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How to quit smoking easily |
How to quit smoking easily
Many people asked me the question: “How to quit smoking?”, But, unfortunately, it is impossible to give a definite answer. First of all, because the approach to understanding smoking can be different. For example, you can look at smoking as a disease, as a bad habit, as a harmful addiction, or as something mystical imposed by evil spirits. And in any of the above cases, the methods of struggle will be completely different.
Smoking can be treated with pills, cast out an evil smoky demon with prayers, shamanistic lotions, hypnosis. As for me, this is pure stupidity, because ultimately, the positive effect of all of the above will depend on the element of auto-suggestion. I will not talk about how to quit smoking with the help of new medicines, advanced psychics, grandmother fortunetellers and the like.
To the best of my pragmatism, I look at smoking as a business, unfortunately, very disadvantageous for a smoker. For a fashionable image, style, interpersonal skills, nerves soothed by nicotine, you sometimes have to pay with your life - and this is expensive. There are safer and more practical ways to get all the positive qualities that a cigarette gives:
to calm you can pray, calms nerves and good sex well;
sociability will increase savvy speech from a good picker forum;
personal image can be improved by spending weekends bypassing fashion boutiques.
What gives smoking?
What gives smoking?
The easiest way to quit smoking is simply not to start. In order not to start, ask yourself these questions: “What will smoking give me? Will I get stronger? Maybe faster? Maybe 30 cm of biceps will grow or, for example, the cherished 90-60-90? ”
And if you calculate how much money will be spent on cigarettes, it will become completely uncomfortable. A familiar programmer in the states bought cigarettes over the Internet. At the end of the year, he received an account statement from the store. It turned out that in two years he managed to smoke almost $ 4,000 - a monthly salary.
I believe that human life is the most precious thing a person has, and any factors that negatively affect it should be excluded. It is one thing to die instantly from an accident or on the battlefield, protecting your country and fighting for a just cause. And quite another - to become disabled or get sick with an incurable disease and rot alive. This is scary, because the reason will be your weak-willed character.
How to quit smoking, option one
Now to the point. First of all, you need to realize yourself why you smoke? Very rarely, smoking is necessary for a person at the genetic level, in other words - like air. For this, MirSovetov recommends conducting the following experiment on himself.
When you feel uncomfortable, and your hand reaches for a pack of cigarettes, open the pack and take one cigarette, but do not light it. Take it on the lips, hold it in your hands, and do not pay attention that it does not burn with you.
When you feel uncomfortable, and your hand reaches for a pack of cigarettes, open the pack and take one cigarette, but do not light it. Take it on the lips, hold it in your hands, and do not pay attention that it does not burn with you. It is better to do this when someone is nearby, for example, a girlfriend or friend with whom you decide to take a walk. It is advisable that she or he do not smoke. Hold a cigarette in your hand, start a discussion about whether there is life on Mars? If after half an hour the discomfort disappears, and you accidentally discover that you are holding an unlit cigarette in your hand, then you are lucky. This test tests your body's attachment to nicotine. If the test is successful, then in order to quit smoking, you only need your own desire.
Indeed, in most cases, you do not want to smoke, but by the will of circumstances you have to do it. The circumstances may be different, work colleagues who are inviting to puff for a campaign or a girlfriend who smokes hard and, in order not to offend her, you start smoking yourself. To help you quit smoking, the main thing is not to follow your friends’s lead and say “No” to yourself. To friends and girlfriends who will offer, you can spin anything you want to make it look believable. For example, to say that he’s already smoked and no longer inserts, or refer to the poor health of a smoked cigarette. If these are really your friends, then they will understand you and will not be imposed with a smoke.
How to quit smoking, option two
How to quit smoking easily
If the test fails, then the above method will be ineffective. We now need to determine the extent of your nicotine addiction. First, remember how much you already smoke? If you smoke for 15 years, and you are already over 30, then I will not reassure you - quitting smoking will be almost impossible for you.
The sooner you start smoking, the harder it will be to quit. This is due to the formation of your body. The body of a man ends up being formed at 25-26 years old, women at 24 years old. If during the last ten years you smoked, then the whole mechanism of the functioning of your body was formed taking into account the nicotine entering the bloodstream. Therefore, the entire metabolism in the body takes into account its presence. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that the body can even develop its nicotine norm, for example, 5 cigarettes per day. If you smoke 3 - it will be bad (start to get nervous, become irritable). If you smoke 7 - it will also be bad (it may make you dizzy, migraines begin).
It was for such people that they came up with nicotine gum, a patch and similar pribludy. But there’s no point in switching to them. In any case, you will have to give money for them and get used to another muck again. MirSovetov sees in all these means one plus - the lungs will not suffer! But at the same time it will go to other bodies. From the nicotine gum and inhalers the stomach will sit down, and the patch is not too effective, it will need to be glued in large quantities. Therefore, the only thing I can recommend: to take strength, will and put them together, to get strength-will, and start your unequal battle with yourself.
You can’t stop smoking right away, and you won’t be able to. Imagine that your body is thousands of gears that are tuned and functioning properly. To take out one of them and the consequences for the body can be catastrophic. Very often, smokers with 10 years of experience who quit smoking abruptly began to fail the heart, pancreas, liver, and cancer developed. All this happened because the body experienced stress, about the same when you lose a loved one or overcome a serious psychological trauma.
Cigarettes need to be discarded gradually. To do this, determine the average rate of cigarettes per day: calculate how many cigarettes you smoked per week and divide this amount by 7.
How to quit smoking easily
For example, you get 6 cigarettes a day. For the first week, smoke exactly six cigarettes a day. For the second week, limit yourself to 5 cigarettes per day. For the third week, smoke 4 cigarettes per day. By the 4th week you will reach half the norm of 3 cigarettes per day. Here it is worth a little pause, and in the next three to four weeks to accustom your body to this norm. This will be the first step to victory. After that, when the line of three cigarettes is conquered, and 3 cigarettes are enough for you per day, you can switch to 2 cigarettes per day. This will be the second step to your victory.
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