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smell of shoes |
remove odor from shoes
Persistent unpleasant odors can linger for a long time in clothes and shoes. And if in relation to clothes this problem is easily fixed, then the shoes do not want to part with the smell. And if itโs also men's shoes ...
Oh yeah! Men's shoes and sneakers smell so that the first thought that comes to mind to catch this magic amber is to immediately send this source of smell to the trash.
However, we will not be too partial: children's and women's shoes also sometimes smell. So what is left to do?
Why does shoes smell?
To begin with, any shoe emits a smell, even a brand new one. It is no accident that a specific, stable and very recognizable smell is kept in shoe stores. Trying to update the store, we do not pay any attention to it.
But, having arrived home, we suddenly find that brand new shoes or boots emit a tangible smell. And they smell all at once: leather (leatherette), glue, packaging. Of course, you canโt call this smell unpleasant, but you donโt want to defile on the street or in the office, leaving behind a trail of such a fragrance.
And already in use shoes in general - a traitor. Wash it, clean it, smear it with all kinds of creams (no worse than your own face), and take it and stink at the most inopportune moment.
That's embarrassing! And why does she allow herself this? Perhaps because it is made of synthetic materials that are not able to pass air. However, leather or rag shoes (made from โbreathableโ materials) can also start to produce an unpleasant odor. Why?
Old shoes smell of sweat of our feet and dirt gathering inside her. And this smell, as you know, is caused by bacteria.
And no matter how clean you are, sooner or later the shoes will start to smell anyway. Feet sweat, even if it seems to you that this does not happen, dust gets inside the shoe, bacteria begin their dirty deed and this whole mix acquires a specific smell of dirty socks or old shoes.
What we (and, unfortunately, not only us) are beginning to clearly feel, especially after taking off after a long working day. But no woman will put up with this state of things. And so she will try to eliminate this smell.
Eliminate the smell of new shoes
So, having raided shoe shops, we come home, take out the desired update from the box and immediately smell this smell. On the one hand, itโs even nice: it smells like brand new shoes and cheers up. But on the other hand - I really do not want to smell like that myself, but I have to, if not remove the smell from the new shoes.
In some not very severe cases, simple ventilation helps: just leave the shoes overnight on the open balcony (especially in the cold season). But this measure is not always effective. Then you can do the following.
1. Take hydrogen peroxide, moisten a cloth or cotton pad in it and thoroughly wipe the shoes from the inside. If one procedure is not enough, then it can be repeated (and more than once). And instead of hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate or ordinary alcohol (vodka), which have an antibacterial and deodorizing effect, is also suitable.
2. Conventional shoe deodorants will also help eliminate odor. Just for starters, you still need to wipe the shoes with peroxide or potassium permanganate, and only then sprinkle with deodorant.
3. Adsorbents - substances that absorb moisture and odor - will also help to cope with the smell. As such helpers, you can use flour or baking soda. They just need to be poured inside the shoe, left for two hours, and then vacuumed the shoes. Activated carbon is also an adsorbent, but it can leave black marks inside shoes. Therefore, itโs better not to risk it.
4. Vinegar. Also a good odor exterminator. Soak cotton pads in vinegar and put them in your shoes for three hours (or even overnight). Remove the discs and ventilate the shoes.
Each of these tools is good in itself, but if you combine them, the effect will be more noticeable. Therefore, you can first wipe the shoes with peroxide or vinegar, ventilate and sprinkle with deodorant.
Or, for example, pour flour into shoes, leave it overnight, and then vacuum it well and wipe it with potassium permanganate. Simple enough. But with old shoes you have to tinker.
We remove the smell from old shoes
So that the shoes do not stink much (and it will still smell!), Try to observe (and force your household to do this) hygiene rules. So, for example, so that the legs do not sweat much, and then the shoes do not stink, wear not synthetic but cotton socks.
Use deodorants or dusting powders and never put on non-washable socks or tights in the morning! These things are only worn for one day, and then they must be washed.
Try to convince your man of this and in every possible way suppress his attempts to put on dirty socks in the morning lovingly pounced from the evening. And also, every time you come home in the evening, you need to wash your shoes, ventilate and dry them. This is especially true for the cold season, when we begin to wear winter or demi-season shoes.
Some shoes can be washed, for example, sneakers, sneakers or slippers. And other shoes (summer sandals, sandals, rubber boots, shoes) can be washed in warm soapy water.
Harder with boots and boots. Of course, ideally, you need to have at least two pairs of winter or demi-season shoes and wear them alternately. Then the shoes will have time to air. But not everyone can afford such a luxury and are content with one single pair of boots for the winter and one for spring and autumn.
Then try to change the insoles more often, because they absorb and retain an unpleasant odor. You can also buy flavored or antibacterial insoles or use a deodorant for shoes daily. Only use it in advance, and not just before leaving the house. By the way, measures relevant to combat the smell of new shoes will help here.
Try not to be in one pair of shoes all day long: firstly, staying indoors in street shoes is not comme il faut, and secondly, after two or three hours in closed shoes the foot will certainly begin to sweat. Therefore, at work, be sure to use replaceable shoes, and at home try to walk barefoot more.
In general, itโs easier to prevent odors than to eliminate them later. Do not save on high-quality shoes, be sure to wash and dry it every time after a walk in the snow or through puddles.
Try at least once a week to properly ventilate and dry your shoes, as well as treat them with deodorizing agents. And when your shoes are clean outside and inside, then it will not smell! Well, if only a little, and even then - with good skin or deodorant. Everything is in your hands, and so are the shoes. Good luck
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