
Inflammation of painful hand tendons .. but can be treated

Inflammation of painful hand tendons .. but can be treated

Pain of hand tendons

Inflammation of painful hand tendons .. but can be treated

Hands are the source of human vitality, as we work and communicate with 


The disease and rupture caused by our use can lead to painful conditions.

Women are most vulnerable, in particular to one of two problems:

De Quervain's tenosynovitis, stenosing tenosynovitis (or finger trigger / trigger 

finger), or both.

Both problems affect the tendons of the hand.


It is known that the tendons connect between the muscles of the hand and wrist 

muscles, with the bones in the fingers and thumb, which allows us to bend the 

wrist and joints of the hand and move our fingers as well as the thumb.

The tendons remain in place by the presence of fibrous membranes, which are 

shaped like tubes, which are sheaths. The tendons are covered with a sliding 

tissue called the synovial membrane that helps them slide smoothly across the 


As a result of excessive use, or because of a condition such as rheumatoid 

arthritis, or sometimes, for no apparent reason, the tendons and tendon of 

tendon inflammation, swelling, and thicker, may cause pain that leads to reduced 


This condition is called tendonitis (tenosynovitis).


 Inflammation of the Quervin

The tendon sheath called "dorsal chorvinitis" is a painful inflammation of the 

tendons in the wrist, leading to the removal of the thumb and its duration - and 

also leads to inflammation of the fibrous band or sheath, which surrounds those 


The most prominent symptom of this inflammation is pain in the base of the 

thumb. Sometimes the pain extends to the forearm, especially when the 

movement requires moving the thumb and wrist - such as holding objects.

The swelling of the wrist may also appear on the side of the thumb, and 

sometimes a bag filled with fluid may appear. Simple operations such as raising 

a cup of coffee or peeling vegetables are impossible.


 the reasons:

Excessive use of the wrist and wrist is one of the main reasons.

Two main tendons, the abductor pollicis longus tendons and the extensor pollicis 

brevis, connect the thumb and hand, and extend across the fibrous sheath in the 


In the case of frequent tingling of the thumb, or repetition of constipation in the 

thumb with a rotation of the wrist, the tendons can be inflamed. As it may be 

tightened, which limits the movement of tendons.

If this condition remains untreated, the increased inflammation and constriction 

may cause scars that inhibit more than the movement of the thumb.

Di Corvine is sometimes referred to as a "baby's wrist" or "thumb of the mother" 

because it appears in new mothers, perhaps because of their frequent 

movements to care for their babies. They may also be caused by thumb 

exposure to damage due to a condition of inflammation such as rheumatoid 

arthritis. However, the cause of the problem often remains unclear.



The doctor examines the thumb and recognizes the pain in the base while 

performing the patient's movements of hand and thumb.

The most common tests are called the Finkelstein maneuver. The doctor asks 

you to close the four fingers on your thumb and then quickly pull your wrist 

toward the small finger. This leads to the tendon of the tendon through the 

narrow sheath, a very painful movement in people with diphtheria.


 the cure:

The basic treatment is rest, put ice packs, and take non-steroidal anti-

inflammatory drugs.

Comfort is especially important because continuous use of the thumb will 

stimulate inflammation. One way to relax the thumb and wrist is to use a splint 

that covers the thumb and wrist. However, doctors are different about the time of 

use of this splint. Some see the need to wear it for six weeks while others 

recommend wearing it only when the pain occurs.

For pain relief, ice is placed on the wrist for 15 minutes every four to six hours, 

and medications are taken.

If the pain does not hide within three weeks, the doctor may prescribe a syringe 

of steroids injected into the tendon sheath. If all of these treatments fail, the next 

step is to perform surgery to open the sheath, in order to allow for greater area 

of ​​tendons.

After the pain subsides and the tumor disappears, the simple exercises can help 

restore normal movement to the thumb and wrist. You must massage the base 

of the thumb and palm before doing thumb thumb exercises.


 Finger Trigger


The trigger finger is a painful condition in which the finger or thumb closes on 

itself, when the person takes it or adjusts it.

This name is named because this is similar to the sound of the finger when you 

click it. This condition occurs in people in their 40s and 50s, which is six times 

more prevalent among women than men.


The first symptom of this disease is probably the pain, and increased thickness 

of the base of the finger or thumb.

Its special feature is a crackling resembling the trigger of the gun, appearing 

gradually or suddenly, and the pain may spread "radially" to the palm of the hand 

or to the end of the finger and thumb.

If the finger or thumb is closed to the palm of the hand when waking up, the 

finger can be gradually released from its position over time.

The problem seems to lie in the middle finger or upper part of the thumb. But it is 

actually a problem in the base of the fingers affecting the joints. Sometimes the 

finger joint can be loosened by a finger-base massage. 

 the reasons:

Frequent movements during work may cause it, but research on this issue is 


Trigger finger is also associated with rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes (people 

with diabetes are four times more susceptible to trigger finger). But, at times, the 

cause remains unknown.

This condition arises when a knot appears on the tendon, or swells in the lining 

(the synovial membrane). As a result, the tendon, instead of passing smoothly 

through the fibrous sheath that normally passes through, becomes stuck, 

causing pain and stiffness.

Trigger finger can also occur due to inflammation in the narrow sheath. In both 

cases, a vicious circle occurs: the more the tendon is stuck, the more swelling 

and discomfort. The more swelling and discomfort, the more likely the tendon 

becomes stuck.


 The main indicator of the pathological condition is the date of the hardening of 

the injured finger, or its cracking when folded or flexed.

X-rays are not necessary for diagnosis.

The doctor will examine swelling at the base of the thumb when opening, closing 

and moving the hand. Another case, called Dupuytren's contracture, is usually 


  the cure:

The first step to treatment is to stop any action that would make the situation 


 The second step is to disable or block the movement of the finger or thumb, 

either hard to a nearby finger or using a splint.

 The splint can be useful at night, especially to prevent hardening of the finger. 

To relieve pain ice packs non-steroidal taken placed.

If you suffer from the condition, even after six weeks of paralyzing the injured 

finger, the doctor will recommend that you inject a steroid into the base of the 


 If symptoms do not improve six weeks later, another injection may be given. 

Non-surgical treatments for this condition (and de Quervin case) are effective if 

they are started early with the movement of infected fingers disrupted.

However, if the condition remains as it is, the doctor may recommend surgery, 

similar to the surgery of the case of "de Corvine".

The surgery on the trigger finger involves the opening of the sheath to enable 

the tendon to move through it easily. The results of the operation, swelling and 

discomfort, may last for a month or more.

  1. Am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster ( crabby crew ) for 5 years but last year i loose my job because of this deadly disease called HIV and Herpes(herpes and cold sore outbreaks), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctor report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HIV and Herpes positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to this Doctor Called Dr Aziba , that was how i contacted him and i get medication from him and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact Dr Aziba if you are HIV And Herpes or any kind of disease you got infected with do contact the Herbal Doctor via his Email ( priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com ) or call or via WhatsApp[ +2348100368288 ]
    doctor is a life saver.


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