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How to make up for a pregnant woman’s calcium deficiency? In the article “How to make up for a pregnant woman’s calcium deficiency”, we’ll tell you how to make up for a calcium deficiency in a pregnant woman’s body. During pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding, a woman's body needs minerals and many vitamins. During pregnancy, there is often a lack of calcium in the body. Calcium is an important trace element that is responsible for the normal condition of the teeth, bone mass is involved in the formation of muscles, nervous systems and, of course, the heart. How can I replenish the lack of calcium in the body of a woman?
Calcium is necessary during pregnancy, so that the fetus can form, it is responsible for almost all the tissues of the baby, the tissues of the ears and eyes, hair and nails, internal organs, nerve cells. In an hour, 13 milligrams of calcium or 300 milligrams should pass through the placenta of the fetus, 25 grams of calcium should accumulate in the child’s body during the gestation period in order to prevent a disease such as “rickets” - an irreversible violation of the baby’s bone tissue.
In order for the fetus to receive enough useful substances, they must first be in a pregnant woman. Calcium reduces the risk of losing a fetus or miscarriage, resists the increase in blood pressure to those values that are dangerous to the life of the mother and child. During childbirth, the likelihood of losing large bleeding and premature fetal loss is reduced. Calcium is responsible for the condition of the nails and teeth of a pregnant woman, does not allow them to break off and collapse, contributes to normal hair growth and health.
Who suffers from a lack of calcium
There is a certain group of people who suffer from a lack of calcium. First of all, those who fall into it are:
- who has thinness;
- poor appetite, which provokes a bad mood and insomnia;
- smokes;
- often sick, with an increase in body temperature.
A characteristic sign of calcium deficiency is pain in the bones and joints, there is a "leaching" of calcium from bone tissue.
There are some signs that indicate a calcium deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman:
- Intensive hair loss;
- Caries, tooth decay and deterioration;
For normal calcium intake, muscle work is needed, and if you overdo it with gymnastic exercises, this will lead to pain in the muscles and joints, to fatigue, which can negatively affect the body's perception of calcium.
How can I find out about calcium deficiency?
A pregnant woman needs to know in advance about the presence of calcium in the body, about the condition of her bones. To determine the mineral density of bone tissue, the densitometry method is used. Then the woman will be able to get the degree of saturation with calcium and the condition of her skeleton. This method allows you to see such a bone disease, long before they appear. When pregnancy has already begun, the doctor recommends that the woman undergo an ultrasound examination of the bones, which is safe for the mother and her fetus.
And then, according to the results of research, the doctor can choose preparations containing calcium for the treatment of a lack of mineral in the body and for its prevention.
How to supplement the lack of calcium?
When a woman finds out about pregnancy, she begins to take beneficial trace elements and vitamins. But you need to do this before conception, and then when she is breastfeeding. To maintain health and for the normal development of the fetus, you need to use the right amount of calcium:
- for an adult it will be 500 or 1000 milligrams per day;
- for a nursing mother, this is 2000 milligrams;
- for a pregnant woman it will be 1500 milligrams.
To get the daily rate of calcium, you need to include in your diet, foods that are rich in calcium:
- cod liver, fish oil, fish, which is rich in vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium, they help the body absorb calcium;
- dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products, milk;
- shells, calcined in a frying pan and ground into powder, egg yolk;
- vegetables: beets, parsley, celery, legumes, garlic, cabbage;
- Rye bread;
During pregnancy, you need to adjust the diet, taking into account the high content of calcium in foods and daily requirements. For example, ½ pack of cottage cheese (100 to 150 grams), egg shell powder from 1 to 1.5 grams, a couple of slices of feta cheese (50 to 100 grams), 2 cups of a milk drink, all this will provide the necessary minimum calcium in the body.
So that calcium is better absorbed in the body, ultraviolet light will help here, it will be useful to sunbathe under the warm rays of the sun, so that a sufficient amount of vitamin D is formed, so that calcium remains in the skeletal system.
What foods can make up for calcium deficiency?
But some do not like dairy products, there are other products that can replenish the lack of calcium:
- vegetables of a dark green color - cabbage, turnip leaves they contain a lot of calcium;
- canned fish with bones, sardines, crushed peas. Lentils, sesame seeds, almonds, broccoli are available sources of calcium.
You can make up for the lack of calcium, for this you need to change your habits for the better. At first glance, this is not so simple, but a lack of calcium requires us to go into small tricks.
- Always choose low fat milk as drinks.
- If you are hungry, then instead of buns, as a “snack”, prefer yogurt.
- Make delicious cocktails from nonfat milk and fruits.
- Add yogurt to fruits or consume low fat yogurt. Instead of useless mayonnaise and pastry cream, add yogurt to waffles, to season pancakes, to sauces and salads, to smoothies.
- Choose foods that are calcium, low fat, or low fat. From this, the calcium level does not decrease, but it helps to avoid gaining unnecessary extra pounds.
You need to get rid of bad habits like drinking alcohol, smoking. The love of coffee is all from a lack of calcium in the body. Also, a deficiency of ultraviolet light will affect the absorption of calcium, it will be necessary to appear more often on the street. All this will be an occasion to reconsider your lifestyle.
Calcium deficiency is a comprehensive solution to this problem. It is necessary not only to eat calcium in tablets, but also to combine with physical exercises that will strengthen the skeleton. A healthy lifestyle and approach guarantee strong bones and health.
We reserve for the future
A pregnant woman needs to drink 2 cups of kefir or milk daily, eat a few pieces of cheese, 150 grams of cottage cheese. Then in the body you will create a “calcium reserve”, such irreplaceable 30 grams that the baby will need, in the last three months before his birth, when he will grow.
In the diet include vegetables, (especially beets, beans), fresh fruits. Nuts, rye bread, feta cheese, dairy products. Traditional medicine advises expectant mothers to take the shell of a boiled egg, the inner film must be removed. Anneal the shell in a frying pan, and then grind in a mortar, or grind in a coffee grinder. This powder is added to food, swallowed and washed down with clean water. At the tip of a teaspoon, you need to take this powder and use it 2 or 3 times a day. It contains 35 or 38% calcium, from the eggshell calcium is absorbed well.
Now we know how to make up for a pregnant calcium deficiency. Knowing what foods you need to eat to make up for the lack of calcium in the body, you can prepare for the birth of a healthy child, and also improve your health.
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