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useful tips for all occasions |
25 useful tips for all occasions
These 25 helpful tips come in handy in your life. I tried some of them myself and now I want to share with you. In any unpleasant situation, you can find a useful trick that will help you cope.
1. If you suffer from acne - at the end of a shower, sharply turn on cold water. It is water of low temperature that tightens the pores on the skin, which in turn stops the ingress of bacteria and dirt.
2. If you suffer from nasal congestion, put a cut bulb near the bed and go to bed. By morning you will feel relief.
3. For migraine sufferers, I advise you to lower your hands in a container of cold water and compress them into fists. Keep your hands in cold water for as long as you can, fully immersing them. Strain them several times to quickly get rid of migraines.
4. Hold your tongue to the sky if you experience a headache after taking cold foods. When you eat ice cream too fast and you have a headache, hold your tongue to the sky. Such sensations arise due to the fact that the nerves of the sky are cooling, and our body mistakenly believes that our brain also freezes. This causes overheating and instant headache. The more pressure you put on the sky, the faster the headache will go.
5. Pinch yourself if you cannot stop laughing. If you have difficulty controlling your laughter, or it is inappropriate, try to think about something sad, or pinch yourself to stop. You can also bite your tongue slightly, in any case, a slight pain should help.
6. If you feel the gag reflex is approaching, squeeze your thumb into a fist. If you feel sick or have vomiting, squeeze your thumb to suppress the gag reflex.
7. Scratch your ear if it tickles your throat. When the throat tickles, you cannot scratch your throat with your hand. But you can scratch your ear by stimulating the nerves that activate muscle spasm in the throat and relieve the condition.
8. Anoint the site of the mosquito bite with a deodorant to reduce itching.
9. Apply ice to your hand to relieve toothache. If you have a toothache, attach ice to the place between your thumb and forefinger. Research has shown that this reduces pain by 50 percent.
10. Press the tongue firmly against the back of the teeth to stop sneezing. It is quite dangerous to try to stop sneezing if it has already begun, but if you only feel it is approaching, hold your mouth shut to prevent it. However, if you have already begun to sneeze, look at the bright light to get rid of it faster.
11. Put your hands on something steady if you are drunk and you feel dizzy. The fluids in our ear are responsible for balance, but alcohol upsets this balance. If you feel that your head is spinning, put your hands on something firm and solid, such as the surface of a table, to help your brain regain balance.
12. If you are lying in bed and feel dizzy, lower one foot to the floor. This will help the brain re-understand your position.
13. If you have difficulty falling asleep, blink quickly for a minute. Your eyes will get tired and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.
14. Read the speech before you go to bed to better remember it in the morning. If you need to give a speech, read it before you go to bed. Your brain summarizes the memories when you sleep, making it much easier for you to remember what you read shortly before bedtime, as it falls into long-term memory.
15. When you feel sleepy, hold your breath for as long as possible, and then exhale. This will speed up your heartbeat and wake you up.
16. Swear loudly if you are in pain. Studies have shown that swearing can reduce pain, but the effect is reduced if you are used to constantly swearing. So save strong buzzwords for special occasions.
17. Sleep on your left side to prevent acidity. Sleeping immediately after eating is generally not advisable, but if there is no other option, it is better to sleep on your left side. When you sleep on your right side, the stomach is above the esophagus, so that the gastric juice can enter the esophagus and cause discomfort. When you turn left, the stomach is located below the opening of the esophagus, and the acid does not flow back.
18. Blow on your finger to reduce your heart rate. The vagus nerve, which is responsible for the heart rate, can be controlled by breathing. If your heart is pounding, blow your thumb to calm down.
19. Keep a pencil between your teeth when you are in a bad mood. A smile contributes to the production of hormones of happiness in the brain, and even if you do not feel joy, a smile can make you feel happy. When you hold a pencil between your teeth, the muscles of your face are located in the same way as with a smile, and you get the same charge of hormones that improves our mood.
20. Click on this point when rocking in transport. You need to click on the point between the two tendons on the inside of the wrist. Do this for 30 seconds on each hand. Clutch your fist to better see tendons. In addition, you can tilt your head to one side.
21. Keep your eyes wide open and try not to blink if you don't want to cry. Most people blink a lot before crying. But if you try not to blink, you can prevent tears. If you have already started to cry, look up without tilting your head back to stop tears. Also, relax your jaw, and try biting your tongue to concentrate on physical pain, rather than on what makes you cry.
22. Tilt your head from side to side if your arm is numb. This will reduce tension in the neck and increase blood flow to this area. If your foot is numb, walk around or lightly tap it.
23. If you want to use the toilet, scratch the back of the leg. When you intensively scratch the back of the calf, you interrupt the message that the bladder passes to the brain. Also, if you urgently need a toilet, but it is not nearby, start thinking about sex. This will distract you and reduce stress a little.
24. Chew gum when you are stuck in traffic jam to reduce anxiety. It will also help you stay alert and prevent you from falling asleep while driving.
25. Exhale when you step on your left foot so that you do not have a stab in your side while running. Pain in the side during running occurs due to pressure on the liver. It can be avoided by matching the breath with steps and exhaling every time the left foot touches the ground.
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