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12 secrets of beneficial effects and benefits of olive oil for the body |
Not all fats are harmful to the human body.
It turns out there are healthy fats. They must be included in your daily diet if you want to keep your health strong for many years. Lack of fat adversely affects the appearance.
Foods containing healthy fatty substances are avocados and coconuts. But did you know that you have another source of healthy fat in your kitchen?
Olive oil and benefits for the body
Dark olive oil
Guessed? Of course, this is olive oil!
Read the article to find out what olive oil is useful for and what a wonderful effect this Mediterranean storehouse of health has.
Composition and nutritional value of olive oil
Light olive oil
According to the US Department of Agriculture’s National Food Database, one tablespoon of olive oil contains:
119 calories
Vitamin E - 1.94 mg (13% of the recommended daily intake)
Vitamin K - 8.1 mg (9%)
Saturated Fat - 1.9 g
Monounsaturated Fat - 9.9 g
Polyunsaturated fat - 10.5 g
As you can see, olive oil contains many types of fats.
The American Heart Health Organization recommends consuming no more than 16 grams of saturated fat, this with a standard daily diet of 2000 calories. 1.9 grams of fat is equivalent to 12% of this diet.
American cardiologists also recommend consuming as many monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as possible. They are most useful and easier to digest.
The advantage of olive oil is that it just contains a large amount of such so-called “good” fats. Therefore, only one tablespoon of oil per day can bring you great benefits.
Useful properties of olive oil
Next, we look at 12 beneficial effects of olive oil on the body.
Antioxidant properties
Olive oil in salad
Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cell damage caused by the activity of dangerous oxygen molecules known as free radicals.
Free radicals can cause heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and other serious ailments.
Olive oil contains powerful antioxidants, which means it can protect us from these insidious diseases.
According to a scientific study published by Nutrition Research Reviews, the bitter taste of olive oil is given by two chemical elements - hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, which exhibit active antioxidant properties.
Vitamin E and Vitamin K are also antioxidants.
Anti-inflammatory effect
Asthma Remedy
If you are familiar with my article “Anti-inflammatory diet,” then remember that the chronic inflammatory process is associated with many serious diseases. This is asthma, and allergies, and heart ailments, and cancer, and many others.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil plays an important role in the organization of the food process during therapy.
Oleic acid contained in oil is especially appreciated. This monounsaturated fatty compound perfectly reduces the number of markers of inflammation.
In Japan, in 2007, studies of oleic acid were performed. The experiment involved more than 3,000 people.
It was found that the use of this acid (in combination with other fats) reduces the level of inflammation in humans.
Olive oil also contains oleakansal, an even more powerful antioxidant.
Numerous studies have shown that the effect of this substance is similar to that of ibuprofen (50 grams of oil corresponds to 10% of an adult dose of ibuprofen).
Of course, 10% is not much, but scientists are of the opinion that even such low doses of pain medication have a cumulative effect.
Antibacterial properties
Olive oil and olives
Olive oil has pronounced antibacterial properties.
A scientific experiment was conducted, during which it turned out that acetic acid and olive oil are the best generally available fighters against bacteria.
The presence of olive oil in mayonnaise reduces the risk of exposure to salmonella and listeria.
Olive oil has a depressing effect on Helicobacter pylori, pathogenic intestinal bacteria that cause ulcers and stomach cancer.
Chemical and biological studies have proven that olive oil substances have a strong bactericidal effect against 8 strains of H. pylori - 3 of which are generally resistant to antibiotics!
The scientific fact is that only 30 grams of olive oil per day can kill H. pylori in 40% of people in 14 days.
Nutrition Product
Nutrition Products
High consumption of olive oil is inextricably linked with the concept of proper nutrition.
A well-known scientific experiment in which 1,600 people from 18 to 60 years old took part. It turned out that people with the highest levels of olive oil consumption (13.5% of the total calories) had exclusively healthy foods in their diet.
This means that they moderately consumed cereals, baked goods, whole milk, sausages, sweets, fruit packaged juices and sparkling water. And they chose to include fish, eggs, vegetables and healthy fats in their menu.
It is not surprising that people who have made the daily use of olive oil their habit, get the necessary amount of fat, as well as vitamins and nutrients.
Of course, this does not mean that you just have to start drinking olive oil, and all your health problems will be immediately solved. But there is a certain connection.
Perhaps those who consume olive oil every day just stick to the Mediterranean cuisine (whole grains, fish, vegetables).
Good for the heart
Heart of olives and olive oil
Numerous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet is extremely beneficial for heart function.
For example, 7447 participants, aged 55 to 80, who, although they had no heart problems, were at risk, took part in one experiment.
The participants were divided into three groups, and each group had its own diet. They were a Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil, a Mediterranean diet with nuts and a healing diet.
Scientists have proved that in those groups where there was a Mediterranean diet (with butter and nuts), there is a decrease in the frequency of unpleasant sensations in the heart, as healthy fats stabilize the cardiovascular system.
Olive oil is indicated for high blood pressure (hypertension).
In 2000, a study was conducted that regular use of olive oil in food will help reduce the need for antihypertensive drugs by 48%.
Stroke Risk Reduction
bottled olive oil
Two large-scale studies are known to science, which have proved that olive oil plays an important role in protecting a person from the risk of stroke.
One of them was a scientific analysis involving 841211 people who, based on 32 cohort studies, studied various types of monounsaturated fats and their effect on the human body.
Researchers have noted a “significant association” between high consumption of olive oil and a reduced risk of sudden death. And the likelihood of a stroke is reduced by 17%.
The second experiment was based on observations of more than 38,000 people. The relationship between olive oil and improved heart conditions was also seen.
Cancer protection
Olive little to protect against cancer
The incidence of cancer in the Mediterranean countries is an order of magnitude lower than in the countries of Scandinavia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And this makes you wonder: what if this food works wonders?
We have already found out that olive oil is rich in antioxidants, and also has a depressing effect on the appearance and reproduction of cancer cells.
And it is scientifically proven!
For example, oleakanzal kills cancer cells in less than an hour! The results of this study were published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Oncology in 2015.
Under normal conditions, cancer cells die within 16-24 hours. And oleakansal accelerates this process - only 30-60 minutes.
Also, olive oil will be very useful in breast cancer and its prevention.
A scientific experiment is known when 4,000 women, aged 60 to 80 years, were divided into 2 groups and different meals were prescribed. The first group was supposed to eat a Mediterranean diet with plenty of olive oil for 6 years. And the second in the same period of time adhered to a special therapeutic diet.
After 5 years of the diet, it was found that the Mediterranean diet reduced the risk of cancer cells by 68% compared to a therapeutic diet.
Brain stimulation
Brain activity
Olive oil helps you protect your brain from Alzheimer's insidious disease, the most common form of dementia that causes numerous problems with memory, thinking and behavior.
People with Alzheimer's disease have an accumulation of protein (amyloid beta) in certain parts of the brain.
Olive oil perfectly removes protein deposits, thereby preventing the development of the disease.
Also, the Mediterranean diet is recommended for people with increased mental stress.
Rheumatoid arthritis treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis
Given that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease, and we already know that olive oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it is reasonable to conclude that olive oil can relieve pain and swelling associated with RA.
Science supports this view, although there has been little research in this area.
In 2014, a scientific experiment was conducted in Spain, and it was found that the Mediterranean diet (with olive oil) positively affects this problem: pain, markers of inflammation are reduced, and the toxic effect is reduced.
In another study, lasting 24 weeks, patients with arthritis at the same time as olive oil took fish oil. The result of the experiment is a decrease in the intensity of pain, the elimination of the symptom of morning stiffness, the appearance of strength in the muscles of the hands.
The right choice for cooking
Cooking with Olive Oil
There are many good oils, but not all are suitable for cooking.
Some oils can not withstand high temperatures, begin to smoke. And smoke, as you know, contains toxic substances, free radicals, which is very harmful for our body.
Scientists have studied the properties of olive oil at high temperatures.
Olive oil was kept on fire for 24 hours, in other words, fried. It was found that it is extremely resistant to elevated temperatures.
Another study was the use of sunflower and olive oils for 40 fry.
During the first 20 treatments, olive oil showed good results, unlike sunflower. Then all the differences were erased, and over the next 20 fry, both types of oil were unsuitable for food.
Conclusion - olive oil is safe for frying, but you need to change it after each cooking.
Weight maintenance
Help maintain the right weight
I have said many times that it is not fat that makes you fat, but sugar!
Thanks to one 2-year study involving more than 1,100 older people, the Mediterranean diet was proven to reduce the risk of obesity by 88%.
Another experiment was conducted in Spain, 7368 university graduates participated. For 2 years, they ate quite a large amount of olive oil every day. The results showed that the weight of the participants remained normal, which means that excess fat does not cause pathological weight gain.
Type 2 diabetes prevention
Useful for Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease in the United States, and by 2050, according to statistics, one in three Americans will suffer from it.
Olive oil, like some other fats, can have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.
This clearly illustrates a scientific experiment in which 418 patients with type 2 diabetes took part. They were divided into 2 groups. People from group 1 adhered to the Mediterranean diet, and patients from group 2 adhered to the medical diet. Result - an improvement was observed in 40% of patients from group 1.
More recently, in 2015, a study was conducted in which 25 participants received typical Mediterranean food for lunch: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish. Half of the participants were prepared with the addition of olive oil, and the second half with corn.
After eating, they underwent a blood test. It turned out that a group of people who had corn oil had an increase in glucose. That is, with the help of olive oil you can completely control the level of sugar.
In conclusion, the benefits of olive oil
Olive oil and olives
As you can see, olive oil contains a lot of useful substances.
Choose extra virgin olive oil, it has a more pronounced taste, and also has a higher concentration of biologically active components.
But remember that everything is good measure. And in the use of olive oil as well. One tablespoon contains 120 calories, and this is enough for the daily norm.
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