
You need to eat bread every day. And that's why You need to eat bread
You need to eat bread every day. That is why you need to eat bread every day Bread is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. The World Health Organization includes the C…
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Activated Carbon Diet
Activated Carbon Want to lose weight? Pay attention to activated carbon! See the “activated” diet menu right . Nutritionists and scientists come up with more and more diets every year . Recently, an activated diet has circul…
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A regular breakfast reduces the risk of death after a heart attack by 5 times
Heart attack Breakfast reduces the risk of death after a heart attack Scientists told how to reduce the risk of death after a heart attack five times Lack of breakfast and di…
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HEART Some of the products that many of us periodically “indulge in” are also harmful. And even if they cannot be completely abandoned, it is necessary to at least minimize their use. Here are the most dangerous and treac…
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WHAT IS Fructose
Fructose WHAT IS Fructose Fructose (along with glucose) is the most common type of simple carbohydrate in nature. Fructose is present in large quantities in almost all berries, fruits, and fruit plants. Especially a lot of th…
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Facts about the most harmful products
most harmful products about the most harmful products If you want to lose weight, you don’t have to torture yourself with terrible diets and spend hours in the gym every day. It will be enough only to exclude all harmful produc…
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BONE FRACTURE PREVENT BONE FRACTURE. A glass of kefir or 30 grams of hard cheese contains an excellent serving of calcium. Moreover, the absence of lactose in dairy products does not affect the content of this useful trace e…
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11 Use salt to make life easier
salt to facilitate life 11 WAYS TO EASY SALT HOME Edible salt is indispensable not only for cooking. She is also able to greatly facilitate most of the household chores. 1. Using table salt, you can make the color of the ca…
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12 ways to use garlic.
Uses of garlic ways to use garlic. 1. Maintaining good health. Garlic has long been considered a universal remedy that treats everything from the common cold to the plague. It is an excellent source of manganese, vitamin B6, vit…
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100 good tips for spot cleaning
spot cleaning good tips for spot cleaning 1. Products made of artificial silk fabrics cannot be immediately cleaned without a sample using such means as acetone, hydrogen peroxide, oxalic, acetic and citric acids. 2. Stains o…
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How to make a handmade air freshener?
handmade air freshener make a handmade air freshener Homemade air fragrance is the best alternative to chemical air fresheners, which are not only harmful to health, but can also become provocateurs of allergies and skin diseases…
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