rule, it is at this time that we find for ourselves a thousand interesting activities that we cannot tear ourselves away, although they may not carry in itself no value. Correcting the situation is quite simple, during the day you should work not only with your head, but also physically tired: do exercises, walk more often and not be lazy to complete tasks that require physical effort from you. In this case, at the end of the day you will simply be tired, and you will want to sleep exclusively.
The secret is in the alarm clock. You can do it easier - just set alarms every day for the time at which you need to wake up. However, if the alarm clock stands directly next to the bed, you will easily turn it off and continue to search your dreams. You can correct the situation quite simply - by setting the alarm clock in a place where it would be difficult for you to turn it off quickly. For example, on a cabinet in the far corner, under a bed or in a bedside table, closing it with a key (and ask for a key to hide someone from the "home" key). In general, the essence of this method is that every morning you will be woken up by an alarm clock, which is difficult to turn off immediately, and until you get to it, you will have time to wake up.
Ask someone to call you. If your alarm does not have a sufficiently convincing signal, then you can use the capabilities of a mobile phone instead. Ask someone from your family to wake you up by phone, and not just make a call, but just call and talk with you. A telephone conversation quickly leads to a sleepy person, especially if he is constantly asked about something and asked to tell something. The Internet even developed a similar service on which you could leave your phone number and the date / time at which you need to be woken up. If you learn to wake up with friends, then try to call up and talk on the phone together in the morning, thereby preventing each other from falling asleep, but in general, joint efforts will help you quickly join the new regime of the day.
Ask loved ones to wake you up. If you do not live alone, then ask your loved ones to wake you up regularly. And not just saying the phrase: “Get up, sleepyhead!”, Namely, sitting next to you and starting to talk with you, the effect is about the same as on the phone, but the bigger problem is whether one of the relatives agrees with which you live, get up so early, and even communicate with you.
A radical way of waking up. "Computer geniuses" came up with an original way to wake up the younger generation - they install a program on the computer that at some point starts the computer and starts to completely format the entire hard disk. You can disable formatting only by entering a series of data in continuous mode. The idea of the method is that almost every owner of a PC has a number of important files on its hard drive that cannot be lost in any way, so if you want to, you don’t want to, but you’ll have to get out of bed, and entering data will completely ward off sleep.
Do not eat before bedtime! Eating food before bedtime promises a restless night, in which you are unlikely to get enough sleep, and in the morning you will feel “broken” and tired. If you have a hopeless situation, then try to eat only light food (fruits or vegetables), but not meat products, sweets or fatty dishes.
Sleep in the afternoon! In the first months of regular early awakening, you will feel a little uncomfortable all day and will always go to sleep, to avoid this, try to devote at least one hour to daytime sleep during the day. He will cheer up, and you will spend the evening in a good mood, and will also be full of strength.
Create a morning ritual. For example, you get up, go to the bathroom, wash, drink, a glass of cold water and become a shower. If you perform these steps daily, then over time you will develop a habit in yourself, and even if you’re still poorly awake, you will automatically go to the bathroom, the kitchen, and then to the shower, which will become the final point of awakening. We strongly do not recommend staying in bed for a long time, trying to force yourself to get up. You will not succeed, and indeed it is dangerous, because if you, therefore, wake up at an important event and then accidentally fall asleep (trying to wake up), as a result, it is likely that you will fall asleep.
"Carrot and stick". Think of a system of fines and incentives for yourself, for example, for not fulfilling the regime, fine yourself for money (giving it to an orphanage), or for work (going to your grandmother to dig a garden). If, on the contrary, you are following the regimen, then be sure to “show off” - take more rest, buy yourself the things you want, or communicate more with friends.
Do not pick up the tablet before going to bed and do not watch TV. The big problem of modern people is that they go to bed at night - read news on the Internet, watch movies, TV shows or television programs. All of the above causes the brain to actively process the information received, that is, subsequently it can not calm down and fall asleep. If you cannot fall asleep in silence or darkness - try reading books, but then again, these should not be action-packed novels, choose something more calm. It’s best to read books, not a tablet or an e-book, because screens will also emit light, which in turn irritates the retina. You can also put relaxing music so that it plays quietly and somewhere in the background, but be sure to turn it off when you feel that you are falling asleep, otherwise you will wake up in the morning, and your head will be as if cast-iron from night noise.
Use folk methods to fall asleep. To fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier, folk medicine men advise drinking warm milk before bedtime, as well as eating a few tablespoons of honey. We would also advise taking a contrast shower, however, the last stage of watering should be a warm stream of water. A shower will help you relieve emotional stress and you will fall asleep even better. We do not recommend drinking tea or coffee at night, but in the morning it is quite acceptable, unless you have problems (diseases) with the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract).
Alarm clock
Wake up at the same time! When introducing a new mode - remember that now you will have to choose a specific time range into which you will regularly get up. If you constantly “jump” in the clock (wake up at 5:00, then at 7:00, then at 9:00), in the end, do not accustom yourself to get up early in the morning.
Barack Obama, the current president of the United States, says that most of his success in politics is connected with the correct regime of the day, as it was he who allowed him to work as productively as possible.
Margaret Thatcher, this famous woman, surpassed the commander Napoleon, who slept 4 hours a day and claimed that a long sleep is a crime. Margaret slept only 3-4 hours a day, and sometimes even less, since her day could end at any time, but began exclusively at 5:00 with her favorite program on BBC radio.