




A diet consisting of fast foods and fast food has become so familiar that changes in it collide with rejection even at the subconscious level. Especially the internal barriers are palpable if you dramatically change your diet. But what to do in this case? There is only one way out: to make adjustments to nutrition gradually, but systematically. Then the body and psyche will not experience stress, and you will soon feel better and see positive changes in your figure. A big plus will be if your wife (girl) will support you in this matter.

3 most effective diets for men
No. 1. Traffic light
The essence of the diet is to divide the products according to colors:

Red color (products are forbidden): fat milk, fatty meat, sausages, sausages, mayonnaise, sauces, white bread, yeast products, cream cakes, fast food, semi-finished products, sweet soda and soft drinks, beer.

Yellow color (products are allowed until 6 pm): spaghetti, cereals on the water, products from coarse flour, low-fat meat (chicken, turkey, veal), low-fat cheese, chocolate sweets, cottage cheese, ketchup, coffee, as well as dry wine.

Green color (you can eat at any time of the day): buckwheat porridge, low-fat dairy products, cabbage, carrots, lemons, oranges, apples with sourness, green tea without sugar.


No. 2. ABS

This diet is designed by American nutritionists specifically for men. ABS diet consists of 12 groups of products that will form your entire diet. Each meal must necessarily include at least 2 types of products from this list. For the duration of the diet, limit or completely abandon alcohol, sugary juices and carbonated drinks. It is also necessary to perform physical exercises, which are aimed at strengthening the muscles and abdominals.

The diet is designed for a 6-week period. There should be 6 meals a day - breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Between meals, it is advisable to maintain a pause of 1.5-2 hours. There are no restrictions on the size of portions, but you should be guided by common sense - not to overeat, but not to starve.

And so that during the ABS diet period you will not be saddened - one of the days (for breakfast, lunch or dinner) you can absolutely officially allow yourself to eat whatever you want. Naturally, not abusing.

So, the list of products for ABS diet

1) various types of nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts)

May supplement: sunflower seeds (sunflower, pumpkin); avocado.

Forbidden: candied or salted nuts.

These products are rich in vegetable protein, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, polyunsaturated fats, vitamins of group B and E. In addition to the fact that these products help to deal with excess weight, she is also actively fighting against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The recommended serving is two handfuls per day.

2) legumes and legumes - beans, green beans, peas, beans

Can supplement: lentils, chickpeas, soy.

Forbidden: fry these products. The best way to cook is to boil or stew.

Legumes actively fight against fats, help in building muscle mass, and also stand up for the prevention of such diseases: cancer of the intestine, heart and vascular diseases, high blood pressure.

3) all greens (especially spinach), green vegetables - cucumbers, green peppers, cabbage, zucchini

They can be supplemented: vegetables of red, yellow and orange color: tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers.

Forbidden: cook foods using butter. The best option would be to season the finished (cooked or stewed) products with unrefined vegetable oils (olive, corn, linseed).

Green vegetables neutralize free radicals that cause cancer and aging. Vegetables have many vitamins, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and essential oils.

4) low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, kefir

Can complement: cheeses, yogurt.

Forbidden: fat milk, homemade cottage cheese, sour cream

Dairy products are a storehouse of calcium, vitamins A, B and D, phosphorus, protein, amino acids. The products of this group have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

5) poultry - turkey, chicken

Can supplement: rabbit meat, fish, seafood.

Forbidden: fatty meat (pork, lamb, ducklings), sausages, sausages, ham.

Animal protein is an integral part of any sports diet. Protein, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, which are contained in meat, help with the "building" of the muscles. And fish and seafood are suppliers of unsaturated fats to the body, which are involved in the metabolism and the formation of healthy cells.

6) pure oatmeal

May supplement: cereals, which are rich in fiber (corn, buckwheat).

Forbidden: quick-cooking cereals.

Porridge in the diet improves intestinal function, removes toxins and toxins from the body, is a prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and intestinal cancer. All this benefit due to the high content of complex carbohydrates and fiber.

7) whole wheat bread

May complement: wild (brown) rice, spaghetti from whole wheat.

Forbidden: pastries and white flour products.

Coarse flour products contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, which does not allow fats to accumulate in the body. A diet rich in whole grains helps the body fight heart disease, cancer and obesity.

8) eggs

Egg breakfast is a source of protein, protein, vitamins A and B12. Easy to cook and a minimum of calories. Eggs are indispensable in the process of burning fat and building muscle.

9) peanut butter

May be supplemented: almond paste or cashew nut.

Forbidden: product with added sugar and trans fats.

In ordinary grocery stores, peanut butter is a rare occurrence. Therefore, it is worth looking at the shelves of eco-friendly shops.

10) unrefined olive oil

May supplement: sunflower, corn, flaxseed

Forbidden: butter, margarine. Use unrefined oil only in food that will not be cooked.

11) raspberries

Can be supplemented: unsweetened fruits and berries - apple, kiwi, orange, pineapple, grapefruit, cherry, currant.

Forbidden: candied berries and fruits, jam, jams.

The antioxidants found in raspberries help reduce the damage the polluted environment does to the body. Vitamins, antioxidants and fiber from fruits and berries fight diseases of the heart and blood vessels, take part in the healthy production of hormones, and improve eyesight.

12) protein powder

May supplement: no replacement.

Forbidden: soy protein.

This product can be bought at sports nutrition stores or fitness clubs. Before using it, you should consult a nutritionist to determine the optimal amount of protein. Protein powder can be added to milk and milkshakes. It ideally complements the diet for burning fat and building muscle. It is important to observe the drinking regimen.

Number 3. Diet 7 days
The diet of this diet is quite diverse, and the feeling of hunger is the last thing that a person who decided to try this food system meet. This diet has repeatedly proved its effectiveness in practice. The essence of this diet - every day is dedicated to a product. At this time, you need to abandon alcohol, sugar and minimize salt.

People who suffer from gastritis, colitis or kidney disease, it is better to refrain from this diet.

1 day "Drinking": any liquid in unlimited quantities - kefir, milk, broth, yogurt, fermented baked milk.

Preference: low-fat yogurt, kefir, green tea, pure water.

Day 2 "Vegetable": any vegetables in raw, stewed and baked form.

Preference: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, onions, peppers, carrots, lettuce, greens.

3 day "Drinking": as in 1 day.

Day 4 "Fruit": any fruit.

Preference: unsweetened fruits - apples, kiwi, grapefruit, orange, pineapple.

Day 5 "Protein": any foods high in protein - fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, cottage cheese.

Preference: fillet of turkey, chicken; tuna, salmon, mackerel. It is better to boil or bake fish and meat.

6th day of "Drinking": as on the 1st and 3rd day.

Day 7 "Balanced nutrition": on the day you exit the diet, it is recommended to include in the diet all the products from this diet.

All of the above diets should be supplemented with regular exercise. And if you decide that it is time to start a healthy lifestyle, we advise you to “convert your wife” to your faith. Agree, it’s much better to go to the gym together, do jogging, make a diet and, of course, enjoy the result.

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