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What are the beneficial properties for weight loss have flax seeds:
Fiber contained in the seeds can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and relieve many unpleasant problems. It helps to remove harmful deposits accumulated as a result of poor peristalsis and contributes to a long feeling of satiety. The use of plant foods with a high content of this element helps to neutralize the psychological factor, which causes a lot of problems during weight loss. There are no constant thoughts about food, the desire for an urgent snack is reduced. Even if you eat low-calorie dishes, they are enough for you.
With the systematic use of the product, high-quality pancreatic stimulation occurs. This factor optimizes blood sugar. The desire to eat sweets is weakening. But every woman will say that it is with such cravings that it is most difficult to fight during the rationalization of nutrition.
The use of flax seeds for weight loss and body cleansing is justified, but not always effective. If you feel that the gastrointestinal tract and the urethra are not working properly, and the body cannot cope with toxins on its own, refer to the ION-Detox program offered by our clinic. The treatment course, consisting of 10 sessions, normalizes the work of all organs involved in the nutrition process, effectively and quickly rid the body of microtoxic poisons. During the program, the blood will be cleansed of radionuclides, and the kidneys and gall bladder of stones. Remember that only the help of specialists can prevent the development of serious diseases in time.
You can use this representative of the plant world in different ways. And as whole seeds, and in the form of ground powder. It all depends on the specific recipe that you use. The main thing is to thoroughly approach the buying process.
Purchases can be made in specialized stores, in hypermarkets, in markets or even in pharmacies. Determine where it will be more convenient for you, focusing on the cost and quality of the product.
Acquired seeds should be stored exclusively in unmilled form. Otherwise, they will quickly oxidize and become unusable. For the same reason, we do not recommend buying ready-made powdered flax. Continuous self-grinding is a laborious and a bit tedious task, but this option is optimal.
In no case should you use the product without a break. The body needs time for both adaptation and assimilation. Make equal intervals between courses. Reception on average should take place within 8-10 days, with an interval of at least 9 days. If after several weeks there is a visible result and no hint of malaise, the duration can be gradually increased in increments of one day per period.
The main principle is drinking plenty. Fiber can cause quite unpleasant consequences for the gastrointestinal tract if it is not flavored with a serious amount of fluid. This is a very solid food, which is long and very difficult to digest.
Preparing a product for use is necessary right before the meal. If you do this in advance, then most of the nutrients and elements will die. Remember that seeds, even in whole form, can be stored for no more than six months. We do not recommend buying significant stocks. Better to update them periodically.
Although there can be an infinite number of ways to prepare various dishes based on this plant, we took the liberty of choosing the most common and interesting:
Many townsfolk mistakenly believe that half an hour or an hour is enough for cooking. In fact, this is not so. To obtain the correct consistency, it is necessary to keep flax on fire for about two hours. For half a liter of water, just 1 tablespoon of the product is enough. We are talking about broth, not porridge. It is necessary to consume it not with food, as many people think, but before a meal in about 25 minutes. It stabilizes the digestive tract and allows you to get enough of less food. The course should not last more than ten days. After this period, the body will need a quality break.
A good alternative to a decoction would be jelly. It can be prepared in many ways. Either simmer the seeds in boiling water for 2 hours, or add the chopped seeds or powder directly to the finished product. Thus, you can not only instill a lot of useful properties in a dish, but also increase its taste. Nevertheless, the plant is often used in ordinary cooking.
Almost any salad based on fresh vegetables or stewed eggplant and zucchini can be supplemented with seeds. This is a long-known gastronomic reception. The dosage in this case should be small, just one teaspoon per plate. Just sprinkle the dish on top.
Porridge is the easiest and most useful way to consume a product. The recipe is standard and familiar to everyone: cooking after boiling for 10 minutes. The ratio is best maintained one to two. About 120 grams of seeds per 240 grams of water. You can increase the volume of water a little if you think that the dish is too thick.
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Everything is pretty simple. In the morning, our body should receive the maximum energy charge, in accordance with the conditions of the established diet. Therefore, it is best to opt for high-grade flax dishes. First of all, this is porridge. This is the best option to start the activity, which will help maintain the functionality at the proper level. Powdery reception is also good if you don’t have time to cook. Moreover, if you take the plant in its pure ground form, its beneficial properties are revealed more fully.
But no matter how useful the seeds of flax, remember that this is not a magic wand that can make you slim in an instant. Treat this product as you would any other. If you like its taste, and you enjoy eating it, then go ahead. If not, replace the porridge from flax seeds with any other: rice, buckwheat, oat, millet.
Nutritionists will help you systematize your nutrition, provide a painless transition to healthy and wholesome foods. To learn more about the programs of the "Clinic for weight loss Elena Morozova", contact our staff at the contact phone number. You will receive your first professional consultation for free.
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