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What is hypertension?
What is hypertension?
The outline of the article:
How to recognize hypertension
The first and second degrees of hypertension
Causes of Hypertension
How is it treated?
The consequences of hypertension
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are faced with such a problem as high blood pressure. Hypertension is becoming widespread, according to various estimates, approximately 25 - 40% of people suffer from this disease, more than half of them are middle-aged and elderly people.
How to recognize hypertension
Hypertension is a disease characterized by high blood pressure. In a person not suffering from hypertension, the normal pressure is approximately 120/80 mmHg, taking into account minor deviations.
Some people have their own mark of healthy pressure: lowered from 100/65 to 100/75 and increased from 135/100 to 145/110, but it is worth remembering that for most people such indicators are already pathological. The first number in the indicator is the upper pressure (or systolic), which corresponds to the force of contraction of the walls of the heart. The second number indicates the lower (or diastolic) pressure that occurs when the heart relaxes.
Arterial hypertension is a very common disease, manifested in a chronic state of high blood pressure (above 140 mm Hg. Art.). A disease can go quietly and sometimes a person does not even know that he has it. Hypertension occurs not only in the elderly, but also in young people. Every third suffers from it in Russia.
Only a doctor determines arterial hypertension using special rules. First: you need to measure blood pressure only in a state of complete rest; second: before measuring, you can not eat, drink coffee, tea and alcohol, perform physical activity.
The first and second degrees of hypertension
The first degree of hypertension is the initial one. The pressure here does not exceed the indicators 140/158 to 90/97, and rises abruptly and periodically, for no apparent reason. After, the pressure may suddenly normalize. There is a headache, dizziness, a sensation of "flies" in front of the eyes, sometimes there is a noise in the ears.
The second degree is moderate. Pressure does not exceed 160/178 per 100/108. In the second stage, increased pressure will last longer and on its own does not return to normal. In this case, drugs are used. There is also a risk of damage to the heart, brain, or kidneys. Symptoms: fatigue, memory problems, headaches, heart palpitations.
What is hypertension?
Often on the Internet resources you can find the concept of "hypertension", it is often identified with hypertension. However, do not confuse these phenomena. There is a difference between them. Hypertension is a syndrome in which high blood pressure is recorded. Hypertension is often manifested in hypertension and is its symptom. Hypertension is already a disease that is chronic.
Causes of Hypertension
This disease can not occur from scratch, it is always preceded by a number of reasons. This may include:
Stress is a very common cause of hypertension because under stress, a large amount of adrenaline is produced in the body. And if a person is constantly in a stressful state, this leads to the development of the disease. In addition, increased emotional sensitivity, depression, anxiety, recently experienced losses also belong to this category.
Hereditary factor. If your close relatives have a predisposition to high blood pressure, then the risk of getting hypertension increases for you.
Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and eating fatty foods have a strong negative effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, fatty foods lead to a set of extra pounds or even obesity, and this is another reason for hypertension. Also, excessive consumption of coffee or salt and salty foods can be attributed to this.
Past injuries associated with damage to the brain (concussion, bruises, hypothermia).
Diseases of a viral or infectious nature, the effect of which can affect the cardiovascular system. This is sinusitis, meningitis, frontal sinusitis and others.
Vascular changes that manifest with age.
With elevated cholesterol, hypertension and, as a consequence, hypertension can be observed. This phenomenon is due to the fact that plaques form on the walls of blood vessels that disrupt the blood supply and directly affect the cardiovascular system.
In women during menopause. Since certain changes and adaptation to them occur in the body, latent diseases sometimes come to the fore. Against their background, arterial hypertension sometimes manifests itself. Occur often after 40 years.
Hypodynamia, which in most cases affects people of advanced age. Also, a sedentary lifestyle is led by people working at a computer, sometimes pregnant in the third trimester. Rare walks and a lack of fresh air can lead to high blood pressure.
How is it treated?
With high blood pressure (especially in severe "off-scale cases") it is necessary, first of all, to contact an ambulance. But since sometimes the ambulance carriage has to wait a considerable amount of time, you need to be able to remove the crisis yourself. This is done in the following two ways:
The use of dibazole. It will be enough 0.02 g, wash down with water. To make the reaction go faster, the tablet can be crushed and placed under the tongue.
Clonidine. It needs a little less - 0.075 mg.
Doctors will help relieve the complication by injection, and also recommend treatment. Typically, enalapril, ednit and others are the permanent and most effective drugs for hypertensive patients. But even knowing which pills are taken for hypertension, you can not prescribe treatment yourself. This requires an examination in the hospital and knowledge of the exact analysis. In addition, the drug market is constantly replenished with new, more effective medicines. Only a doctor can prescribe something that suits you individually.
In order to enhance the effect of the prescribed treatment, you can drink herbal preparations and tinctures. Natural diuretics, which often include lingonberry leaves, are very effective at elevated pressure. Diuretic products and water are also good.
With not severe forms of hypertension, the use of panangin, asparkam or other drugs with similar properties in moderate doses is allowed. Using them, you can calm the nervous system. In addition, these drugs have a mild diuretic effect.
The best cure for hypertension is prevention. With it, you can prevent the development of hypertension or weaken an existing disease:
We are holding ourselves together. Try to protect yourself from nervous shocks, stress. Often relax, relax, do not strain your nerves with constant thoughts about the unpleasant. You can sign up for yoga classes or spend time on walks with your family.
Normalize the diet. Add more vegetables, fruits, nuts. Reduce the amount of fatty, spicy or salty foods consumed. This action will help remove excess weight, which means it will save you from another possible reason for the development of hypertension.
We get rid of bad habits. It is time to forget once and for all about cigarettes and excessive amounts of alcohol. This is especially true for those who already observe the prerequisites for hypertension.
With elevated cholesterol, hypertension and, as a consequence, hypertension can be observed. This phenomenon is due to the fact that plaques form on the walls of blood vessels that disrupt the blood supply and directly affect the cardiovascular system.
In women during menopause. Since certain changes and adaptation to them occur in the body, latent diseases sometimes come to the fore. Against their background, arterial hypertension sometimes manifests itself. Occur often after 40 years.
Hypodynamia, which in most cases affects people of advanced age. Also, a sedentary lifestyle is led by people working at a computer, sometimes pregnant in the third trimester. Rare walks and a lack of fresh air can lead to high blood pressure.
The consequences of hypertension
Stroke. People with hypertension are more likely than others to bleed out to the brain. After a stroke, a person can not always even get out of bed, and in some cases becomes disabled, loses speech function.
Heart attack A dangerous phenomenon, the fatal outcome of which in 40% of cases. This is usually due to the untimely provision of medical care.
Visual impairment. Hypertension can cause negative changes in the blood vessels of the eyes. Sometimes this can even lead to retinal hemorrhage and complete loss of vision.
Memory problems. Old-time hypertensive patients often experience memory impairment: phone numbers, addresses, and even names can fly out of my head.
Impaired renal function. In this case, the body is poisoned by toxic substances.
Heart failure. Most often, it develops either due to atherosclerosis or due to hypertension. The following symptoms are noted: shortness of breath, swelling.
Bleeding from the nose. Life-threatening, but extremely unpleasant.
Chronic headaches or sudden dizziness. Inherent to all people who suffer from hypertension.
In addition, high blood pressure provokes a lack of sleep. The best prevention of this is constant stable sleep for at least 6-7 hours.
So, hypertension is a very dangerous and insidious disease that can not be immediately detected. Today it is known that hypertension is not completely cured. However, it can be controlled with medications and a healthy lifestyle, thereby reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack and other serious consequences.