Obese women (and men too) often do not have the patience to endure exhausting diets and harass a workout in the gym - even more sense from these mockeries, as a rule, is very small. Because in order to lose weight in ways a person must possess great strength of will and determination - but such qualities, unfortunately, modern humans are extremely rare ... Of course, there are easier ways to get rid of excess weight, such as liposuction - but this method assumes let laparoscopic, but the operation, and not every being, in principle, healthy, agree to the operation. But to the delight of those wishing to lose weight without much violence against them, now there is a new method of painless sgonki fat require that areas of the body - krioliposaktsiya. From conventional liposuction, this approach is different as heaven from earth - it does not require any operation, the fat dissolves under the influence of cold. Under the influence of the machine LipoCryo fat cells are exposed to the cold - but they immediately surrounding tissue in the cold affected. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the machine cryolipolysis fixed strictly on the problem area, and a jet of cold runs only on the field of body fat. Refrigerated cells release a variety of mediators of inflammation, resulting in fat cells simply die. The effect of the interference due to the fact that the adipose tissue lipids require a higher temperature of crystallization than the material of other cells. Thus the lipids crystallize, and other cells - nerve and muscle fibers - remain intact. But the result of carrying out kriolipoliza you'll notice immediately after the first session, the next two - four months folds of fat will only decrease. Results of the krioliposaktsii will be loss of 20 - 50% of fat in problem areas. To cryolipolysis had a visible effect, the number of procedures can vary from 4 to 6 treatments, repeated every 2 - 3 weeks. This procedure was carried out in the problematic areas on the entire body except the face and neck. But the procedure kriolipoliza there are certain contraindications to keep in mind - it's all kinds of pathology of blood clotting, recent myocardial injury directly in the desired treatment, extensive scars or hernia in the impact zone, pregnancy and, of course, the presence of a pacemaker. Caution! Possible contraindications. Should consult a specialist.
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