The magic of tea tree oil have many uses
Rub tea tree oil on the affected area. If the area is large bites, mix 1 part tea tree oil with 5 parts of other vegetable oils.
Hair cleansing Add 5-10 drops of tea tree oil in one part of your shampoo and conditioner and use when needed until recovery. Moisten dry hair combs, brushes and clothing.
Solution of tea tree oil (3 drops in a cup of hot water) earaches Heat olive oil with tea tree oil in the ratio of 2: 1, drip 1-2 drops in the ear. Repeat as necessary. Colds, runny nose, cough, add 10 drops of oil in the inhalation, and make inhalation before going to bed, with a cold, rub a few drops into the skin of the nose and forehead. Sore throat to add 5 drops of oil in warm water and place 2-3 times a day.
Ulcers in the nose Moisten cotton wool in a mixture of tea tree oil with olive in the ratio of 1: 5, and the treatment of the affected area gently. Barley drip 2-3 drops of oil in a cup of hot water. Hold for 5 minutes on the face of steam. Acne apply 2-3 drops of oil on the affected area twice a day.
Add oil to a cleaner face. After Shave is used as a disinfectant in a strong mixture with any of the oils in the ratio of 1: 4 colds, cold sores, chapped lips boiled in boiling water 3 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of water.
Cold and herpes to deal carefully with the help of wool twice a day. Bleeding gums Dissolve 3-5 drops of the oil in a small cup of boiling water, and rinse twice a day.
Decay drip 2 drops of oil on your toothbrush when brushing teeth. Rinse your mouth three times a day with water and add 5 drops of oil.
Toothache rinse your teeth with water and tea tree oil, and the application of cotton wool with oil on the affected area. Burns deal with the burning of the area iced water for 1-2 minutes, apply a few drops of oil on the burning surface, then gently massage. Repeat twice a day.
This treatment helps to prevent infection of the skin, to maintain the integrity of her. Cuts and abrasions application of tea tree oil.
Bronchitis prevalence of chest 5 drops of oil, and put a towel on his chest warm (can be wrapped in a heating pad) for 1-2 hours. Dermatitis rub a few drops of oil, using 1 part tea tree oil to 10 parts other oil cosmetics.
Eczema make sure that the skin is dry, apply tea tree oil on the affected area panels Mix 1 part tea tree oil with 10 parts of any oil.
The mixture is heated and applied to the painful area twice or three times a day until the pain subsides.
Add 10 drops of oil in a hot bath for heat treatment. Rheumatism mix any temperature of the oil in equal parts with tea tree oil and rub into the painful area until completely absorbed.
Trophic ulcers applied directly to the sores 2-3 times a day.
Warts progress on the steam gradually wart 3-5 drops of tea tree oil, so that it is completely absorbed.
Used until the warts fall. This may take a few weeks. Sports injuries and sprains rubbing pure tea tree oil to your feet. Use a moisturizer daily anti-stress the legs and feet with the addition of tea tree Naila.
Corn soften the affected area with tea tree oil.
It is also useful to add 5 drops of the oil in a foot bath. Vaginal cleansing Dissolve 8-10 drops of tea tree oil with 0.5 liters of boiling water used for washing the mixture cools.
Shaving bikini area after shaving the application of tea tree oil mixed with any of the oils in the ratio of 2 repeated 1-4 times per day.
Redness and swelling disappear.
Cleansing the skin is known that tea tree oil can penetrate too deeply into the skin. Add 1-2 drops of oil in one part of the cream or lotion to help moisturize the skin to soften. Used in daily life in areas normally accumulates a large number of different viruses, bacteria, and synthetic materials, carpets, cleaning fluids and paint may cause allergic reactions.
Tea tree oil is a strong antiseptic.
Thus, cleaning, laundry, and washing with the addition of this oil is a natural remedy for cleansing the environmentally safe home environment. Hydration Add 10 drops of the oil in a vaporizer, to purify the air and remove odors.
Bath Add 10 drops of essential oil in a bath of warm water.
Do not take more than 20 minutes. You will feel a gentle skin softening. Bedsores applications, a small amount of oil that can help in the treatment of pressure ulcers.
Use a combination of tea tree oil with olive oil or another I 5. regarding the care of young children, use a very small amount of tea tree oil in a mixture with other oils in the ratio of 1 to 10 for the treatment of infant skin, since the baby's skin is very sensitive and delicate.
Wash diapers add 20 drops of pure oil 4 liters of hot water.
Mixing and soak overnight diapers for cleansing. Crust color rub the mixture into the oil scalp oil last in the ratio of 1 to 10, and leave for 5 minutes, and rinse. Use baby shampoo.
Infection in the ears drip 1-2 drops of hot mixture of other oils with tea tree oil in the ratio of 1 to 10 10 cough drops of pure tea tree oil is added to the inhalation. Place a drop of oil on the pillow.
Massage mix a few drops of tea tree oil with lotion. This massage can relieve muscle aches, and makes the skin smooth and soft.
Moisturizer add a few drops of oil into a tool for the deployment and moisturize and put it in the room where the patients. This will help the living and deodorize the air. This air nice and handy to breathe.
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