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dehydration |
signs indicate dehydration
Each of us has known since school that fluid predominates in the human body. In muscles and kidneys, water is 73%, in blood - 83%, in the brain - 76%. Loss of moisture in the body occurs during breathing, sweating, and urination. The state of health depends on how fully we replenish the reserves of fluid. The lack of water can be judged by certain signs.
What is this about? What are the symptoms of dehydration?
Despite the need to drink enough water per day, most people are limited to just a couple of glasses
The lack of fluid intake is manifested by the following symptoms: There is a darkening of the urine. In healthy people, a light yellow, amber hue is inherent.
When dehydrated, it darkens.
With a lack of fluid in the urine, the content of the so-called waste (dead blood cells, toxins of other substances that must be removed with urine) rises, so it changes color to a darker one.
Darkening of urine is also possible as a result of taking medications, an excess of vitamins belonging to group B in the body, the use of beet juice, blueberries and what are food colors.
If you didn’t eat what could make the urine darker the day before, you may be drinking liquids a little and your body will signal a problem.
Start drinking more.
If the problem persists, consult a doctor. Dark urine can be observed with hepatitis or with stones formed in the gallbladder.
Normally, a person is supposed to go to the toilet “a little” about 6-7 times a day. Inadequate drinking leads to the fact that less fluid to be replaced is eliminated from the body. Thus, the kidneys retain fluid so that dehydration does not occur.
If you go to the toilet less than 6 times a day, start drinking more so that the body has the ability to function in normal healthy mode. Constipation occurs.
Inadequate fluid intake is one of the main causes of constipation. When the body suffers from dehydration, it begins to take water from organs, including from the rectum. Lack of fluid affects stool quality.
The smaller it is in the body, the harder the chair, the harder it is removed. To avoid this problem, you should consume more water, more fiber, which is a lot in vegetables and fruits.
Among other causes of constipation, one can highlight the lack of motor activity, as well as disease. We are talking about hypothyroidism, intestinal inflammation, dysbiosis.
Constipation can even be caused by stress.
If you drink a lot of fluids, but at the same time there is a problem of constipation, you should consult a doctor to identify their cause. Dry skin, the severity of wrinkles.
In an effort to preserve beauty and youth, many ladies are inherent to indulge their skin with expensive moisturizers that help fight age-related changes.
However, this is not enough.
It is necessary to provide the body with the necessary amount of fluid through heavy drinking. It is a meager drink that leads to dehydration, which is manifested by dry skin, its irritation, peeling, inflammation and even itching.
Because of this, wrinkles are indicated more clearly and become more visible. Inadequate drinking leads to premature aging. There is a feeling of hunger, weight gain occurs.
Our body has an inherent lack of moisture in the body to manifest an increase in hunger. When we are thirsty, we often often want to eat at the same time. However, eating instead of the glass of water required by the body is the reason for the increase in calorie intake. The consequence of this is overweight.
Those who care about maintaining the harmony of their figure should remember the need for a plentiful drink. Thanks to him, hunger is reduced and we eat less. It is enough to drink water a quarter of an hour before eating so that you do not overeat later. There is a feeling of thirst and dryness in the oral cavity.
If you are thirsty, then you already feel dehydrated. Especially if thirst is accompanied by dry mouth. This means that the mucous membranes of the body need moisture. Drink more so as not to collide with these sensations. A headache appears From dehydration in the brain tissue, moisture is lost, while the pain receptors are activated and we begin to feel a headache.
In addition, the lack of water in the blood makes the brain worse supplied with oxygen. The blood vessels of the brain have no choice but to expand, while the headache intensifies even more. There is a feeling of fatigue. Scientists have proven that from dehydration we feel tired, overwhelmed, and reduced working capacity.
The lack of moisture in the blood in the body decreases, it supplies the organs with oxygen and nutrients worse, hence the feeling of fatigue.
If you are tired, drink a glass of water. It will give you strength and vitality. Joint pain appears. Water is a kind of lubricant to the joints.
When dehydration occurs, damage to the cartilage tissue due to a deficiency in its nutrition. The result is pain. Drink more so that this does not happen to you. There is a weakening of the body's defenses.
Due to dehydration in the blood, the amount of toxins that weaken the immune system increases. The body needs water to fight infections effectively.
Drink more to strengthen the body's defenses and resist various diseases.
To avoid problems caused by dehydration, do not forget to observe the drinking regime.
A person who does not have serious health problems needs to drink the amount of water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. In other cases, everything is individual, after consultation with a doctor.
Remember that sweet soda, tea and coffee, as well as juices cannot replace water. One has only to start drinking as much water as the body needs for normal operation, as the improvement of its condition does not take long.
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