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How the body actually changes
at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 years?
Depending on age, unavoidable events occur in the body
changes that are not always visible even in the photo.
From 20 to 30 years old
Between 22 and 26 years old, the skeleton stops developing, but vitamin D and calcium are still needed to strengthen bones. The metabolism is slowed down, so you need to carefully monitor the diet, limit sweets and focus on the body mass index, which should be in the range of 18.5 to 25. The body decreases the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity, its renewal process and sweat work slows down glands.
At the same time, neural connections are strengthened, the frontal lobe of the brain, responsible for logical thinking, continues to develop, hormones are balanced after adolescence. Up to 30 years old molars of wisdom grow (usually this process begins already from 16 years old). By the way, they may never appear: because of refined food, the need for wisdom teeth in modern people disappears and in some people they are not even in the bud.
From 30 to 40 years old
At this age, blood vessels gradually lose their elasticity, blood pressure rises, muscle tone decreases - a person needs more serious sports loads.
The mass of bones decreases, they become more fragile, but the bone tissue becomes denser. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the volume of muscle tissue is reduced and fatty tissue replaces it. This is the most successful period in terms of intellectual development: a person already has experience and knowledge, less amenable to hormonal surges.
At this age, men and women have gray hair due to a decrease in the activity of pigment-producing cells - melanocytes. The salivary glands are slowed down, due to which the teeth are better cleaned, therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene. Collagen and elastin proteins lose moisture and are destroyed by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, while new ones hardly develop, therefore, for tanning enthusiasts, the skin ages faster.
From 40 to 50 years old
In the fifth decade of life, the human brain loses up to ten thousand nerve cells daily, and muscle mass - about 1-2% per year. In women, estrogen levels are significantly reduced, resulting in an increase in pressure.
Due to a slowdown in metabolism, the body actively accumulates fat, especially in the abdomen. If a person did not eat well enough in previous years, then the processes of wear of bones and joints may begin. It is after the age of forty that some people notice a noticeable visual impairment. It is especially important to continue to play sports to strengthen muscles and train your heart, aerobic exercise is suitable, but only after consulting with your doctor.
You don’t have to go to the gym: the British Journal of Sports Medicine, a scientific publication, cites the results of an international study that showed that interesting sports and various activities work just as well - you can do tennis, badminton or dance, go to the pool, ride a bike and do dancing.
From 50 to 60 years old
At this age, the risk of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines is high, in some, cataracts and signs of retinal dystrophy are formed. The skin still loses elasticity, but this process can be slowed down with proper care and lifestyle.
Closer to the age of 60, cells of almost all organs of the body begin to break down, including the brain; it slows down cognitive abilities and impairs memory. Foods can be added to nutrition to preserve vision and memory, and sports loads must be appropriate to support, not undermine, health. To strengthen brain functions, it is important not to stop intellectual studies: to read and acquire new skills, for example, to cook according to previously unknown recipes, learn to play a musical instrument or learn a foreign language.
From 60 to 70 years old
Due to the death of cells, the work of the receptors is dulled - a person distinguishes smells, tastes and even temperature worse, some freeze in the heat or, conversely, do not feel the cold. Closer to 70 years, the voice changes due to constant tension and stretching of the tissues of the larynx. It is important to continue to monitor the heart, undergo systematic examinations by primary care physicians and monitor weight. Physical activity can be reduced, long walks and swimming are great. However, despite noticeable external changes at this age, some people keep fit and amaze with photographs in swimsuits.
70 and older
In older people, the percentage of subcutaneous fat is reduced, which causes wrinkles to become deep and noticeable, and the skin to become dry and flabby. Tissue regeneration slows down, scratches and wounds heal longer. Hair is thinning and falling out, losing pigment.
Diseases of bones and joints are common among people over 70 years old, and muscle mass is reduced so much that a person gets tired faster even with low physical exertion. The functions of the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems are reduced, vision, hearing, smell and tactile sensitivity are affected.
With age, the ability to remember recent events worsens, but it often brings up memories from past years, so some older people like to talk about their youth so much. Despite the mass of physical disabilities, it is also important to maintain a positive attitude, monitor nutrition and strengthen the body, and be more in the fresh air during this period of life.
People over 90 years of age are considered long-livers, but among them there are many who continue to lead an active life. For example, the psychoanalyst Hedda Bolgar gave lectures, attended conferences and received patients up to 104 years old, while being fond of yoga, trying to eat right, get enough sleep and less worry.
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