Headache is one of the most common symptoms that doctors encounter. Headache can be the leading and sometimes the only complaint in more than 45 different diseases: neurosis, depression, hypertension, arterial hypotension, renal and endocrine pathology, diseases of the nervous system, ENT organs, eyes, etc. However, the most common forms of headache are tension headache (70%) and migraine (25%), which have different developmental mechanisms. Different approaches to the treatment of these headaches.
Headache, as you know, can be different - persistent and not very unexpected and approaching as inevitability, the head can hurt in one area, for example, in the temporal, or it can hurt, as they say, all. And it can cause discomfort to varying degrees - from the annoying "background" of existence to episodes in which existence itself seems to be impossible. Epidemiological studies show that more than 70% of the population in developed countries complain of episodic or chronic headaches.
According to various estimates, the prevalence of headache occurs from 50 to 200 cases per 1000 population. So when conducting a survey in England it was established that 73% of men and 81% of women have ever suffered, although only half of them sought help.
Especially often children, especially schoolchildren, complain of headaches, among which headache reaches up to 60%. Headaches are difficult for children to tolerate; affect their mood, behavior, performance, study and further vocational guidance. Timely determination of the type and genesis of headache and the conduct of appropriate therapy prevents the overgrowth that arose in childhood in chronic form.
A special group includes post-traumatic headaches, psychogenic headache (pressing, dull, localized in the occipital region, which is often accompanied by anxiety or depression), migraine (paroxysmal pulsating pain in the frontotemporal region, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, paleness or redness of the skin) irritability and photophobia).
It’s like squeezing the head with a hoop, the feeling is like wearing a tight hat, there is no strength to endure this pain, everything is annoying ... Do you know such a headache? The most common type of headache is a tension headache. According to the results of the study, 88% of women and 67% of men periodically suffer from it. Patients are disturbed by frequent or constant pains in the head, usually of a constricting nature, with a sensation of a “hoop” or “tight hat” worn on the head.
This headache intensifies after stressful situations and with overwork, often combined with poor mood, depression, anxiety. In most cases, such pain is associated with muscle tension, a thin layer of the surrounding bones of the skull.
Since Headache can be a manifestation, and sometimes the only symptom in more than 45 different diseases, including life-threatening, the first task facing specialists is to identify the type of headache and the causes that caused it.
Only in this case, a competent choice of technologies for the effective treatment and prevention of headaches and dizziness is possible.
A systematic approach to the diagnostic and treatment process involves the involvement in the examination and treatment of sick specialists in various fields of medicine: a neurologist (neurologist), general practitioner, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, psychologist, acupuncture specialist, osteopath, etc.
In recent years, new types of diagnostics and treatment have been developed that allow not only to stop a headache attack, but also to carry out preventive therapy of diseases that occur with a headache. Both medicamentous and non-drug methods of treatment are used.
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