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1. Among all the senses, the eyes occupy a special place. Up to 80% of the information received by the body from outside passes through the eyes.
2. It is known that Grigory Rasputin trained the expressiveness of his gaze, his rigidity and strength, in order to assert himself in communication with people. And the emperor Augustus dreamed that those around him would find supernatural power in his gaze.
3. Our eye color provides information on heredity. For example, blue eye color is more common in the northern regions, brown in places with a temperate climate, and black in the equator.
4. In daylight or too cold, a person’s eye color may change (this is called a chameleon)
5. Today it is believed that people with dark eyes are stubborn, hardy, but too irritable in crisis situations; gray-eyed - decisive; brown-eyed are closed, and blue-eyed are hardy. Green-eyed are stable and concentrated.
6. On Earth, about 1% of people who have iris color of the left and right eye are not the same.
7. The mechanism with the human eye - is this possible? Undoubtedly! The most interesting thing is that such a device already exists! Mitsubishi Electric has developed an electronic eye on the chip, which is already used in some products. This eye has the same functions as the human eye.
8. Why, when people kiss, do they close their eyes? Scientists have found out! During the kiss, we lower our eyelids so as not to faint from an overabundance of feelings. During the kiss, the brain experiences sensory overload, therefore, by closing your eyes, you subconsciously reduce the excess passions.
9. The eye of large whales weighs about 1 kg. However, many whales do not see objects in front of their snout.
10. How to quickly remove tired eye? Gymnastics for the eyes! "Butterfly". Blink often. It turns out that in front of the monitor the eyes are lazy and stop blinking, and this harms our eyesight.
11. The human eye distinguishes only seven primary colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. But besides this, the eyes of an ordinary person can distinguish up to one hundred thousand shades, and the eyes of a professional (for example, an artist) up to a million shades!
12. According to experts, any eye makes BEAUTIFUL internal energy, health, kindness, interest in the world and people!
13. Record: A Brazilian knows how to bulge his eyes by 10 mm! This man used to work on a commercial haunted ride, where he scared visitors. However, now he is seeking global recognition of his abilities. And he wants to get into the Guinness Book of Records!
14. Why is vision frustrated? Experts say that the eyes are an indicator of how we look at the world. If vision deteriorates, it is possible that a person is simply internally fencing off something in his life, something does not suit him in the world around him. Although there are, of course, other causes of visual impairment.
15. Too narrow clothing negatively affects eyesight! It disrupts blood circulation, and this affects the eyes.
16. Man is the only creature with white eyes! Even the monkeys have completely black eyes. This makes it possible to determine other people's intentions and emotions by eyes exclusively as a human privilege. It is absolutely impossible to understand not only her feelings in the monkey’s eyes, but even the direction of her gaze.
17. Indian yogis treat eyes by looking at the sun, stars and the moon! They believe that there is no light equal in strength to the sun. The sun's rays revitalize vision, accelerate blood circulation, neutralize infections. Yogis recommend looking at the sun in the morning when it is not covered with clouds, eyes wide open, but weakened as long as possible or until tears appear in the eyes. This exercise is best done at sunrise or sunset. But you should not look at it at noon.
18. How to quickly remove tired eye? Gymnastics for the eyes! "Zhmurki". Blink tightly several times, then just close your eyes and sit for 20-30 seconds. "Massage". By massaging the earlobe, a person affects vision! Since it is on the ear that there are important points for the body.
19. Psychologists have found that we are attracted to strangers. It turns out that we are most often attracted to - brilliant eyes that emit any emotions.
20. It is impossible to sneeze with open eyes!
21. The iris of the eyes as well as human fingerprints are soooo rare in humans. They decided to use it! Along with the usual passport control, in some places there is a checkpoint that determines the person’s identity according to the iris of his eye.
22. The computers of the future can be controlled by eye movements! And not with a mouse and keyboard, as it is now. Scientists at Lodndon College are developing a technology that will allow you to monitor the movement of the pupil and analyze the mechanism of human vision.
23. Caution: When vision works with large overloads, then the body becomes overworked, which is equivalent to stress. Hence, headaches and a feeling of fatigue. The eyes of those who work with computers are more intense than those who work with printed text.
24. The eye is rotated by 6 eye muscles. They provide mobility of the eye in all directions. Due to this, we quickly fix one point of an object after another, evaluating the distances to objects.
25. Greek philosophers believed that blue eyes owe their origin to fire. The Greek goddess of wisdom was often called the “blue-eyed”.
26. The cat is able to clearly see the surrounding objects under illumination six times less than what a person needs. The cat has a special reflective shell under the retina. Because of this, her eyes glow in the dark.
27. The easiest way to distinguish a vegetarian beast from a predator is this: for predators, eyes are located on the front of the muzzle to see the prey. For vegetarians, on both sides of the head to see the enemy.
28. A paradox, but with fast reading, eye fatigue is less than with slow reading.
29. How to quickly remove tired eye? Gymnastics for the eyes! "Up down". Look straight ahead. Slowly look up at the ceiling, hold it for a couple of seconds, then also slowly lower it to the floor and hold it too. The head remains stationary during the exercise. "The beautiful is far away." Go to the window and look into the distance, then at the tip of the nose - this trains the eye muscle. Repeat the exercise several times.
30. Scientists believe that the golden color helps to restore vision!
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