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We share the most unexpected secrets of longevity. And at the end of the article you will find out where you need to settle in order to live exactly to a very old age.
Have you already calculated how many everyday circumstances prolong your life?
1. You are not afraid of age
Studies show that gratitude is associated with emotional maturity, and the ability to treat one’s own age as a virtue increases life expectancy by 7.5 years.
2. You are a shopaholic
As it turned out, shopping is more important for men than for women. A study found that frequent purchases reduce mortality by 28% in men and 23% in women.
3. Do you have a pet?
It has been proven that pets are able to maintain health. Communication with a four-legged friend calms and promotes the release of the hormone oxytocin. It is he who regulates positive emotions in the body. Thus, your pet prolongs your life, reduces stress and protects against cardiovascular diseases.
4. You eat purple foods
If violet-colored food is regularly present in your diet, then your chance of maintaining health and prolonging your life increases several times:
Blueberries prevent the growth of breast cancer cells, rich in prebiotic and fight against aging.
Scientists recommend regularly consuming black grapes: it improves brain function and protects against cardiovascular diseases.
Women who ate 3 servings of purple food per week reduced their risk of heart attack by 32%.
5. You are smiling in photos
After studying photos of major league baseball players who played in 1950, scientists came to the conclusion that a smile can prolong life. The study showed that people who smiled in the photo had an average life expectancy of 7 years longer.
6. You allow yourself a couple cups of coffee a day
A study found that people who drank coffee regularly had a reduced risk of death. Namely: 1 cup of coffee reduces the risk of premature death by 12%, and 3 - by 18%.
7. Do you have a regular partner?
Love strengthens our health, protecting us from the negative effects of stress, and, according to research, marriage prolongs life. People without a permanent partner in middle age die prematurely 2 times more often.
Scientists at Harvard Medical School also believe that marriage helps prolong life, and also reduces the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and reduces the likelihood of cancer.
A study by scientists at the University of Chicago showed that married men live on average 10 years longer than unmarried, while married women live about 4 years longer than unmarried.
8. You have “positive” initials
This is surprising, but the initials from which you can add positive words (for example: VIP, MEU, MIG, LEO, etc.) add years of life. Men with positive initials lived almost 4.5 years longer, while men with initials that formed negative words lived less than almost 3 years of the average.
9. You have a little overweight
It has been found that people with low overweight live longer than people with normal, underweight or overweight. Scientists believe that an advantage of a couple of kilograms will help protect the body from weakness in old age.
10. Or at least big hips
Scientists have found that women with large hips can boast better health, as being overweight in the lower body significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Fat on the hips is different from fat on the abdomen: fat in the upper body is dangerous because it envelops internal organs, causing various diseases and shortening life expectancy.
11. There are a lot of people with a sense of humor in your environment
Norwegian scientists have found that friends with a great sense of humor extend their lives by as much as 7 years. But, as it turned out, laughter has a significant impact on health only up to 70 years. It's time to stock up on positive emotions!
12. You talked to a lot of women
Researchers at Harvard University found that men who grew up in an environment with a small number of women died earlier than those surrounded by women. Even such men are more likely to marry, and marriage (as we have already found out) prolongs life.
13. Do you like taking care of others
Scientists have concluded that the more husband and wife care about each other, the longer they will live - it is enough to devote to your soulmate 14 hours a week. And grandparents live longer if they have grandchildren. Therefore, it is so important to take the children to their parents for the weekend.
Bonus: You live on Ikaria
The largest percentage of 90-year-olds in the world lives on the Greek island of Ikaria, and older people are less likely to suffer from various age-related diseases. Scientists attribute the excellent health of the islanders to the highlands, which requires daily physical activity. And also longevity is promoted by a diet in which a high content of olive oil, fresh vegetables and good wine.