Relieve Toothache |
Relieve Toothache: 9 Home Remedies
I have a toothache? It is important to understand what exactly is the root of the problem. To understand how to relieve toothache, you need to figure out what caused the swelling, pain, or other symptoms. If the pain is mild or your gum is just inflamed, rinse your mouth with salt water or apply a cold compress to your cheek. But if the problem is more serious, you should consult a dentist. Especially if the symptoms last longer than 1-2 days. Of course, the doctor is not always ready to take you right away, so you will have to suffer a little pain. Do not like to endure pain? Then these remedies will help you alleviate it.
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9 remedies against toothache
Saline rinse
Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
Cold compress
Mint tea bags
Vanilla extract
Wheat sprouts
9 remedies against toothache
You probably will find these ingredients at home. Sometimes a simple rinse or compress can help deal with the pain. These funds will be especially useful for those who do not welcome the use of painkillers.
Saline rinse
Such a rinse helps many people to quench a toothache. Salt water is a natural disinfectant that also helps soften and eliminate bits of food stuck in your teeth. Saline will also help soothe inflammation and heal wounds in the mouth. Simply dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth.
Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
It also helps soothe pain and inflammation. Besides the fact that peroxide kills bacteria, it also reduces plaque and heals bleeding gums. Thoroughly dissolve 3% peroxide in equal parts with water and rinse your mouth. Do not swallow this solution.
Cold compress
Such a folk remedy, like a cold compress, helps to relieve pain, especially if it is a consequence of an injury. Under a cold compress, the blood vessels contract and the pain subsides. Cold also helps reduce swelling and inflammation. Wrap an ice pack in a towel and attach to a diseased tooth for 15-20 minutes. The procedure can be repeated every few hours.
Mint tea bags
This remedy will help dull the pain and soothe sensitive gums. Allow the used mint tea bag to cool so that it is slightly warm and attach to the gum or sore tooth. You can also put a bag of mint tea in the freezer for a few minutes, and then attach it to a sore spot.
Garlic is a well-known natural antibacterial agent. It helps to kill bacteria that cause tooth decay, and also weakens pain. Mash a clove of garlic and attach the pulp to the sore spot. You can also add a little salt to the pulp, or just chew a clove.
Vanilla extract
The fragrance contains alcohol to help dull the pain. Vanilla extract has the properties of an antioxidant, which also makes it an effective treatment. Put a drop of the product on a finger or cotton swab and apply directly to the problem area for 15 minutes.
Cloves have long been treated for toothache. All thanks to clove oil, which effectively eliminates pain and reduces inflammation. The product also contains eugenol - a natural antiseptic. Put a little clove oil on a cotton swab and apply to a sore spot. You can also add a couple drops of oil to a glass of water and rinse your mouth.
Wheat sprouts
This remedy has a lot of healing properties. It perfectly helps to heal the body, even from the inside. Sprouts help reduce inflammation in the mouth and prevent infections. Sprouted wheat contains many chlorophylls that fight bacteria. You can rinse your mouth with the juice of wheat germ or chew them.
This plant has powerful antibacterial and antioxidant agents. Thyme essential oil is an excellent remedy for toothache. Put a few drops of oil and water on a cotton swab and attach to a sore spot. You can also rinse your mouth with water and a drop of thyme oil.
Toothache is one of the most unpleasant and it is very difficult to endure. Fear of dentists often leads to the fact that we ignore serious problems with the teeth and hope that “it will pass”. It is much better to identify the problem and cure in time than to wait for complications and lose a tooth. If your tooth hurts, be sure to make an appointment with your dentist. How to relieve toothache before you see a doctor? Try these folk remedies.
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