
How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: guide to winter ailments

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments
treat colds

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

The common cold attacks us mainly in winter and autumn, when it is cold outside. It actually goes away by itself in about 7 days when antibodies appear.

10 Ways To Help Relieve Cold Symptoms
1. Drink plenty of fluids
2. Use a humidifier
3. Try neti pot
4. Eat Chicken Soup
5. Take Echinacea
6. Take a few zinc tablets
7. Take Vitamin C
8. Do a nose massage
9. Gargle with water
10. Take over-the-counter medicines

We decided to share with you effective methods to quickly cure a cold.
A cold is always unpleasant. However, you can help the body more easily transfer the disease. The editors of Еveryday Нealth told how to treat a cold and all its accompanying symptoms at home.

1. Drink plenty of fluids

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

Experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day when you have a cold. Maintaining hydration helps moisturize the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, which facilitates the cleansing of mucus. Avoid caffeine or alcoholic beverages, as they can cause dehydration.

2. Use a humidifier

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

You can also keep your nose and throat moist by using a humidifier, especially during the winter months when heating the room makes the air inside your house very dry.

3. Try neti pot

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

Another way to prevent dry nose is to use neti sweat, a nose rinse found in pharmacies. These pots are filled with physiological saline (salt water) and inserted into one nostril. You need to tilt your head so that the solution flows into one nostril and flows out from the other nostril.

4. Eat Chicken Soup

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

The old adage that chicken soup is good for colds is almost as old as the common cold. But it turns out that there is some truth in it. “Chicken soup is good for colds because it dilutes your mucus,” says Norman Edelman, MD, chief physician at the American Lung Association.

5. Take Echinacea

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

Evidence about the effect of Echinacea on the common cold is mixed, but some experts say it may be helpful. "Echinacea does not prevent infection, but trials to treat upper respiratory tract infections have shown a reduction in symptom duration," says Adriana Few-Berman, MD, associate professor at Georgetown University of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Washington, DC.

6. Take a few zinc tablets

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

Like Echinacea, mineral zinc gets mixed grades when evaluating its effectiveness against colds. “I have not seen any evidence for prevention,” says Dr. Few-Berman, “but there is some evidence that intranasal zinc (zinc nasal sprays, - Ed.) Or zinc in the form of lozenges can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.”

7. Take Vitamin C

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

Vitamin C is also beneficial. Some studies show that it can reduce the duration and severity of the common cold.

8. Do a nose massage

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

Studies show that massaging an acupuncture point known as Yingxiang, located on the lower border of the nostrils, can relieve nasal congestion.

9. Gargle with water

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

A recent study in which participants gargled three times a day with water showed that a ritual can help prevent upper respiratory tract infections.

10. Take over-the-counter medicines

How to treat colds, runny nose and cough: a useful guide to winter ailments

It's not exactly a home remedy in the traditional sense, but it cannot be denied that over-the-counter cold medicines can provide temporary relief. The American Lung Association recommends taking these medicines as soon as symptoms of a cold appear. If you have high blood pressure, talk with your doctor about any over-the-counter cold medicine that should be avoided.

Home Remedies for Curing a Cold
In addition to everything written, nothing can replace a balanced diet and enough rest to keep your immune system strong. This will keep your body in great shape and prevent a cold in the future.
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