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useful tips for housewives to wash clothes
When you wash winter woolen things, add a teaspoon of glycerin to the last rinse with water. Woolen clothes will become softer.
If you wash colored clothes in the machine, add 2-3 tablespoons of regular salt to the water. Things do not fade, the colors become brighter.
Synthetic clothing requires constant and proper care. Wash and clean it more often than products made from natural fibers. If the dress is worn 5-6 times, it must be washed. This is due to the fact that the light electrolysis of the fabric leads to intense attraction of dust particles, and the ability of synthetic fibers to absorb fatty secretions of the skin leads to rapid contamination of the inner surface of clothing.
When washing clothes from wool knitwear, put a tablespoon of drinking soda in the water: it will refresh the color, products, and eliminate the smell of sweat. Then rinse things thoroughly.
White socks, knee-high socks are perfectly removable if they are pre-soaked for 1-2 hours in water, into which 1-2 tablespoons of boric acid are added.
To make towels and bathrobes fluffy, hold them after washing in salted water and do not iron.
When washing tulle curtains, a little milk can be added to the blue solution, this will make the curtains look like new.
To bleach linen during boiling, pour 1 tablespoon of ammonia into 10 liters of water.
It is most convenient to wash small things on the road, in a hotel in a plastic bag, kneading it in your hands. This allows for soaking, saves detergents and significantly reduces the risk of damage, for example, stockings or tights.
Unpleasant job - washing handkerchiefs. Try this way: in a bowl of warm water, throw a handful of salt, soak the scarves for two hours, then rinse.
Do not moisten wool or silk fabrics or artificial fiber materials when ironing. Iron them from the wrong side through a cotton cloth with a moderately heated iron (temperature not higher than 150 C).
So that new jeans remain bright longer, soak them for 12 hours in a strong solution of sodium chloride before first washing. If you wash jeans in a washing machine, turn them inside out - so they last longer.
To return the original color to white socks, soak them for a couple of hours in a solution of boric acid (1-2 tablespoons of boric acid in 10 liters of water).
If you need to wash the down jacket in a washing machine, put several balls for tennis in the drum of the machine when washing. This is necessary so that the fluff does not fall during rinsing and push-ups - the balls will help to evenly distribute it over the product. Down jackets are washed at a temperature of 40 ° C.
To prevent black things from fading, at the last rinse add a pinch of table salt to the water. The same technique works when rinsing things from bright or dark chiffon and silk - you need to add 25 g of salt per 1 liter of water when rinsing.
The yellow and blue color of silk perfectly refreshes the decoction of orange peels (dry or fresh). And the blue and bright red color of the fabrics will help to keep rinsing in water with the addition of drinking soda.
Salt water will also help when washing colored laundry (so that it does not fade) and tulle curtains darkened from time to time. Only in this case, in warm salted water, do not rinse, but soak.
Flannel things cannot be washed with soap, just rubbing them with a bar of soap. To wash such clothes, you need a soap solution with glycerol (for 10 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of glycerin).
To keep suede gloves “salable”, they must be washed in warm soapy water, put on hands. After rinsing the gloves thoroughly, they need to be wet with a terry towel and greased with glycerin. Dry suede gloves in a cool and dark place. When the gloves have dried, they must be put on again and cleaned with a soft brush.
If from frequent washings the buttons on your clothes lose their former shine, cover them with colorless nail polish - they will shine again like new!
It is better not to hang knitted things for drying, but to lay them out so that they do not stretch and do not deform. If there is nowhere to put the knitted sweater, but you need to dry it, pass the towel through the sleeves of the sweater and attach it with clothespins at the collar and cuffs.
If you add a pinch of salt to the starch, starched linen will shine better. But underwear, handkerchiefs, face towels starch is not recommended.
it is best to dry laundry in the fresh air: it dries efficiently, without "iron" folds; It’s nice and fast to iron such clothes. It is better to take off linen slightly damp.
It is better not to squeeze the washed men's shirts, but to dry them on their shoulders; iron them in the following order: back, collar, yoke, sleeves, shelves.
Jeans must be washed by turning inside out and fastening the zipper at a temperature of no higher than 40 ° C. You do not need to twist them.
Sweaters with slightly fallen wool can be restored to their original appearance by washing them in water, in which the beans were soaked for several hours.
To bathrobes and towels were fluffy, after washing, hold them a little in salted water and do not iron.
When washing men's shirts, in which collars and cuffs are most dirty, add a little hydrogen peroxide to the washing powder. The temperature during washing should be high - 85-90 ° С.
Nylon stockings and tights will last longer if boiled before wearing.
Colored items shed less if table salt is added to the washing solution. Water temperature should not be higher than 60 ° С.
Before washing, a skirt with a large number of folds is recommended to be woven along the folds with large loose stitches with a thin thread - then it will be easier to iron.
Fresh ink stains on clothes are quickly excreted by milk.
When washing the curtains, it is recommended to add a little milk to the blue solution - the curtains will become like new.
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