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facts about the brain |
The human brain has more capabilities than we think. It can be trained and made to work differently. And this, in turn, determines what our life will be like.
1. The brain does not see the difference between reality and imagination.
The brain responds equally to everything you think about.
In this sense, for him there is no difference between objective reality and your fantasies. For this reason, the so-called placebo effect is possible.
If the brain thinks you are taking a pharmaceutical drug [rather than a sugar pill], then it responds accordingly. He drank a placebo, thinking it was aspirin, and the brain gave the body a command to lower body temperature.
The nocebo effect works the same way, but in the opposite direction. If the hypochondriac watches the evening news and hears in them about the outbreak of a new disease, then he may even begin to physically sense its symptoms.
The good news is that if you look at the world with pink glasses, you will most likely feel happy due to the abnormally high level of serotonin [the hormone of joy] in the blood. Any constructive thought or dreams about a bright future can improve your physical condition right here and now.
2. You see what you think most about.
Whatever you think about, it becomes the foundation of your life experience. Say, if you buy a new car, you will more often notice cars of this brand in the city. The thing is that after the purchase you think about your car more often than you thought so far.
Why is it important to know? The fact is that you can get out of any stressful situation by simply reprogramming your thinking. On the other hand, if you are trying to analyze the political situation presented by different media differently, then you will only believe those that reflect your own point of view.
There is something else. Have you ever noticed that people quickly group by interests? Positive people are more often friends with the same positive, and hypochondriacs - with hypochondriacs, aren't they? This is not a coincidence. If you want to change anything in your life, start by changing your mental patterns.
3. Most of the time your brain runs on autopilot.
On average, the human brain generates 60 thousand thoughts per day. But more than 40 thousand of them will be the same thoughts that you drove in your head yesterday. That is why it is so easy to slide into a tailspin of negative perceptions of life. And that’s why we often need to change our familiar environment to an unfamiliar one in order to “clear” our brains.
Negative thoughts create stress and anxiety on their own, even if there is no real reason. And they really destroy the immune system, which is forced to respond to this [see paragraph number 1].
Train your brain. Make him record positive thoughts more often. The more you try, the faster and easier you will get. To treat life consciously is to try to take all these unconscious processes under your own control. The ultimate goal of the practice is to ensure that most of your thoughts arising “by default” are positive.
4. Turning off periodically is vital.
You can literally drown in thousands of negative thoughts that get stuck in your head during the day. Therefore, you need to "disconnect": this will give a respite for the immune system, make you healthier and happier.
The easiest way to turn off the brain for a few minutes is meditation. It allows you to turn your consciousness into a convenient and effective tool.
And further. About the vacation. Choose an active holiday: skiing, diving, hiking. The easier it is for you to focus on the exciting process, the more effectively your head is “cleared”.
5. You can change your brain. Literally. Physically.
When you focus on some kind of mental activity, your brain is actively generating new neural connections at this moment. Biologists call this process neuroplasticity.
Here's how it works. If you think that you are not able to lose weight, then in time you will only be strengthened in this thought. But if you replace this subconscious belief with the thought: “I am in excellent physical shape,” then your brain will build new neural connections to it every time. You will begin to increasingly notice new opportunities that will allow you to turn this subconscious mindset into a new reality.
You have the opportunity to subjugate your consciousness and change. You have the opportunity to achieve everything you want. The main thing is to believe in it. After all, any physical process begins with thoughts that arise in your head.
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