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Why hands are shaking |
Why hands tremble
Tremor, or involuntary shaking of the hands, can be observed in both the elderly and young people. The need to treat this condition depends on its severity and the factors that triggered the problem.
“So Easy!” Talks about 14 causes of tremor. Some of them are very serious and can be the result of incurable diseases, others are easy to overcome with a little simple effort.
Why hands are shaking
Physiological tremor should be distinguished from pathological. In the first case, this phenomenon is temporary and disappears immediately after eliminating the causes that caused it. These include emotional stress, anxiety, fatigue, hypothermia.
If trembling in the hands appears regularly and intensifies over time, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since such a tremor can be a signal of any disease, and then it is called pathological.
1- Parkinson's disease
Shivering paralysis, also called Parkinson's disease, was first described by the English physician James Parkinson in 1817.
In this disease, nerve cells that produce dopamine mediator gradually die. Because of this, the regulation of movements and muscle tone are disturbed.
The first symptoms of the disease usually occur after 40–45 years. Tremor usually begins on one arm, but may eventually spread to the other.
The exact cause is still unknown. There is information that Parkinson's disease is more common in people who consume large amounts of dairy products, and less often in heavy smokers and coffee lovers.
Doctors do not yet know how to prevent Parkinson's disease, but they recommend protecting the brain with blueberries and lingonberries, as well as regularly train your memory.
2- Multiple Sclerosis
This is a chronic disease in which the membrane of the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord is affected. With multiple sclerosis, trembling hands or other parts of the body.
The most common method of help is medication, and a physiotherapist can teach you how to effectively control your symptoms.
3- Hyperthyroidism
Shaking hands can be a sign of hyperthyroidism, or Basedova’s disease, an increased activity of thyroid hormones, which is expressed in heart palpitations, sweating, constant nervousness, irritability, anxiety.
External signs of the disease include bulging eyes and the appearance of a pronounced goiter. To clarify the diagnosis, a blood test is performed. With hyperthyroidism, nutritional correction is important. Excluded drinks and products that stimulate the nervous system - coffee and chocolate.
4- Excess Caffeine
Caffeine is a stimulant that helps us wake up faster in the morning and also triggers hand tremors.
Those who drink coffee in buckets should be aware that more than 300 milliliters of an invigorating drink per day can lead to serious health problems. We previously wrote to whom and why high doses of caffeine can harm.
5- Alcohol addiction
If you are addicted to alcohol, then when you give up alcohol, your hands may shake. This usually occurs 10 hours after the last alcohol intake and lasts several weeks.
There are special detoxification programs that help get rid of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.
6- Lack of sleep
With a lack of sleep, normal brain function is disturbed. The brain gets tired and can send erroneous signals, resulting in tremor. Fortunately, it is not difficult to correct the situation - it’s enough to sleep well.
7- Low sugar
Hypoglycemia is a pathological condition associated with abnormally low blood glucose levels. People with diabetes mellitus, severe liver and pancreas diseases, gastrointestinal tract malfunctions, and endocrine gland dysfunctions may experience bouts of hypoglycemia.
With a deficiency of glucose in the blood, nerve cells are especially affected, so there are manifestations such as drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements, tremors, sudden mood swings.
An attack of hypoglycemia can be stopped by consuming 10-15 grams of “fast” carbohydrates, for example, eat a banana, two pieces of refined sugar, a couple of teaspoons of honey.
8- Stress
Anything can cause stress - problems in relationships, difficulties at work, fear, experienced troubles and excessive fatigue. This is a normal reaction, which usually passes quickly.
But with chronic stress, physical symptoms are added to anxiety: insomnia, headache, sweating, tremor of the extremities.
The condition improves significantly with the decrease of the causes of stress. To overcome stress and get rid of negative thoughts, you need to learn how to control your emotions. We tell you how to do it.
9- Effect of drugs
The toxic effects of chemicals and certain drugs can cause irregular tremors in the fingers. In such cases, withdrawal of the drug and subsequent symptomatic treatment leads to its termination.
10- Smoking
Often people smoke in the hope that smoking will calm and help to cope with stress. But the effect may be just the opposite.
Nicotine in tobacco is an addictive drug. If it enters the bloodstream, it causes an increase in heart rate and, in some cases, tremor of the extremities. Quitting smoking will solve the problem, but it is better to consult a doctor.
11- Vitamin B12 deficiency
The lack of vitamin B12 in the body dramatically weakens the immune system, it can be fraught with anemia, death of nerve cells, chronic fatigue and depression.
Natural sources of vitamin B12 are animal products: meat, eggs, poultry, fish and seafood, as well as dairy products. Vitamin B12 is also produced by our intestinal microflora, so the prevention of dysbiosis is important.
12- Adrenal pheochromocytoma
A tumor develops in the adrenal gland, is usually benign, but often provokes an increase in blood pressure, trembling hands, severe sweating, shortness of breath and headache. The most effective treatment is the complete removal of the tumor.
13- Liver Disease
Tremor can be a symptom of certain liver diseases, for example, Wilson's disease, which requires medical treatment and a special diet.
14- Brain impairment
The cause of tremors in some cases can be a stroke or a head injury. Drug treatment in combination with the rejection of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol will help to cope with the problem.
With hand trembling, some traditional medicine may come to the rescue: propolis, tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn, tansy, chamomile or mint. If symptoms progress, be sure to consult a doctor to rule out the presence of a serious illness.
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