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diseases caused by negative emotions
We have many diseases from anger and negativity. A list of diseases caused by negative emotions, compiled in alphabetical order, to your attention. You will be surprised!
before life.
Arthritis, gout - lack of love from others, increased self-criticism, a feeling of resentment, resentment, emotions of anger.
Asthma - suffocating love, suppression of feelings, fear of life.
Insomnia - emotions of fear, guilt, distrust.
Rabies, hydrophobia - emotions of anger, aggression.
Eye diseases - emotions of anger, frustration.
Diseases of the stomach - emotions of fear.
Dental diseases - prolonged indecision, inability to make a clear decision.
Diseases of the legs - fear of the future, fear of being unrecognized, fixation on childhood injuries.
Diseases of the nose - resentment, crying, a sense of insignificance, the need for someone else's help.
Liver diseases - emotions of anger, chronic resentment, self-justification, constant bad mood.
Kidney disease - boredom, anger at oneself, self-criticism, lack of emotions, disappointment, frustration, failure, failure, mistake, failure, failure, react like a small child, self-criticism, failure.
Diseases of the back - lack of emotional support, lack of love, wine, emotions of fear generated by the lack of money.
Sore knees - pride, selfishness, emotions of fear.
Sores, wounds, ulcers - hidden anger.
Warts - belief in one's own ugliness, evil eye, envy.
Bronchitis - disputes, abuse in the family, a heated atmosphere in the house.
Varicose veins - loss of strength, processing, overload.
Sexually transmitted diseases - mistreatment of other people, the belief that sex is a dirty business.
Excess weight - emotions of fear, the need for protection, denial of oneself.
Gray hair - stress, anxiety, overwork.
Gastritis - self-doubt.
Hemorrhoids are an experience of the past.
Hepatitis - fear, emotions of anger, hatred.
Herpes - guilty feelings about your thoughts about sex, shame.
Gynecological diseases - unwillingness to be a woman, self-dislike, rude, inattentive attitude of men.
Deafness - unwillingness to listen to others, obstinacy.
Pus, inflammation - thoughts of revenge, anxiety about the evil done, feeling of remorse.
Headaches - emotions of anger and fear, self-criticism, a feeling of inferiority.
Depression - emotions of anger, a sense of hopelessness, envy.
Diabetes is jealousy, the desire to control the lives of other people.
Diarrhea, diarrhea - emotions of fear.
Dysentery is fear, intense anger.
Halitosis - gossip, dirty thoughts.
Jaundice - envy, jealousy.
Gallstones - bitterness, heavy thoughts, pride.
Constipation - conservative thoughts.
Goiter, thyroid gland - a feeling of hatred for being hurt, suffering, excessive sacrifice, a feeling that you are being blocked in life.
Itching - remorse, remorse, unfulfilled desires.
Heartburn - strong emotions of fear.
Impotence - fear of being unsound in bed, excessive tension, guilt, anger at the previous partner, fear of the mother.
Infection - irritation, emotions of anger, annoyance.
Spinal curvature - emotions of fear, engagement with old ideas, distrust of life, lack of courage to admit one’s mistakes.
Cough - a desire to attract the attention of others.
Climax - fear of age, fear of loneliness, fear of not being more desirable, rejection of oneself, hysteria.
Skin diseases - anxiety, emotions of fear.
Colic, sharp pains - emotions of anger, irritation, chagrin.
Colitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon - too demanding parents, feelings of oppression, lack of love and affection, lack of security.
A lump in the throat is an emotion of fear.
Conjunctivitis - emotions of anger, frustration, disappointment.
High blood pressure - worries about the past.
Low blood pressure - lack of love in childhood, defeatist moods, disbelief in one's own strengths.
Nail biting - nervousness, upset plans, anger at parents, self-criticism and devouring oneself.
Laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx - fear of expressing one’s opinion, indignation, resentment, indignation against someone else’s authority.
Leukemia - inability to enjoy life.
Fever - emotions of anger, anger.
Tinea shingles - emotions of fear and tension, too much sensitivity.
Mastitis - excessive concern for someone, worries.
Uterus, mucosal disease - emotions of fear, disappointment.
Meningitis - emotions of anger, emotions of fear, disagreement in the family.
Menstrual problems - the rejection of their female nature, guilt, fear, attitude to the genitals as something dirty and shameful.
Migraine - dissatisfaction with one’s life, sexual fears.
Myopia, myopia - fear of the future.
Thrush, candidiasis - a love of controversy, excessive demands on people, distrust of everyone, suspicion, a feeling of disappointment, hopelessness, emotions of anger.
Motion sickness is the fear of death.
Wrong posture, head landing - fear of the future.
Indigestion - emotions of fear, horror, anxiety.
Accidents - belief in violence, fear of talking aloud about your problems.
Sagging features - a sense of resentment and resentment in relation to their own lives.
Saggy buttocks - loss of strength, self-confidence.
Gluttony - the emotions of fear, self-condemnation.
Baldness is the emotions of fear, tension, the desire of everyone and everything to control.
Fainting, loss of consciousness - emotions of fear.
Burns - emotions of anger, irritation, anger.
Tumors - remorse, remorse, obsessive thoughts, old insults, corrode indignation, indignation.
A brain tumor is stubbornness, unwillingness to accept anything new in one’s life.
Osteoporosis is a feeling of lack of support in this life.
Otitis media, ear pain - emotions of anger, reluctance to hear, scandals in the family.
Belching is an emotion of fear.
Pancreatitis - emotions of anger and frustration, dissatisfaction with life.
Paralysis is fear, horror.
Paralysis of the facial nerve - unwillingness to express their feelings, tight control over their anger.
Parkinson's disease is an emotion of fear and a desire to control everything and everyone.
Food poisoning - a sense of defenselessness, falling under the control of others.
Pneumonia (pneumonia) - despair, fatigue from life, emotional wounds that can not be treated.
Gout - lack of patience, emotions of anger, the need for dominance.
The pancreas is a lack of joy in life.
Polio - extreme jealousy.
Cuts - violation of their own principles.
Loss of appetite - experiences, self-hatred, fear of life.
Leprosy is an inability to manage one’s life, confidence in one’s worthlessness or lack of spiritual purity.
Prostate - fault, sexual pressure from the outside, male fears.
Colds - self-hypnosis “I have a cold three times every winter”, disorder in thoughts, confusion in the head.
Acne is dissatisfaction with oneself.
Psoriasis - fear of being offended, wounded, mortification of one’s feelings.
Cancer is a deep wound, a long feeling of indignation and resentment, grief, sorrow and self-devouring, hatred.
Wounds - anger and blame on yourself.
Stretching - anger and resistance, unwillingness to move in life in a certain direction.
Rickets - lack of love and security.
Vomiting is the fear of the new.
Rheumatism - a feeling that you are being made a victim, deceived, tormented, persecuted, lack of love, a chronic feeling of bitterness, resentment, resentment, a feeling of resentment.
Spleen - spleen, anger, irritation, obsessions.
Hay fever - an accumulation of emotions, a mania of persecution, wine.
Heart - emotional problems, experiences, lack of joy, hardening of the heart, tension, overwork, stress.
Bruising, bruising - punishment for oneself.
Sclerosis - hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility, emotions of anger and fear.
Decreased thyroid function is a feeling of hopeless depression.
A spasm of the jaw muscles is an emotion of anger, a desire to control everything, a refusal to openly express one’s feelings.
Cramping is a strain of thoughts due to fear.
Adhesions on the stomach - emotions of fear.
AIDS is denial of self, sexual self-incrimination.
Stomatitis - censure, reproaches, tormenting a person's words.
Cramps, cramps - tension, emotions of fear, tightness.
Stoop - a feeling that you carry a heavy burden on your shoulders, defenselessness and helplessness.
Rash - a desire to attract attention, irritation, small fears.
Tachycardia is an emotion of fear.
Tick (eyes) - fear, a feeling that someone is constantly watching you.
Large intestine - confused thoughts, layering of the past.
Tonsillitis - fear, suppressed emotions, stifled creativity.
Nausea is an emotion of fear.
Injuries - anger at oneself, guilt.
Tuberculosis - selfishness, cruel, ruthless painful thoughts, revenge.
Tuberculosis of the skin, lupus - emotions of anger, inability to fend for themselves.
An enlargement of the thyroid gland is an extreme disappointment in the fact that you are not able to do what you want.
Acne - small flashes of anger.
Stroke, paralysis - refusal to give in, resistance, it is better to die than to change.
Choking, attacks - emotions of fear.
Animal bites - anger, need for punishment.
Insect bites - guilt over small things.
Insanity - fleeing the family, avoiding life's problems.
Urethra, inflammation - emotions of anger.
Fatigue - boredom, lack of love for one’s business
Ears, ringing - stubbornness, unwillingness to listen to someone, unwillingness to hear the inner voice.
Phlebitis - anger and frustration, blaming others for limitations in life and lack of joy in it.
Frigidity - emotions of fear, denial of pleasure, pleasure, belief that sex is bad, insensitive partners, fear of the father.
Boils - emotions of anger, constant boiling and boiling inside.
Snoring - persistent refusal to get rid of old patterns.
Cellulite - emotions of anger and a sense of self-punishment, attachment to pain, fixation on the past, fear of choosing your own path in life.
Jaw, problems - emotions of anger, indignation, indignation, resentment, revenge.
Neck - stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility, inflexibility, refusal to look at a question from different angles.
The thyroid gland - resentment, emotions of fear.
Eczema is an extremely strong contradiction to something, aversion to something outsider.
Enuresis is a fear of parents.
Epilepsy - a feeling of persecution, a feeling of struggle, violence against oneself.
Gastric ulcer - emotions of fear.
Barley - emotions of anger.
Have you noticed that most diseases cause emotions of anger and fear? So let's try to drive these dangerous emotions out of our lives.
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