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Damage to fullness of the abdomen |
fullness in the waist
If a man’s waist is more than 1 meter, and a woman’s more than 86 cm, then they will have problems. The fact is that not everyone does something special to maintain their health. Most just do nothing and secretly think - it will cost. But after all, nothing prevents any of us from simply measuring our waist.
There is a meter in every family. This is done simply: stand up straight, exhale and use this meter to measure the waist by wrapping it around the abdomen.
The result of the measurement can cause much more significant consequences than when you look in the mirror and think how you look in a particular dress or suit. After all, now you know that exceeding the norms indicated at the beginning of the article increases your chances of storing a potentially dangerous amount of abdominal fat in your body.
Subcutaneous fat, lurking under your skin in the form of stuffing material on the hips, buttocks or upper arms, does not paint a person from a cosmetic point of view, but is relatively harmless.
But the interior, at the level of your abdomen around the digestive organs, is metabolically active and has a direct connection with heart disease, cancer and senile dementia.
It is not necessary to be fat or have a lot of weight to be at risk of such diseases. It appears when “harmful” fat accumulates to a level that carries a health hazard . Even people of normal weight can accumulate a dangerous amount of hidden fat that has accumulated behind the walls of the abdomen.
Middle-aged men accumulate more fat than their peers, but up to a certain age. After menopause, the situation changes in the opposite direction. Few women avoid the accumulation of this fat and retain the wasp waist - in most of them the tummy grows, because the redistribution of fat in favor of the interior begins.
Nowhere to go - this is the nature of our body. A woman can weigh even less than in a distant youth when she was just starting to grow up. And the waist in old age is still a few centimeters larger.
Now a few words about why interior fat cells are so important to our health. Unlike cells in subcutaneous fat, interior cells are an important endocrine organ. They secrete hormones and store chemical elements that are directly related to diseases that affect mainly older organisms.
But today, as you know, diabetes has become younger in the United States. The disease of the elderly ceased to be only their property. When we see overfed children (especially African-Americans, they will not be offended), we should not be surprised that this disease began to affect young people.
UK studydemonstrated a direct relationship between the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and an increase in abdominal volume over 20 years. Even if there are other factors causing this disease (smoking, for example), the chances of this disease are doubled among women who no longer have a waist, and even vice versa. An increase of 5 cm in the waist increases the risk of this ailment by 10%.
The same can be said about the risk of cancer when the stomach grows. In particular, in women the chances of getting a colorectal cancer are almost doubled with weight gain. The same applies to breast cancer. Fat women get sick more often than thin.
In general, one can give an example after an example when women at an age determined by their nature are more likely to get sick with a wide variety of cancers (alas, there are many of them) if they do not hold a figure. Moreover, it does not depend on the race of women - the same pattern is observed on any continent.
There is such a concept in medicine - a biomarker. It shows the quantitative presence of substances in the body that contribute to the appearance of cancer. These are estrogens, leptins, pathogenic proteins ... If a woman begins to lose weight, then their number in the biomarker drops.
In America, two-thirds of women are either overweight or fat. I note that these are not identical concepts. It has been proven that weight loss may even be the only way to reduce breast cancer. At least in this country. Of course, thin women also do not have a one hundred percent guarantee, but statistics show that the likelihood of illness among them is much lower.
Among these problems, there is one more that needs to be said, because it places a heavy burden not only on the sick person, but also on his family and the entire health care system. This is the link between obesity and the risk of dementia, even decades later.
As always, scientists did not argue unfoundedly that such a connection is present. Studies have been conducted, lasting an average of 36 (!) Years on 6.5 thousand people. Fat people are three times more likely to get dementia than people with less fat. Even if a woman normally weighs, but she has excess fat in the lower back, the risk of the disease is higher in the absence of factors such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Excess fat in the lumbar region cannot be beneficial under any circumstances. Today, scientists have proved (again by human studies) that migraines and lung weakness are also caused by fat deposits in the same area. Even death contributes to this problem. Out of 350 thousand Europeans (who were under observation), customers with excess fat all in the same area of the body are at risk of prematurely dying (twice). Although at the same time these people weigh normally.
And now the question arises: how to get rid of this fat? And, more importantly, how to avoid its accumulation in the first place?
Do not count the number of advertising stories (especially on the Internet) devoted to miraculous ways to get rid of belly fat and weight loss in general. Before throwing money away, one must take into account that pills or potions that significantly reduce fat are not on sale. Humanity has not yet invented a chemical panacea for this scourge.
A person must work on it himself. Such work, in addition to physical exercises, necessarily includes a certain diet. The biggest "criminal" in this matter has long been recognized as sugar in all its forms. Especially in the form of fructose, which consists of sucrose (a component in which the main part belongs to sugar beets) and corn syrup.
The best way to get rid of the consumption of this sweet muck is to give up all kinds of fruit drinks, including, sadly, fruit juices. Alcohol harms simply: it prevents the body from burning fat. Of course, one should not forget that white bread and rice are harmful.
Diets can be painted for a long time, especially since nothing new can be said about this. But about sleep, you can see that it is recommended to sleep at night for at least 7 hours. Studies have shown that women sleeping at night for 5 hours or even less, gain over 15 kg of excess weight over 16 years of chronic lack of sleep.
And finally, the most important thing - go more! Unfortunately, this fat is not removed with squats. So go, gentlemen and ladies, go!
Mother sloth brings even more harm to the body in terms of excess fat than excesses in your diet and love for sweets.
Just a few words from my experience. I worked in the hospital for veterans for about 20 years and I can say that the vast majority of veterans in my department (radioisotope medicine) were elderly people.
We mainly specialized in cancer and cardiovascular disease. Among the patients, there were practically no fat people over 75 years old. No, they were - otherwise, if there are thousands of patients - but the vast majority of veterans after 75 turned out to be relatively thin people. Fat men, basically, did not reach this age.
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