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Poor vision: 10 reasons
which doctors will not tell you
If your eyesight sets, you can use contact lenses or wear glasses. You may also be offered a medical correction. But why does sight deteriorate? After reading about the ten most common causes, you will find that vision problems are not only physical in nature.
According to WHO, today more than 285 million people all over the world have certain vision problems - from myopia and farsightedness to complete blindness.
Most cases of visual impairment do not constitute a serious impediment to life and work. 43% of all vision problems are myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, which are corrected with glasses and contact lenses.
However, official statistics suggest that 80% of all visual impairments can be cured.
Poor vision: causes. Medicine or psychology?
The condition of our body is directly related to the mental sphere. The human body is an inextricable whole in which the mental and the bodily mutually influence each other.
Just as the state of physical health affects the mental state, psychological problems can manifest themselves at the level of the body.
Vision problems, if they do not have genetic causes, are somehow connected with difficulties in a person’s mental life.
The problem is that medical treatment eliminates the manifestation of the disease on a physical level, while the real cause of the disease remains. As a result, the disease may recur or respond poorly to treatment.
Working with a psychologist can identify the real cause of visual impairment and eliminate it.
Symptom matters: what does the disease indicate?
Why does sight deteriorate? There can be many answers. Visual impairment is an attempt to adapt to the current situation, in a sense to protect a person, to limit it from traumatic experiences. Let us consider in more detail the possible causes of myopia and farsightedness, as well as other disorders.
In all these cases, the symptom draws a person’s attention to something important and at the same time is an attempt to solve it.
If vision deteriorates, you must carefully consider the problem that the disease indicates, and find a more effective solution to it.
Where to look for the causes of vision problems?
Visual impairment can be due to both the personal history of a person and the history of his family and kind.
Our life is a continuation of the life of our ancestors. From generation to generation, a certain idea of life and the experience of past destinies is passed on.
This experience contains not only the ability to overcome difficult situations that our ancestors learned. Together with him we are also given those problems that they failed to cope with. We have to learn how to solve these problems - the current generation.
On the other hand, at the level of behavioral strategies and unconscious experiences, we also get a memory of traumatic events, difficult destinies, unfulfilled dreams, unfulfilled love ...
All this, to varying degrees, we embody and manifest in our lives.
As part of the family, we are inextricably linked with our loved ones. The condition of one family member affects others. We have the opportunity to influence each other and help each other. Sometimes our help lies in the fact that we take upon ourselves part of the problems of our loved one. Sometimes help manifests itself in doing something for another. For example, to realize the unfulfilled dream of a loved one in your own life.
One way or another, a person cannot be taken out of the context of relations with his relatives and kind. Therefore, not all problems in life are explained by a personal psychological state or personal history.
10 psychological causes of vision impairment that doctors will not tell you about
If your vision deteriorates, you will be offered glasses or lenses, or an expensive medical correction. However, the cause of the disease can be clarified, eliminated and permanently eliminated from vision problems. Consider the examples that most often lead to vision problems.
Reason 1. Unwillingness to see something.
In the most general sense, any visual impairment is a conscious or unconscious desire not to notice something important in your life. In this sense, vision problems are an unconscious attempt to protect oneself from too strong experiences or excessively difficult events.
Vision problems can be caused not only by personal difficulties, but also by family events or the fate of ancestors. Sometimes too difficult a life story of one of the relatives affects the next generations.
The occurrence of vision problems can also be associated with “excluded” destinies, that is, those people whose existence in the family was for some reason denied or hushed up (extramarital partners; close relatives lost during the war; children sent to other families or children houses).
Reason 2. Prohibition of looking at something.
In childhood, you were forbidden to watch movies with erotic scenes? Connections in psychology are non-linear. Sometimes such an indisputably correct act of parents turns, for example, in a girl by rejection of her own femininity and inability to look at this problem. Bans can also be associated with the suppression of certain information, shame, guilt, fear in the family system.
Cases of alcoholism, domestic violence, theft, betrayal - everything that is hushed up, everything that “cannot be looked at”, sooner or later finds its manifestation in our life or the life of our loved ones.
Reason 3. Fear.
Although fear has large eyes, nevertheless, more often than not, we better close our eyes so as not to see frightening events.
We can turn away from the difficult events that have already happened. And besides this, we may fear the future. Lack of prospects, self-doubt, frightening independence - all this can lead to the development of myopia or other visual impairment.
Reason 4. Pain.
Frequent quarrels in the family, traumatic experiences, the pain of parting and the pain of loneliness, grief of loss and loss - it takes a lot of courage and strength not to turn away from such events, to look at them openly.
Reason 5. Anger.
Many socially undesirable feelings, especially anger, are suppressed. Suppressed feelings, as a rule, find their way out in bodily symptoms. When you get angry, your pupils and eyelids narrow. The short-sighted person squints, in a sense repeating the facial expressions of an angry person.
Many events in the family lead to suppression of anger. Anger itself is a very strong feeling, therefore suppressed, it can easily be transmitted to future generations.
For example, our grandparents often lived in a strict patriarchal order. In women in such families, anger could sometimes accumulate for years. This feeling was very deeply suppressed, being replaced in reality by caring for the family and love for their loved ones. But one day, after decades, anger can find a way out and prove itself in one or two generations, in particular through vision problems.
Reason 6. The desire to "disappear."
In the distant, distant childhood, each of us believed: if you close your eyes, you will not be visible to those around you. If it’s scary, if it’s bad, if you are offended and feel superfluous, you can close your eyes and that's it. You are absent. At times, this belief is manifested in adulthood in the form of decreased vision.
Reason 7. "So that my eyes do not see you."
Parental attitudes are the greatest power of all that rule our lives. “Get out of my sight”, “Do not callus eyes”, “I filled my eyes again”, “I wish I was blind, so as not to see this!” - all these words do not have to relate directly to us.
If, for example, they are told by mother to father, a child out of great love for dad, as if out of solidarity, can unconsciously begin to fulfill his mother’s “covenants”. In the vast majority of cases, the child in family quarrels takes the side of the weak, accused party in order to balance the balance in the family.
Reason 8. Unrealistic perception of reality.
“Look, he hit you again!”
- No, he is by accident. He was just tired at work. He loves me.
By embellishing what is happening or idealizing it, a person may not notice obvious things. To build a house of cards of your imagination, you have to cross out of consciousness, not see the real aspects of reality.
Reason 9. The need to turn your eyes to yourself.
Myopia, like the inability to see far-off objects, can indicate to us the need to be more attentive to our inner world. What caused this need - an excessive orientation towards others, an unfulfilled need, or something else - can be found out in an individual work with a psychologist.
Reason 10. The call to look to the outside world.
If myopia seeks to focus our attention on ourselves, the causes of farsightedness may be the need to look at what is happening around us, think about the future, and focus on our goals. What exactly the symptom is trying to indicate to you, you can understand by contacting a psychologist in person.
Family Constellations: Vision Recovery
The exact cause of poor vision can be determined using the systemic constellation method.
Constellations are a method of short-term therapy, therefore, in order to analyze and solve the problem of visual impairment, in most cases one arrangement is required, which will take 1-1.5 hours of your time.
Sometimes health problems can be multilayered, have several reasons, therefore, for their effective solution it will be necessary to make several arrangements with a difference of 2-3 months.
If myopia, farsightedness and other vision problems do not have organic causes, you will feel a positive result within 3 months. If, however, medical attention is required for vision correction, the arrangement will facilitate and significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment, since it will eliminate the cause of the disease.
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