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Bruxism in children |
what does the grinding of teeth indicate?
Bruxism in children is a frequent phenomenon that causes a lot of questions among young parents. Often, mothers notice that a child in his sleep grinds his teeth. Concerned about the problems of the child, they try to find the answer from friends, girlfriends and relatives. Sounds can be a one-time character, and can be repeated every night.
At the same time, one should not trust “grandmother's” arguments, supposedly bruxism is a sure sign of the presence of parasites in the colon. Anxiety and doubt should be dispelled by the family doctor when discussing the baby’s health , if the issue is acute and requires immediate resolution. In order to correctly diagnose bruxism and its signs, we will analyze in detail all aspects of this problem.
Characteristic of bruxism
Teeth grinding in children is not a pathology or a disease. This is a condition that is not considered the "norm" for the child. Doctors explain the grinding of teeth by the fact that involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles occurs. This helps to compress the jaw, which leads to unusual sounds. Adults suffer less bruxism than children. Boys are more susceptible to it.
Important! “If the child is nervous or there is a lack of load on the chewing apparatus, bruxism is inevitable for you,” this information is not confirmed by experts.
If bruxism manifests itself during the day, it is most likely that baby teeth erupt in the child. Unpleasant sensations cause muscle spasm, as a result of which the child tries to dull the pain. In infancy, kids try to "taste" almost every toy. This is not instinct, but the usual manifestation of natural bruxism.
Since there is no disease as such, we cannot talk about treatment. In many cases, bruxism goes away on its own, and only a hundredth of a child becomes a habit in adulthood. In order not to describe the myths and opinions of different people, we will analyze the specific reasons that precede the manifestation of bruxism.
The main causes of bruxism
The causes of bruxism in children are many. For a comfortable perception of each of them, we will divide the main points into groups and delve into a detailed description.
1- Theories of the appearance of bruxism in children:
Theory of stress. The compression of the teeth in a dream and, therefore, the creak that appeared can be explained by the experienced stress. As a result, the neuromuscular system of the body experiences psychological stress. Often this manifests itself in those children who devote most of their time to classes, circles, and also show mental activity in excess of 4 hours a day.
Theory of dental nature . A child may suffer due to malocclusion. The neuromuscular system independently tries to correct the “mistakes” in the child’s mouth, involuntarily squeezing the muscle tissue. As a result, the child will try to ease the tension and “chew” unpleasant seals with his teeth. So that the child does not damage the tooth enamel, a visit to the dentist will not hurt.
Theory of birth trauma
. It is believed that during childbirth, the baby's skull is subjected to stress, as a result of which the bones may not connect correctly. A tooth is also a bone. Perhaps due to investigative natural errors, the jaw function may suffer. Teeth grinding can also occur among those who have installed prostheses. For an artificial bone to take root, the body needs a lot of effort and time.
2. Practical reasons for the occurrence of bruxism in children:
The manifestation of bruxism falls on the age of 2-3 years. Up to 6−7 years, he may be present in a sharp and easy manifestation. The kid could adopt Bruxism from his parents. You can inherit almost any symptoms of various diseases. If one of the parents in adulthood suffers from bruxism, this does not mean that the child will also suffer in his youth.
The most common cause of bruxism in children. Harbingers can be: poor appetite, intestinal colic, pain in the gums and teeth, bleeding of the gums, etc. One problem arises from another, therefore its obvious signs respond to treatment.
We will not consider the presence of parasites in the body, because from an itch a child can creak not only with his teeth, imitating mechanical actions in a dream. The question will concern breathing and possible adenoids, sinusitis and polyps.
They lead to insufficient saliva in the oral cavity, which can cause dryness. An involuntary gnashing of teeth is the only way the body can make up for salivation in a dream.
Do not self-medicate if your child confirms one of your theories. A visit to a pediatrician and a specialist in the profile of your problem is a must.
To prevent further grinding of teeth, it is necessary to fence the child from external irritants. Parents note:
Do not conflict with family members with a child.
Talk about baby fears.
Exclude watching movies, shows two hours before bedtime. Take it entertaining game or reading a book. Animated games are also contraindicated. Before bed, ventilate the room, do the cleaning.
If your child is still gritting his teeth in his sleep, and the grinding time exceeds 10-12 seconds, consult a doctor immediately. Bruxism is not a disease, but leads to undesirable consequences.
Possible consequences of nightly grinding teeth
Firstly, the night rattle causes inconvenience to the child. Sleep is superficial, and during the day the body is drowsy and quickly tired. The performance in the classes in circles, with a tutor and in kindergarten is declining.
Secondly, the child erases his teeth in the literal sense. Getting older, the teeth will have a sensitivity to sweet, cold, sour and hot. Deformation of teeth and bite is possible.
Thirdly, the psyche of the child suffers. All experienced discomfort will come to adulthood when the perception of the problem becomes aware. From here - awkwardness, fear of the public, complexes and self-doubt.
In addition to the obvious consequences, a number of unspoken negative results from a creak of teeth can be revealed. In 87% of cases, children often complained of toothache. The result of the problem can be pulpitis, caries and other diseases. At a young age, they all have a negative effect on the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract).
If you notice a malaise or signs of an upset bowel, examine the baby as soon as possible. Perhaps there are cases when there is a discharge of gastric juice into the oral cavity at night.
Problem Solving Options
It is impossible to give in to treatment that which is not interpreted as a disease. But there are a number of measures that need to be followed by a child suffering from bruxism.
In each case, the doctor prescribes a particular treatment. Indications can be attributed to one of the following methods of eliminating bruxism. To get started, go to the dentist and neurologist. The neurologist will tell you what the causes of bruxism are, and the dentist will help preserve the teeth by prescribing preventive methods.
If the child does not want to obey you, he is not interested in boring tales of birds, do not scold him. So you will aggravate the situation and not achieve the desired result.
As preventive measures, you can additionally examine the nervous system of the child. Emotional upheaval, tension and stress are the primary factors affecting the psychological atmosphere. Soulful, warm talk about school or kindergarten will benefit your child.
Try not to scold or scream at the child. Do not get annoyed if you hear a grinding of teeth again at night. Excessive fatigue can be relieved if the baby is put to bed an hour earlier than usual.
Preventive measures will help you avoid the obvious signs and consequences of bruxism, but will not permanently rid your teeth of grinding. In any case, it is necessary to go through specialists.
Bruxism is not a pathology that requires medical intervention. Additionally read the literature, talk with doctors. We advise you to be patient, because this problem also causes inconvenience to the child. Properly assigned tasks will help you get rid of the harmful "habit" of the child as soon as possible. Help your child overcome a difficult period in his life.
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