We all want to have a slim body ideal weight, to be beautiful, light, attractive. But for many of us usual state - an eternal dissatisfaction. And it is from this state we act - with the next Monday "take himself in hand", control weight, limit yourself to food, sweet, sitting on a diet, exercise, auto-training, even meditate. Expecting that of dislike and rejection, self-hatred born perfection ... make an effort over himself, we get the result. But it is always temporary - until the next breakdown. It is necessary to "relax", let go of control or nervous - it all comes back and becomes even worse! It's inevitable: the one who decides to start a diet, but does not know anything about the release of stress, or does not fundamentally change its attitude to himself, it would be difficult or even impossible to adhere to it. Statistics are merciless: 90% of people who lost weight through diet within 2 years of returning to the old and gaining weight again. Support the weight of only those who are constantly dieting. This is why weight loss - one of the most profitable industries in the world - you can not lose weight once and for all .... or is it possible ?! And what do the people who can not dial the desired weight?
Where is the solution? I propose to look at the weight problem from a different angle - as perhaps you have never watched. I am absolutely sure that excess or insufficient weight - not a nuisance, of which there is as to get rid of the nuisance, and the message body and soul, that something is wrong ...

according to law ("As above, so below" ): "What is the mental state of man, so is his body." Our approach is completely built on the principle of conformity: we start with the external (we are dissatisfied with their weight) - we find internal reasons why our weight is as follows. The way we eat, gives what is happening inside us. The state of our body - it is a reflection of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. The less a person listens to the needs of the organism in the quality and quantity of food, the more ignores their needs throughout !!! And how hear them when the food for most of us have long ceased to be a way to replenish energy ?! We often pounce on the food, which is not only useless, but extremely harmful to the body (fast food, meats, sweets), because that's what it calms us down (allows time to get rid of negative emotions), unites, gives pleasure and enjoyment, replaces the missing care , support and love, is associated with the presence and confidence of loved ones, helps to fill the inner emptiness, encourage and endorse themselves ... The result is pitiable: the sensation of satiety and lost touch with the body and its true needs. We no longer hear himself, not trusting his body, his feelings, his inner voice themselves. For example, our desire to eat and hunger that comes from our body - it's completely different things! Hunger means that the body requires specific nutrients. Not allowing him to them, replacing it with sweet or harmful, we do not quench his need, and it continues to claim! Meanwhile, get the food to which it does not need, it has to store it. The real reason for the extra or missing kilograms lies beyond the boundaries of our food! We believe that overweight or underweight - a physical manifestation of emotional suppression (injury). Diet and fitness - it's just the methods of "bypassing" that fight the symptoms, but not with its cause. Whenever we seek to bring the body in order trigger unconscious defense mechanisms that block our healing. In other words, weight problems arise when the fullness or thinness is a kind of hidden meaning. And no matter how we fought for your ideal weight, the body still does not give that "protects" it, or accept that threatens his safety. And if a secret mission to the extra pounds will be able to solve the problem will be solved quite simply. Only by understanding this mission, we can gratefully let go of what no longer need. BUT ... Meanwhile, we are accustomed to blaming the body: it is imperfect, ill, aging, fullness, it acne, cellulite ... . And: - begin to punish him for it - torture, control, ordering him; - or waving his hand - is neglected. But our physical imperfections - is not the enemy №1, material evidence of lack of contact with our inner resources. Therefore, the aim of the course "Your ideal weight" - to see in your body is not an obstacle, and the ability to heal your life - learn to give thanks, not to punish him! Knowing what is going on with our bodies, knowing the close relationship changes in body proportions and indoor units (causal relationship) - find the blocks, trauma and heal them. This will allow us to radically change the attitude to yourself and your body, to find integrity, become themselves, in a state of inner harmony, lightness, freedom, self-love. It has long been observed that when a man loves himself, his body takes ideal weight and shape. Beauty is not born out of hatred. Its source - the love of self. From this state, everything is possible! And ideal weight - only a small fraction of the enormous changes that do not take long to wait!
On the course we will explore the following topics:

✔ Dependence on food (obsession) ✔ Gluttony (uncontrollable appetite) ✔ bulimia ✔ Anorexia ✔ Food allergies and intolerances ✔ Bad metabolism ✔ Hereditary overweight ✔ sabotage weight loss ✔ Guilt ✔ The need for self-punishment ✔ rejection itself and shame ✔ Individual and systemic fears and negative attitudes associated with eating and weight ✔ The failure of his body ✔ Dislike for yourself and your body ✔ et al. Special course focuses on exploring trauma of violence, problems with personal boundaries, control units, guilt , shame, anger, hatred, resentment, inability to forgive and accept yourself. They keep our identity of the victim, block and nullify attempts to find the body, which we deserve. The process of finding your ideal weight - is the work of a: internal and external. You are used prodelyvat colossal external work! But there are also internal ... The severity of the body - is evidence of the severity of the internal, emotional load, kopivshegosya decades. And instead istezat your body, blame him, we look inside ourselves and see what we actually dragged on myself all the time ... Throughout the course, and then we will develop the ability to communicate with your body, hear his voice . The main emphasis is on finding inner lekosti, the ability to love and accept myself. You will have a clear understanding of the direction in which to work, so that these states have become permanent. What is included in the course? 1. Theory. Contents: Who and what makes us lose weight? Where the eternal dissatisfaction and fight with them? Overweight: A new look at an old problem. ✔ The real reasons extra pounds and other "imperfections" our appearance ✔ Why do we eat when not hungry? Passion for the products and emotions. ✔ What makes us sabotage your ideal weight? ✔ Weight and weak personal boundaries. ✔ extra pounds and drama control (I struggle with the good-bad-I). Forms of dependence associated with eating (overeating, bulimia, binge eating). ✔ Overweight, wine and suppressed emotions. Slimness, weight and sexuality. Where the true source of sexuality? ✔ Why is difficult for us to love and accept yourself? How to do it for real? ✔ What body is telling us? How to learn to read his message? ✔ Lessons excess weight or that you can thank their extra kilograms? Thank you and let go! Manifestation of harmony! 2. Individual sessions (work of experienced consultants and coaches with each student personally using tehnikuRPT). 3. Support for every student to practice for 3 months after the course.
Am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster ( crabby crew ) for 5 years but last year i loose my job because of this deadly disease called HIV and Herpes(herpes and cold sore outbreaks), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctor report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HIV and Herpes positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to this Doctor Called Dr Aziba , that was how i contacted him and i get medication from him and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact Dr Aziba if you are HIV And Herpes or any kind of disease you got infected with do contact the Herbal Doctor via his Email ( priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com ) or call or via WhatsApp[ +2348100368288 ]
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