


Products containing estrogen

Products containing estrogen - hormone of female youth

A woman always wants to look attractive and be beautiful. But beauty comes from nutria and this is primarily health. And the hormonal background - the content of hormones in the body, greatly affects women's health. One group of these female hormones is called estrogen. In principle, they exist in the male body, but in a much smaller amount and affect the state of appearance and health of a man only in situations of their apparent excess.

The main effect of estrogen is aimed at ensuring the reproductive function of women.

Estrogen is a word that consists of two parts:
oistros - indefatigable desire, passion;
genes - the caller.

Or another more literal translation - liveliness (brightness) + gender.

If I may say so, this is the hormone of sexuality. And it is precisely the rounded shapes, chest, and even the female "giggle" that are provided from the point of view of physicians by these hormones.

Therefore, naturally, estrogen deficiency is manifested in:

Depression and mood swings
weight gain;
fast fatiguability;
low self-esteem and inattention to their appearance;
decreased sexual desire and sensitivity.

That is why it is also called the hormone of youth. While a woman feels like a woman and attractive, age does not play a role.

But simply by these signs it is impossible to make a diagnosis - a reduced amount of estrogen. Both depression and fatigue can be the result of a host of other diseases. You can determine the level of hormonal levels only by passing tests. And it is doctors who, after analysis, prescribe replacement or therapeutic hormone therapy. But it has already been confirmed and proved by all that artificial hormones act much tougher and stronger than phytoestrogens - plant hormones. The main problem of hormone therapy is that with prolonged intake of artificial hormones in the body, the woman’s own body actually stops producing them (despite the fact that they were in short supply). And to restore this process after it is already impossible.

Phytoestrogens act much softer and not so aggressive.

Therefore, if you find a lowered level of estrogen in yourself, it is better to maintain their level by consuming foods and herbs containing plant hormones.

This is by the way and a good way to even out the hormonal background after childbirth, when a sharp drop in the amount of estrogen produced leads to postpartum depression and severe hair loss.

There are 3 types of plant hormones with estrogenic activity: isoflavonoids, lignans and cumestanes.

Pictures on request Estrogens in food

Estrogens in food:
flax seeds.
This is the No. 1 product by the amount of plant hormones (a group of lignans with estrogenic activity). In addition to the hormonal action, flax seed has many other beneficial properties for the female body (antitumor, body cleansing, antioxidant properties ...).
Flax seed is used in a crushed form with a large amount of liquid (like bran). It is added to cereals or eaten with honey. Therapeutic (maximum) dose is 2 tablespoons per day.

The plant hormone lignan is also found in sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.
legumes (green peas, beans, chickpeas) and primarily soy, as they contain isoflavonoids - a type of phytoestrogen. But doctors are increasingly saying that a large amount of soy is not good for the body. Moreover, according to the latest data, 90% of soybeans are genetically modified.
And so I especially want to highlight and add a type of leguminous crop - lentils. This is simply a unique product for women: lentils contain the maximum amount of protein for a plant product; cooked for only 15-20 minutes; lentils also contain tryptophan, which turns into serotonin, which relieves depression.



A study conducted with a woman who consumed up to 500 ml of coffee per day showed that 90% of the examined had estrogen levels increased by 70%. Pay attention to this, as it is an increased level of estrogen that prevents women from losing weight in the lower abdomen and on the hips. Therefore, coffee lovers who want to lose weight - stop drinking coffee for you task number 1


Of all the fruits, the highest content of the hormone lignan. You can eat fresh or dried (dried apricots). By the way, the famous people of the Hunza, who became famous for their health and longevity, apricots - the main food throughout the year.

There is this plant hormone in products also of animal origin, but at the moment, all doctors unequivocally agreed that it is undesirable to use them to raise the level of hormones. This is caused by the fact that all modern meat and milk comes with hormone supplements and contains various chemicals that promote the rapid growth of animals.

Estrogens are also present in the following herbs:
ginseng root;
liquorice root.

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